The physicist James Clerk Maxwell showed us that it is at least conceivable to circumvent laws of physics, if only we understand why they work so. This, in other words, mean that there are realy no such things as laws of physics. 'Laws' begine where our ignorance and impotence end. Before supersonic flight, it was a 'law' that no man can move faster than sound. However, the concept of a 'law of physics' is so hard wired in the head of modern physicist that he will suggest every absurd idea to difend a 'law of physics'.The 19 th centuary physicists were in the path of understanding laws of physics. The concept of a law was not as solid as in modern times. Maxwell's equations, for instance were not laws but events in aether that can be understood if we put enough effort. It was Einstein who influenced physicists that the laws are inevitable mathematical type necesities. Nothing can be farther from truth! Laws are contingent on the BEHAVIOUR of aether, which itself has no laws. laws are nothing but firm habits or programs in aether that should be understood, and not gawked at with amazements.So Maxwell gave us the so called Maxwell's demons. If only an intelligent guy sat on some window, he can tell the hot molecules where to go! But now a Maxwell's Demon has been invented in Japan! Modern technology is cabable of molecular machines, what was unthinkable in Maxwell's days. So it is nolonger a question of whether or not Maxwell's Demon is possible. It has been DEMONstrated. The question now is whether it is truely violating the second law or it is converting information to energy. Regardless, it is a remarkable discovery.Regardless whether it violate the second law or not, I beleive that we need a maxwell's demon to reconcile the time riversable dynamics with thermodynamics. You can even explain all the wonders of quantum mechanics by suggesting that quantum particles are Maxwell's demons surfing on the soup of aether. I even think that such was what Maxwell was aiming for it is well known that he was trying to modell electrodynamics as vortices in aether, which can be problematic unless we have a way of riversing chaos. But then quantum mechanics can be understood as nothing but mysterious ways of riversing chaos in the ocean we term it as quantum field. Even the so called collups of wavefunction is just a thermodynamically ireversable transfer of information from quantum world to classic world, i.e it demonstrate the convertibility between energy and information in that the mere act of knowing influences the physical world!

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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
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