



"Independence For You, The Light Warrior, Is To Be Able To Ascertain And Discern What Is Truth And What Is Not Truth" - Archangel Michael,  Master Kuthumi and OWS



Archangel Michael and Ascended Master Kuthumi as channeled by C. Louis Osburn

One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell


These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Phoenix, AZ on July 2, 2017








Greetings this is Archangel Michael and I AM so very humble and proud to be here today speaking to this group who is on this phone call and this group who will be listening to this in various videos and those who are going to be reading this in various transcripts. I'm here today to talk about independence which is appropriate, is it not, for this weekend in the United States for independence.


So independence for you, the light warrior, is to be able to ascertain and discern what is truth and what is not truth. Because we are coming shortly to a time where all of us will be incredibly full of action because we are now coming to a place of action for each and every one of us. Things will be moving at such a pace it may be hard for us to discern what is the right thing to do, what is the right action to take, what is the right decision to take. And independence really does require all of us to go within and seek that guidance that is within us and rely less and less for guidance from without us.


So I invite you today as you feel the oneness that you have created during this meditation that preceded this message, I invite you to go within; to close your eyes, to breathe deeply, to do the interruption of the breath at the top and the interruption of the breath at the bottom, and simply ask a question. I invite you to do this now. Ask: Do I have a connection to my Creator? Ask that question now and see what sort of answer that you get.


Many of you will receive that simple one word whisper of that silence, or that whispering voice within. This is your connection to Source. This is your connection to creator. Strengthen this connection. I invite you to strengthen this every day so that as you go into your service work, as you become very active in the various humanitarian projects which will soon require much activity, you will be able to go within. You will be able to ask the questions and ask for help in making the right decisions. This is true independence. So I give you this as a guidance and as a clue that very soon you shall all be very active.

This is Archangel Michael and I now present to you Master Kuthumi.







This is Master Kuthumi. You may call me K.H., as many of you know me by this name. And I AM but a simple master who has served for many years for this purpose of ascension on this planet. And it has taken many generations and many years and many messages to get to this point. And I'm very happy to say that we are now at the point of activity. It is already occurring as you have been told of in the conversations happening before this channeling session, that we are now at the point where things are starting to manifest in reality.


And as this happens it becomes important for you to concentrate on the basics of the light warrior. As my brother St. Germain has mentioned in an earlier message, this necessity to breathe, conscious breathing is one of the foundations of achieving mastery.


And if you find yourself a month and a half later from that message having difficulty maintaining this gentle conscious breathing, I offer to you today another tool or another weapon in the light warrior arsenal. And this is called persistence. Everything that you know that occurs at the mastery level, be it a master baseball player or a master musician does not come without a certain amount of persistence. Would you not agree?


This persistence is something that we all must attain because even the most diligent light warrior may forget to do the gentle conscious breathing after a month or two or after year or two. It may have been that our ego creeps up on us and our ego says, “Well I don't have to do this anymore.” So I'm here to tell you that persistence is a necessary weapon for you to continue with the gentle conscious breathing and what we have today is, shall we say the ammunition for the weapon and that is called intentions. Daily intentions.


So how does this work? Every day when you wake up have the intention to do your gentle conscious breathing. Make that intention known to yourself and to your physical vehicle that you wish to perform gentle conscious breathing throughout the entire day. So this is an intention. It is a command for your physical vehicle to know that you are in charge. It is a command to your ego to know that this is what you wish to do throughout the day. If you don't vocalize this your physical consciousness or your ego will start to, shall we say, get distracted and it will go on its merry way looking at bright shiny objects on the floor or get distracted with one thing or another and pretty soon that basic weapon used by the light warrior, gentle conscious breathing, is left at the side of the road.


So I offer this to you today a very simple weapon called intentions. Use your intentions. Vocalize your intentions throughout the day. And that is all.


I give you now to my brother the One Who Serves.







Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om, Om. Greetings to you!


Wonderful as always to be with you and we are getting so excited about so many things that are coming.


 It is not only you that are excited, we are very excited. You think that we just sit around all day and meditate and go Om and all of this and that is all we do? No! As you have heard from St. Germain we party! We have good times.


And the good times are ready to roll, people. They are ready. And we are [??] and everything is coming together. It only takes your consciousness, your collective consciousness to continue this process, to continue moving in the direction that you have been guided to for some time now. We speak not only of this lifetime but many lifetimes.


So, so long ago, before you even came here to this planet to participate in this evolution here, you were what you would call a much higher level vibration, much higher dimensional density. And all of this you somewhat gave up to come here and to be a part of this expression here, to be a part of the evolution here of consciousness, and to be the ones that would move this consciousness along as you are the vanguard. You are the ones that come before to bring about these many changes. You, the light workers and even more importantly now, you, the light warriors are the ones that are doing this.


And all is coming together. Just continue to have patience a little bit longer and you will be amazed at how these things all come together and how everything really is being orchestrated. Okay?


You have questions now for One Who Serves?





Q & A


Q:  Yesterday morning I woke up with a healing message and it was repeating: “A message for humanity. A message for humanity.” And then I heard “love.” And the second sentence was, “The veil will be dropped.” And then I woke up and wondered is this just my imagination or was that really a message I was given?


OWS:  Oh my goodness! Did you hear what was just said earlier in the meditations by Yeshua, by the way, who was speaking there, that there is no such thing as a figment of your imagination. It is all real! So certainly everything that you are imagining is as real as what you are seeing. This is what you must come to understand. It is not like your parents told you or your grandparents told you, oh that is just your imagination. Pay no attention to that. Wrong! That is not what you want to do. You want to pay attention to that.


You want to continue to work with your imagination. Your visualization skills are very important. Because as you move into these higher vibrational frequencies your imagination, your visualization, is going to become more and more and more important because it will lead to direct manifestation. So if you are not believing in your imagination or your visualization abilities then you will not be able to manifest as you would be able to in those higher vibrations.


You will train, you will learn how to do this more and more because certainly you would not want to visualize some monster or something like that come crashing through your door like some of your movies. You see? Or there's ones where they are about to go down into the cellar alone and as they’re beginning to descend you're saying, “No, no, no! Don't go down the stairs! Don't go down the stairs.” You see? We do not want that. And there is a buffer that will keep that from happening just so you know. But there will be a training process as you are going through this. Okay? Does this answer your question?


Q:  Yes in some way I believe it. I know it is not my imagination but at the same time because there is a lot of information, sometimes I think maybe all of this information was affecting what I am getting.


OWS:  Yes and as far as specifically that of the veil dropping, it is. So that was not a figment of your imagination that was real. It was a message for humanity to come through you in this respect and this is happening. The veil is dropping. And at some point the veil will completely drop and it will be amazing to you. As we have said before, get ready because you will be seeing dead people. [Laughter]


Q:  What does it mean? You mentioned it last time. What does it mean, dead people? [Editor’s note: Caller is speaking with very heavy accent so is likely unaware this is good-humored reference made by OWS to the 1999 movie The Sixth Sense.]


OWS:  You will be seeing through the veil or the veil will no longer be there. It is the veil that is keeping much of the realities, the various dimensional realities apart. And this will no longer be. So when we say you will ‘be seeing dead people’, we are talking that you will be able to see through the different dimensional frequencies into the lower frequencies. You cannot see into the higher frequencies but you will be able to see into the lower frequencies. So therefore, in order for that to happen you will first have to be at the higher frequency, you see, to be able to look back down in a sense here. You are not really looking down it is not quite that way but you will be looking across the dimensions you might say.


Q:  Okay now I understand.



Q:  I’m trying to figure out this timeline thing that everybody's talking about you know with the lion and the lamb and the wolf and all that. I'm guessing you guys were listening. What does that mean? Does that mean like literally there are other selves of us having a life in another timeline, another dimension, and now it's all starting to cross over?


OWS:  There is very much involved in this and it would take very long time for explanation here but those things that you are coming up with, as we did eavesdrop you might say on your conversation earlier, and those things that you are coming up with were very accurate in many respects. The dimensions are coming together, you might say, and the various ones that have been attempting to manipulate these dimensional frequencies and densities in the past are no longer able to do that. But they have done their works. They have wrecked their havoc you might say at times. And after they do their part it is up for those of the light, those of the alliance to go back and redirect some of the things that they did. And in so doing it shifts and changes the various timelines as you know them. Now that is not to say that all are aware of these timeline shifts. You are aware of them because you are operating very much more in these higher frequencies but some, many are not operating in the higher frequencies. And, as a matter of fact, they don't even know what a frequency is so they are not aware of these shifts and changes because to them nothing has happened. You see? For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear. It is always this and will continue to be this.



Q:  So the best thing to focus on now is how we want to move forward with raising humanity’s vibration as a whole and what projects we want to individually work on or as a group work on and start putting those plans in place so that we’re ready to roll?


OWS:  Yes, very much so. And our dear friend and brother, Moses, said some time ago, you “have received your marching orders.” [Agreement] Not from us but from your Higher God Selves. You see? So this is in process. You are in process. And you are moving ahead as you need to, to bring all of this about. When we are saying you, we are not talking about certainly just this group, we're certainly talking about you as a collective consciousness as a whole here. All are moving and creating this continuing ascension process that is not stoppable at this time. It can no longer be stopped; it is going forward. And some will go ahead kicking and screaming and others will simply float along into it.


Q:  Exciting! [Agreement]


OWS:  You have no idea! [Laughter]



Q:  Was there a party last night? It looked up there like there had been a party all night.


OWS:  There are parties going on yes because so much is coming very close and we, all those of us what you call the Ascended Masters and the Galactics and the Agarthans we are all getting ready for great celebration and moving into that celebration, we are having little parties along the way.


It's all about enjoyment. It's all about fun people!


Q:  If I remember a little bit more. I feel the feelings of it but I don't have the memories of it.


OWS:  Yes. Think about that four letter word that James has talked about and hates so much in many respects ‘WORK’. Certain words are necessary certainly but not to the point that your society has created here. All work and no play?


Q:  ‘PLAY’ is also a four-letter word.


OWS:  Yes it is but it is a fun one!



Q:  What is the breathing actually doing for us?


OWS:  Mainly it is coming to a center; centering yourself. Focus. Finding focus within yourself so that you are moving out of the hurricane, the tornado around you, into the eye of the storm, into the center where all is calm and blissful. And in that blissful calm state you are then able to connect more easily with your Higher God Self, with your mentors, your guides, all of this. This is where you find this in that quiet moment within yourself. This is where then you hear the whispers. You see?


But if you are outside in the tornado, outside in the hurricane with all the winds and everything you certainly are not going to hear the whispers. You might hear the shouts though.


Q:  It’s easier when I'm not walking. But when I'm walking and do the out breath I can't help my body from wanting to inhale too quick without a pause.


OWS:  It is like you cannot ride a bicycle and chew bubble gum at the same time. [Laughter] We have to throw that one in!


Q:  Of course!



Q:  When we go to redeem our currency will our mentors help us in determining the amount we should request? Will they help us to be able to disperse these currencies? I don’t want the funds because I was listening to Winston Shrout saying that having the notes, which were debt notes, could keep us from ascending or I don't quite understand that but I don't want to have a lot of notes left …


OWS:  We are going to explain this to you in a different way here. Rather than answering your question directly we are going to speak in terms of three dimensional activities and understandings versus higher vibrational activities and understandings in terms of fifth dimensional.


One is it is coming from a three-dimensional point of view, the old way, the old paradigm, ask for what you want, make sure you have everything ready, all your papers signed, all of these things, your trust set up, all of this, that is the old way. That is the one where many are still operating from. You yourselves when this occurs are going to be hopefully operating at the higher vibrations. In other words you are going to go into your appointment, or whatever it is, and you’re going to ask for your help. You’re going to ask for your connection with your Higher God Self, with your light mental body, with your mentors, your guides, whatever you want to call them. But you are going to go in with the understanding that all is being orchestrated. Continue to believe that and that is what you will see.


But if you go in with turmoil; if you go in with thinking, ‘oh my goodness, I don't know if I have this. Did I remember this? Did I remember to say it this way or so on and so on, and that will just keep you in the three-dimensional paradigm and that is where you will be. You see?


Do not be there anymore. You are coming out of all of this. You are being trained. We are helping to train all of you to come out of this old paradigm and into the new and experience all that comes in the new paradigm. You see?


Does this answer your question?


Q:  Yes somewhat mostly. So just… when you go in just kind of talk with my higher self and request whatever just request what I feel I can disperse you know without…


OWS:  There is a better word and understanding for you: Surrender. Surrender as you go wherever it is you go for your exchange or whatever it is going to be called. Surrender and everything will be exactly as it needs to be. Okay?


Anything else creates stress and makes this entire project then a chore. You do not want it to be a chore. You don't, do not want it to be the same old same old. You want it to be the new age, the new vibration, higher vibration.




We need to release channel now. And before we do, though, we just need to suggest this one thing. As you are continuing to move through this next month, this month of July into the month of August, there are going to be many shifts, many changes on many levels of consciousness. [unmuted phone interference] There are going to be many levels of consciousness that are going to shift and move within you and outside of you and many things are going to be … well that is what we say, shifting and changing. But as you are moving closer into that time of August and into the Fall and all of this, just be ready. Be ready.


And those of you that are going to attend the next Advance, there are many things that are planned for this to continue this process, to continue this program.


Now that the one Charles has also come aboard here there is going to be a shift here that is going to happen as a result of this so that the Charles and the James are working together here and bringing about an extra level of shift, you might say, that can occur because of this. Charles may not yet be aware of this but he will be. And he is also expected and planning to be at the event as well. So there will be surprises yes, but even more than that there will be experiences. Okay?


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.




Channeled by James McConnell 



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