
  • I'm an Indigo and I don't find it frustrating.  We all misunderstand each other at some point but that doesn't mean we're special.  We're just misunderstood.  And yeah, there are many of us who have had similar thoughts when it comes to the state of the world, but my thing is that if one isn't trying to improve the world, why are they bitchin' about it?  They're being complacent and that complacency is fueling the fire.  So it's great to feel like we can relate, but when all is said and done, what are we gonna do about it?
    • Were going to write books and make videos.  Rather then attempting to change the minds of the many who simply want to stay in their current position, people like myself and Lefevere know to change the minds of those who are interested in gaining new perspective.  Ironically those who are in that group are referred to as indigos by one association.  I find it interesting that you consider yourself to be in this class yet you find no frustration in the alienation and disgrace the current structure places on its citizens regardless of their personal efforts otherwise, more over your stating this video is pointless other then driving a book, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of better advertising avenues then ACC.  Maybe you should stop being so involved with yourself and accept that there are still those of us who wish to see change and if you have elected to change your position maybe you should stop trying to align yourself with an indigo movement whose efforts are clarified by this video.  If your so against these kinds of actions why is that you feel you need to be an indigo, perhaps its just their value you see while still actually opposing their ideology?

  • thanks for the heads up, will do
  • INDIVIDUALITY, I am confused, how could this play into the times coming about, I feel at current moment as if individuality has to almost somehow be erased it feels so that the higher self can come about, also the unending frustration of living in a world of strait line syndrome on top of this ascension process makes me laugh at everything in the universe some days

    just seems individuality is counter to ascension or at least what keeps being promoted by channellers and higher beings and on and on and on

    are their no shit disturbers in the higher realms? I guess they are barred from speaking to us as well, ahh

    love and light and. . . .

    oh, who am I again?

    obviously I just need to clarify this for myself somehow

    just feels that the more I "change" to make my way the more I become one, yes with all things, which. . . . is the struggle for me, to let go of. . . the individual. . . . damn sometimes it feels like this is what has happened to me in little bits, as if the individual is being painted over with white wallpaper paste,

    actually the higher sight of the universe, which isn't so bad, but. . . me, tricky processes I guess

    maybe I need to learn more about indigos
    • actually i understand what you are going and am still going through it except now with one difference, im beginning to understand the reasons why and even now i understand well enough to be able to let my programmed guard down enough to work with the process and allow it to proceed as smoothly as possible, but its bumpy.  Tis the path of Honor.  What is occuring is thus explained:in the following and more as well.



      Treatise on the Path of Honor


      Authority and Responsibilities of Sufficiently Mature Sentient and Self Aware Beings to One Another and the Systems that Support them and Prelude to one potential and currently sufficient Forthcoming Construct of Governance and Self Governance attaining responsible utilization and practice as a framework for further free will, free creativity developments.of a scope capable of supporting upto the current Existancial State of all of this Iteration of Existence and its overstructure in relation to other Existences and other states of this Existence that may possibly develop with only supersituational modifications as necessary due to developments, evolutions, and further maturations of the Sentient Being Subset of Life and Developments of Non Sentient Beings into the Sentient Subset.


      For us to attain the level of ascension occuring and attain the capacity to fulfill what we as a society demand, we, at the very least the caretakers to be, must set aside temporarily our focus on our own individuality and our personal goals and needs so that we may focus on the greater whole of our society, its place in the heavens as we understand it, and all the individuals which inhabit it most especially the more important aspects of the states that individuality can exist in within the context of their potential impact on society as it is and as it is becoming and even as it could be and the maintenance of Freedoms and their Responsibilities as Granted By Divinity and Societal Self Governance.  For responsibilities sake, our sake and the sake of all, there are a couple points that we must, as i understand it, abide, these follow.


      The Points of Responsibility and Degree of Authority appropriate Proceed, May they Establish Continuity and Support the Structures that Enforce Responsibly and Sufficiently the Structures that Support the Greatest Degree of Continuity Maintainable and Possible For All inherent Principles and Foundations of Success of Existence, Soul, the Inner Spirit of True Self, and the availability of Progress within reason.  May Mind Oversee and Heart Guide on the Path to Truth and Truth of Divinity of Self ,Space, and Source Creator/Creator Source.


      One we can not force or instigate purposely the change of those states of Individuality of those Individuals in consideration in order to meet this need of responsibility orthe movement of them to self responsibility, this right is reserved for our Creator and Bestower of Free Will and Individuality or their agents in that matter alone, they must reach that point
      on their own in order to truly appreciate it and honor themselves and
      thereby the whole of reality. 


      Two, we must ensure that only the necessary precautions to maintain that responsibility are enforcedbeyond the purvue of Free Will in a manner which does not incriminate or intrude upon it, except where authorized or Mandated by Creator. 


      Three, the mechanisms put in place for those purposes must have measures instilled within it that allow their removal or release into appropriate freedom with restraint once maturity of the society in question is sufficiently achieved such that the concerns said mechanisms address are no longer a potentiality that threatens existence, life, the structure of reality or its potential for evolution, society, and the principles our society holds as dear and Creator Upholds, so long as they are held as right and imperative to our responsible and respectful development and natural evolution as granted to us by the Source Creator whose rightfully owned existence we inhabit and who owns it until it is released unto us for our own ownership,  the right to existence of any individual Life Form of Reasonable most basic or Greater Definition of Life or Sentient Self Aware beings or Groups of Either that is brought into being or naturally comes into being, though such bringing about may be reclassified as a regulated and/or restricted act and appropriate measures taken, when Such Capacity becomes a Threat to Higher Ideals and of necessity to Preserve Acceptable Living by those already alive and the potential to progress in General, until such time as such regulation and restriction is no longer in need or is utterly overcome and no longer applicable measures repealed, their right to free will if it is naturally present or endowed by their creator or marked and placed for review of the ramifications and rightness for bestowal of the right, the potential or ability to evolve for each individual life form if it is naturally present or endowed by their creator or marked and placed for review of the ramifications and rightness for bestowal of the right to evolve if instituted by other than their creator or nature and review and determination of how they can be made acceptable for such right if it is determined that they are not right for it and this only by their creator and the creator's superiors if existent, else nature is considered creator, the potential for and ability of evolution of a society or any species commonality if it is naturally present or endowed by their creator or marked and placed for review of the ramifications and rightness for bestowal of the right to evolve if instituted by other than their creator or nature and review and determination of how they can be made acceptable for such right if it is determined that they are not right for it and this only by their creator and the creator's superiors if existent, else nature is considered creator, and lastly the blessings of mechanisms which support the preceeding so long as they do not knowingly hinder the development of new paradigms of beingness, or the potentials of such developments, so long as such developments and potentials are conducted and/or handled with the highest degree of care and responsibility as feasibly possible and monitored closely for signs of imminent threat to the then current degree of Certainty for Existence Sustainment in this Existence and its necessary Support Structures and any Accepted Progeny Existences determined to Receive and carry the Right to Exist.  All these listed are to be preserved and approached with a degree of priority from Greatest to Least in the order they are listed.  All matters not herein listed or not of direct concern to these are to be considered as least of concerns and in that regard all should be allowed to tend to those leasts and their own personal concerns except where designations of individuals and groups to appointments and charges as willfully accepted by them where applicable or as pertinent decreed responsibilities pertain to individuals or groups in relation to their interactions with the greater wholes and appropriate consequence when they do not accept such decreed or mandated responsibilities.  This not withstanding greater enunciation as and when greater clarity and insight is available and council and conclave determine times and matters appropriate for convening to attend to such matters.


      As for "punishments or other corrective measures" hereafter termed "Reasonable Consequence" for violations of determinations pronounced into effect in these regards and relative to these concepts and potential others yet to be discerned and determined as principles to uphold, they shall be minimal in every occasion so long as the punishment appropiately prevents potential further violation by the individual, group, construct, or construct group hereafter called by and identified as The "Populace", of the above stated until such moments that more appropriate measures are pronounced into effect by rule, law, general respect, or standard practice.  This not withstanding future inclusion by appropriate authority, in relation to the specific Subjects outlined immediately preceeding, any refinement or successive advancement in these regards wherewith the authority over the individual, group, construct, or construct group, or any combination of component members of The "Populace", relevant to the matter, will reside first with the "creator" however first defined whether as an individual or group of direct and active contributors to design and construction of said "Populace" member or if Attributed to Nature or God, hereafter collectively and individually titled "Prime Source", then to itself, an appointed one by "Prime Source", here after titled "Source Prime", or an appointee of the "Populace" member, hereafter titled "Representative" or "Ambassador" these listed in order of Greatest to Least authority and each yielding to its Greater unless the Greater upon yielding as Successor, to the "Populace" or "Populace" member, a Lesser. whichever appears and is announced first with sufficient validating proof as best recognized by "Populace" Member collectively, who may at their discretion utilize a representative or representatives of their choice so long as approved by "Prime Source", "Creator", or "Successor" so that Validating Proof, of Insufficient or Inappropriate Standards to the Higher Heirarchial Members Inner Self and Inner Collective Group Supporting Structures, may be utilized and presented as needed for overall Validation of authority so long as such Validating Proof does not diminish or disrupt said Heirarchy's proper operation or Moral, Integrity, and Honor Directives or the basic rights of any "Populace" Member as currently upheld by the "Populace" and its authority whether inherent, representative, or absolute except and unless granted to do otherwise or in opposition to said authority, except in the case of "God Absolute" and those whose authorities are Granted and/or Upheld by "God Absolute" to be Greater and in such cases the following are to freely act as advisors to those Authorities where requested,  by "the Heirarchal Authority" of the "Order of Virtues" or "Order of Vices" in their appropriate Places, hereafter titled collectively the "Orders of Morality" under the auspices of the "Principal of Wisdom", as given and reasonably expected, and their after the first member of the Populace Member to attain obedience to this Arrangement and Inner Arrangements of the "Populace"  Member in ability and fulfillment will act as Greatest Authority next to "God Absolute","Prime Source",and "Source Prime",and then after this obedient one shall come their "Representative" and  "Populace""Representative"or "Ambassador" which ever is recognized as the Greater Authority by the preceeding Greater Authorities who will have equal authority as the Representatives, Finally after this shall come the "Populace" member "Creators" and thereafter their "Representatives" and "Ambassadors" as recognized by the preceeding and after this all other authorities as stipulated, granted, and recognized within the "Populace" and its members and in all cases the "Populace" authorities exceeds that of the "Populace" members authorities except where previously overridden by Mandate or permitted to be overridden by Mandate now current or yet to be instituted by Divinity, Its direct Support, or authorized to institution by Divinity and its Direct Support, finally after these authorities further authority may be formulated and assigned such that it applies only within The Body of a "Populace" member. In the Inner Structures of "Populace" Members their own determined arrangements and structures will be the sole responsibility of its Creator so long as the Creation in question and its Creator Maintain the Higher Rulings of the External "Populace" Structure in its interactions with Said External "Populace" Structure which they each individually Occupy, the Mandates of Divinity, and Direct Obedience to "God Absolute".  In such "Populace" Members and its Incumbent Structure reasonable allowances and respects should be given without discrimination for any individual to become a Creator or Be a Part of a Creation so long as overall Societal and Member Standards, while Relevant and Upheld, are observed and maintained.  Such obedience to dispensations of allowances and respects are not applicable to Existence, Reality, Cosmic, or Principal Divinities, to "God Absolute", or demigod or demigods under which such "Populace" and/or "Populace" Member/s are subject to by Divine Ordinance.  This not withstanding the determinations by "God Absolute" hereafter referred to and called "God" as though by personal name instead of simply a Title, and for all future references unless and until dissolved by "God" no other should be called "God" or a god due to misunderstandings, slanderings, and misleadings but instead demi-gods,  Archtypes, Elohim and those Closest to and Most Like God or if in regards to a personal relationship with said beings their actual names be used as appropriate.  These determinations being in regard to further inclusions, removals, renamings, of said Beings or Others, their Titles, and Heirarchal Denominations including the Arrangement currently existing as and titled "Heavenly Heirarchy" and its title, Partially or Completely, and reorganizations, creations and destructions of Structures, Arrangements, and their Titles, Partially or Completely of all Inclusive or any other errata determined and upheld by "God"


      In addition to this it is every sentient and capable individuals responsibility to help those that can understand but do not to come to the state where they can begin to understand and accept at least the basics of such responsibilities as pertains to their interactions and gravity of their choices in the context of the power they hold and use whether consciously known to them or not what power that is and how greatly such use or non use can affect the reality of both their own personal perspective, the perspective of others, and the common perspective of all those within that reality.  And to provide aid where able and of sufficient confidence and with sufficient understanding of the intricateness of the ethics involved, or simply guidance and/or reference to those who are perceived to be more sufficient to the task when that individual is perceived to be potentially willing to provide aid, further aid or guidance/reference to another yet more qualified, however doing so without simply running the needful one around for at least the basic aid you might provide.  If the individual is resistant then leave it be, act by example where possible, and offer up prayers that sufficiency will be provided.  In all other matters do what can be done to protect that which is important by your understanding from the actions of the irresponsible and unauthorized in as considerate and free will respecting manner as possible and above all else respect the authority over the matter with utmost obedience so long as that authority does not seem to be abusing its privileges, powers, and responsibilities.  This do with confidence that any seeming impropriety is either being handled or is absolutely necessary for your greater freedoms and that better accepted methods and/or conclusions rendering such necessities no longer necessary while reinstating, retaining, and even expanding your freedoms and making available avenues for greater self will expression and willful experiences. 


      Beyond all this just be creative, make suggestions for the betterment of our future, ourselves, our social mechanisms, and things which you believe belong therein,  and enjoy life, learn, and pursue your own happiness and tranquility. 


      End Treatise


      I am Ra

      Let there Be Light Unto Us

      Light, Life, and Love to Us All

      To the All of Us that Are and Ever will Be

      So Help Us God

    • actually the trick is not to erase your individuality  but to realize it is part of a greater whole.  The unenlightened ego tries to force itself into a picture of dynamic reality as a static thing which is doomed to fail, but when the ego is quieted and overcome not suppressed it is then able to become a part of reality and allow that reality to flow through it where it can begin asserting itself bit by bit and building itself up from reality itself through the bits and pieces it passes through it and itself passes through, before it is said and done the ego reaches the "enlightenment of the soul", which is as much reality as self in its make up ( the soul is the source of enlightenment and the ego and higher self integrate to achieve union with that enlightenment) and once this has happened it realizes it is substantiated by reality and is substantiating reality in turn.  It basically the difference between using force to impede the flow of a river and using the river as a source of force to do useful work, one will never be able to fully impede the flow of a river it will just build up and go around(disturbances which result in the hardships in life)
      • as far a suppressing and overcoming are concerned there is a big difference.  One is that what is suppressed will still remain and ferment to become more potent no matter how long you go, while overcoming is being able to deal with heart of the matter in a manner that allows it to remain but operate in a different state.  Often this simply means adding a new or extra condition to the matter that allows it to react with its reality in a manner which is then positive
        • thankyou for that Adonai, its strange, what you said is as a memory that I had forgotten, though perhaps never fully learned, this clarify'd alot of things for me though, thankyou, hopefully I can create better alignments for my ego now, I'll meditate on this, this is a very simple thing that I somehow stumbled over, for sometime
          • you are very welcome, we all do this and ask the same question, I believe it is part of the self activation process that your soul plan uses to keep you asleep until the proper time comes to wake you and then you realize.  It allows you to experience things you have decided before incarnation that you need without dilution or impurity in order to make you a overall more refined and empowered being of beauty and then you awaken into the questioning of why such states exist and a sympathetic understanding of others in similar states, beyond this i leave you to ponder the other reasons.
    • I see at the very gut essence of individuality the power, the force to "melt" and transform all structure, into its infinite state of infinite transformational being, the true revealer to the false light, revealing the structurer's

      the praising of the true essence of light as being the butterfly leaving its caccoon, the snake shedding its skin away to reveal its evolution. . . again, past these structurer's, to reveal and then also transform them as well, as the yet another of the universe's revolutions takes place

      and all beings are let to breathe yet again, after so long, of containment, within this old order, which is running away from its destiny to be transformed into light true again

      no destruction, just the fusion, of truth

      this is the real transformation, the "melting" of these forms, not the hammer attempting to do so on its own

      the designers know nothing until they meet what they were seeking, what they were missing all along, all this "time"
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