'As the country with the second largest number of Internet users worldwide, this decision will resonate around the world.'
In a move that open internet advocates say will "resonate around the world," India's top telecom regulator on Monday struck a decisive blow against Facebook's "discriminatory" and controlling internet scheme known as Free Basics.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ruled against two-tiered pricing for different data platforms or content, effectively banning Free Basics, which only allows users free access to a small number of curated websites, including Facebook.
"The message is clear," declared Renata Avila, Web We Want programme manager at the World Wide Web Foundation, which was founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the web. "We can’t create a two-tier Internet—one for the haves, and one for the have-nots. We must connect everyone to the full potential of the open Web."
Full Article: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/02/08/india-rejects-facebook-plan-exploit-worlds-poorest-private-internet