Inside Scientology

Amazing cult of personality - this dude L Ron Hubbard even created a militaristic order within the cult.
Jenna Miscavige Hil, niece of Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige, was raised as a Scientologist but left the controversial religion in 2005. She joined John B. Wells to share her true story of life inside the upper ranks of the sect and her ultimate escape from it. Hill's parents were members of the Sea Organization, a secretive military-style order whose members sign billion-year contracts dedicating their lives to the church. Children of executives in the church were known as cadets and sent to special boarding school called The Ranch, she explained. Hill described her time there which included daily inspections, recitation of L. Ron Hubbard's writings, and 25 hours a week of manual labor. There was an atmosphere of paranoia as children were encouraged to report on each other, she said, adding that any misbehavior was punishable by a written demerit and sometimes having one's head dunked in ice water.

From the ages of six to twelve I was allowed to see my parents only once a week and from twelve to eighteen I only say my mother two times, Hill continued. She detailed the arduous process of leaving the organization, which can include weeks to months of mandatory "confessional" interrogations hooked to an E-meter (similar to a lie detector). "Every Scientology counselor is trained in physically restraining their subject if they try to leave the room," she noted. Soon-to-be ex-members must sign non-disclosure bonds subjecting them to a $10,000 fine per violation for speaking out against the religion, she disclosed. Hill also revealed how church leaders attempted to keep her fiancé from seeing her and leaving the organization. As we were driving away, the security chief actually threatened to do everything in his power to ensure that my fiancé's family never spoke to him again, she recalled.

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  • This guy is cool.

  • I totally agree...when people are looking and desparate for answers they will sometimes grab any rope that appears before them, and not really look too deep into things, and just throw themselves at the ideology and tenants of the believe system without thinking things through from an analytical and unprejudiced mind, and throw common sense out the window completely.

  • every one needs some kind of belief system but this and other cults are severe so the people who join are looking for a strong dominant force in their lives

  • Yes Scientology is a very bad cult, and I cannot understand for the life of me why people even join to begin with. L Ron Hubbard even admitted that it was all made up, and that gullible people would join, making him a bundle of money. The whole premise is really out there when considering that the whole premise L Ron even said was just something he made up, a sci fi story....Oh well, everyone has their own beliefs and those beliefs seem to fulfill something they are looking for, I just feel sorry for the people who this cult has made their life so prayers go to all of them.  It is a cult, there is no mistaking.....People so often do not see things they believe in as cults, don't want to see it and are just looking for answers and hungers in their soul, and fail to see that they are being controlled, so sad.  I had a friend that died in Heaven's gate and since then I feel so sad when people fall into misconceptions and end up being manipulated and controlled, but you can't change someone's beliefs, they have to see it for themselves I am learning. 

    • i'm sure you know, Marique, that practicing  meditation over time really washes away problems and brings peace-it's a shame these people waste so much time

      • So true, I do know this for sure Pet. Some people WANT to be dictated to and controled though.  It feels easier sometimes to let other people tell you want to do, say think, it seems easier in some cases to some people who are feeling lost, looking for answers in their lives and feeling very insecure and not knowing how to deal with things in their life, such as with my friend that joined heavens gate.  It is so sad.  I think at some times in our lives though that people just want to be taken care of, such as in the case of wanting benevolent aliens to come and make everything hunky dory.  It is easier than standing on two feet and doing what needs to be done, just as an example.  My friend was very emotionally troubled and had had a horrible childhood and was looking for a better future and it was promised that she would be taken away from all her troubles. I understood where she was coming from, but then that desire she had to be taken care of and feel belonging made her prisoner.  The cult made sure that all the ties to the outside world and family was cut...thereby more control on the members...I learned so much from her passing, and will mourn her the rest of my life. She was a wonderful and caring person who had problems and just wanted relief for her pain.  That is how people get snared in on "feel good, nicey nicey promises and pie in the sky claims of salvation and escape from pain".

        • wow!  that's a terrible shame, sorry to hear that about your friend -heaven's gate-the vids of doe using his eyes as mesmerizing magnets and all the slick sales talk/made up spiritual jargon-i'ts hard to beleive he talked them into what they did-same with Jonestown

          • I feel what happens is that people go into denial mode and do not see the warning signs because they want a different life and turn a blind eye to all the cautions signs all around them.  Most people who are in cults do not know that what they are wrapped up in are "cults".  There are signs galore that something is a cult.  Here are some of the warning signs below that are often overlooked because some people want and need to belong are simply too great a need in their life and it discourages rational thinking.

            These guidelines below in part come from a survivor of the Jonestown cult and she has some very good points to ponder.  I have added some ideas to it as well.

            Deborah Layton was a survivor of Jim Jones' cult. This was the group that was made famous by the mass suicide in which the group drank poison Kool-Aid in the 80's. In an interview following the event, she pointed out: “You join a religious group. You join a political organization. You join a self-help group. Then things change gradually and at some point you stop and ask, ‘What am I in?’”

            Deborah says "So I can't stress this point enough: Any group you affiliate yourself with, it doesn’t matter if that group is religious or secular in nature. It doesn’t matter if the group calls itself a church, book-club, or Atheist discussion group. Even in a political action group, if you see these warning signs then keep your radar up.

            1. The first warning sign is when the group discourages questions about their doctrine and philosophy. The reason we have our minds is to use them. The wise say that knowledge is power. There is real truth in that. Following the group is easy. Sometimes it’s even beneficial. But
            challenging what you are told and questioning your convictions is difficult, especially if you’re challenging convictions that you’ve personally identified with. That’s why it’s best to start from the
            beginning in asking why you believe what the group believes. If you
            don’t ask these basic questions then that leaves you in a vulnerable
            position where you will be taken advantage of, and could even be killed.
            Even scripture itself tells us to question authority.

            2. When the group is following one human leader,
            and s/he has unquestionable authority, it can be a dangerous thing.
            There is an old saying and I believe it: Absolute power corrupts
            absolutely. This is where many, many churches go wrong. It’s also why in
            scripture you never see the early Christians under the charge of one
            man. Jesus is described as the head of Christianity. Bishops elders and
            such were always described in the plural tense whenever used in
            scripture. Further, Paul warned us about false teachers who: “glorified
            themselves above the Lord.” Even Jesus himself took on the role of
            servant when he was with us, rather than political or military leader.

            3. Next warning sign is when they forbid dissent.
            Maybe this one goes along too closely with “discouraging questions” but
            the point bears repeating. And to be fair all organizations have at
            least a degree of this. Many belief systems are using this philosopy, (my words here) even the new age sites where rational thinking and questioning is certainly not welcomed, but mostly criticized and a person gets labeled and ostracized. 

            Being on the inside does not make one right. Further, right and wrong are dependent on the merits of the argument, not the rank of the individual or the esteem that the leader or authority figures for the movement may have with the group.

            4  Here’s a really important one. When you’re told that you must sever contact with family and friends who are not a part of the group. This is a huge red flag. This is how a group makes an attempt at isolating its members. Isolation is a very dangerous thing. The reason they want to isolate you is exactly the same as why groups discourage questioning their doctrine.

            5.  Ruling that if you leave the group you can never return
            is another huge red-flag. This is another form of isolationism and
            intimidation. I cannot stress enough just how dangerous these two points
            on isolationism are. They were at the very center of the Jamestown
            incident, and Heaven's Gate as well. So just like if you’re told to sever contact, should you find
            yourself in an organization that tells you this one, then don’t walk away: run!


            6.  (my on words here) A cult will NEVER admit to being a cult!!  Great stress is put on the fact that their group alone knows all the answers and anyone who disbelieves its information are not informed or rational people, therefore creating the them versus us mentality.  "If you believe what we believe then you are smarter than everyone else and you are elevated and better than others." Labels get thrown around about people who do not believe the same things as the group.  (I don't have to point this out but the new age community web sites are great for this....lightworkers vs. dark unenlightened negative people, lol.  Lots of labels and whatnot....try to deny it and then read the posts here or on many of the so called new age spiritual groups...not saying that new age is a cult, just saying it has some of the cult warnings, but many other groups and ideologies do as well.  Look at Catholocism....really prime example of a cult if ever I saw one..., Jehovas Witnesses, and many more) end of my words...

            7. When their way is the only acceptable way, you should be very concerned. Fear and/or mental intimidation is how the single leaders or group authority leaders and even members control their masses.. It leaves no room for rationality or common sense, and that leaves you vulnerable.(my words here) For just an example If you do not believe in the GLF or any other group of aliens then you are ignorant and dark and unenlightened and if you point out concerns to the faith that others have (that may be worth questioning at least) then you become the common enemy, just as a for instance.  Or if you marry someone outside your religious faith that you are sinning or giving the cult or religion a black mark and that badly reflects on your character within the group.  Again enforcing the them vs us mentality of a cult type group. How can anyone even reason with that kind of irrationality? That is definitely cult thinking behavior.

            There is nothing inherently wrong with secrecy in
            a group, at least not in moderation. Most groups will have this to a
            degree. The first Christians had to keep secret or be fed to the lions.
            People like Galileo and Leonardo Da’Vinci had to keep a great deal of
            secrecy in their progress. In Germany the resistance had to keep a huge
            amount of secrecy. But keep your guard up.

            Last and certainly not least: Endorsing bad behavior is a huge
            red-flag. Abuse of power is a hallmark of dangerous organizations.
            Like I said about the isolation flags above when you find
            yourself in this kind of group, don’t walk away run! (end of quotes from Deborah).

            Very good points to ponder if anyone has not really given this thought before. 



            • thanks Marique-this info should be given to high school students

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