Information On Possible Evacution By Ashtar Command - Michael Ellegion Here's some information posted by Michael Elligion: Before, and especially since Aurora Light's and my guest appearance on George Noory's "Coast to Coast AM" Show on Jan. 19th (the complete 3 hour interview can be listened to by going to, and clicking on the image of George Noory's show) I have received many hundreds of e-mails & phone calls from many other fellow LightWorkers who have stated that their own Inner Guidance [I AM Presence] and/or their own "UFO-ET Space Contacts" have strongly Confirmed to each of them of the Authenticity of our book "Prepare For The Landings!…Are YOU Ready?" ( But perhaps one of the more dramatic Confirmations was a recent UFO sighting or rather a sighting of a gigantic Merkabah Federation Light Ship, by a trucker, Lance Campbell, who sent me the attached e-mail describing the nature of his sighting. I had a chance to speak with him over the phone right after receiving his e-mail, and was able to find out more details of this and many other UFO sightings he has had while driving his truck down the many interstate highways since 2010, when his sightings of these particular gigantic Light ships started to occur, and of his connections with these particular Light Beings that he has been in strong telepathic communication with since then. Lord Ashtar has confirmed to me that these particular fellow Beings are connected with the Jerusalem Command from the Orion constellation, which Dr, J. Hurteck mentions in his own book, "The 64 Keys of Enoch, the Book of Knowledge", who work closely with the Ashtar Command, in helping to Prepare Earth's humanity for the upcoming planetary Divine Intervention & world wide Evacuation, which is described in detail in "Prepare For The Landings!" As Mr. Campbell has shared with me, he has had numerous very up close multiple sightings of the 1000 foot Rainbow Merkabah Light Ship, along with other huge ships, while he is driving down the highways, in which the Light Ships will be traveling with him staying even with his truck and keeping pace with him, sometimes close enough for him to see some of the Light Beings inside the ships actually wave at him through the windows or portholes on the side of the ships. He also confirmed something else to me, regarding so many of George Noory's other guests that he often has on his show, from the "UFO community" who claim to be "professional UFO investigators". But, in fact, so many of the well known names within the UFO community are really just "psych op agents" right out of the black op/covert agencies pretending to be civilian "investigators", and these so-called "professional" investigators could never pass the requirements for a real professional criminal investigation. As Lance—or rather his own ET space contacts aboard these gigantic Light Ships--confirmed, what Ashtar had told me many years ago, regarding the so-called "professionalism" of these individuals, who also have been guests on the C. to C. show, that Lance has learned to get strong telepathic confirmation of whether to even listen to most of the other guests that George Noory has had on his show, of whether they are telling the truth or not. As he states in his e-mail, usually or most of the time, he gets a strong "NO" answer, when he is listening to past shows while he is driving along, with the gigantic Light Ship flying along close to his truck, with them moving their ship "from side to side" which always means "NO"—and rarely or only once in awhile, he will get a strong "YES" confirmation, of the guest's authenticity & sincerity, by them moving their Ship "up and down" for Yes. He stated that usually, except on rare occasions [for a few sincere, authentic people like James Gilliland of the ECETI Ranch in Wash.] he has been given the "NO" confirmation, that most of the guests have been lying and/or throwing out so much B.S. designed to attempt to keep everyone stuck in F.E.A.R. [False Evidence Appearing Real]. So it was great to get this much more dramatic "Cosmic Kosher Stamp of Approval" from our "Friends Upstairs", with them specifically moving their huge Light Ship in the "up and down YES" confirmation motion, more powerfully Confirming the Authenticity of our book, and it's contents. He immediately, of course, quickly called us up to order his own copy of "The Boarding Pass" otherwise known as "Prepare For The Landings!" Another person. One of many to experience one of my Transformational Channeled Readings since the C. to C. show, shared with me that right after he had experienced the session, he started to have realistic intense "prophetic" dreams of thousands of spaceships just hovering right above the Earth's atmosphere, as they were Preparing to come down in mass, and in one dream he stated that the very vivid scene of many spaceships looked very similar to the front cover scene on our book "Prepare For The Landings!". Then he had another dream with a specific silver metallic spaceship was hovering in his dream—and then the next day while visiting his sister's house and going on the internet he came upon some web site--and there was an actual photograph of the same type of ship or UFO that he had glimced the night before in his dream. But Lance also discovered, like so many other hundreds, if not thousands of those who had immediately contacted us right after our Jan. 19th guest appearance on "C. to C.", that we had become so extremely backordered with orders for our book (as well as our DVD's that are also available to purchase at, what with the utter avalance-tsanami wave of calls & e-mails from so many wanting to also order the book, and also our DVD's also available, that we were barely able [only for awhile, thank God!!!!] to keep up with the sudden demand for the book. We just got in another huge shipment of hundreds of copies of our book from our publisher (and we are also waiting for another huge shipment of more books in a couple weeks, because of this huge, sudden increase in interest for the book, especially since the "Coast to Coast AM" show. Bill Alek & Aurora Light (who are back at our Progressive Tech Center in Phoenix, AZ, while I Am on my Extended Book Signing & Workshop tour up here [presently] in Oregon & Wash.) are rushing to get all of the many hundreds of Book & DVD orders sent out, along with Aurora and I calling back & answering the many hundreds of phone calls & e-mail requests for my Transformational Channeled Reading appointments that I have had since the "C. to C." show. On one hand we have been in Overwhelm with this result of our guest appearance on "C. to C.", with us slowly "digging our way out of the massive avalanche & tsunami wave of calls" (according to "official" earth sources in the media, the "C. to C. show is heard by well over 68 million listeners, but I am told that it is now actually much closer to 100 million listeners or more). But on the other hand, we are overjoyed that we have been given a chance by God and our "Friends Upstairs" to truly help Prepare Earth's humanity, by getting as many people as possible their own "Boarding Pass" otherwise known as "Prepare For The Landings!" And as I have also shared with so many I have spoken with over the phone in these recent months and days, that we want to make sure that we definitely also not only have been able to fulfill all these orders for our book [& DVD's] but so that all those of you who are right now [consciously] hearing about our book for the first time, you, too, are able to get your "Boarding Pass" as well—"I mean, really [as I like to say, with some "lighthearted humor" to "lighten up" this very serious & "heavy" subject] it has got to definitely be, one of the most horrifying & terrifying moments one could ever possibly have, would be to be left behind here on earth when the Mother Ship leaves!" Michael

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  • I do not want to spoil the fun yet to them...but time it will come..for the one day..

  • Well i think it is not the time yet like them to know what really it is going on...

    First they must know another things ...and the Truth ..not lies...

    And after that they will decide about that by them self..

  • What i would to like to know is Michael Ellegion genuine and therefore one to follow ???

  • Ravinder you were missing part 2 Bro

    You have TWO part 1's hehe

    So you know

    These resonate so far I'm on part 2 now


    Love and Light
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
    • technical fault sorted out Randude ...thanks for letting me know....tell us your views on these videos

  • Michael Ellegion is new to me and i posted these videos to see how many believe them to be true..for if they are true then Michael Ellegion is one to follow....let us wait for more views on this matter

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