Walk-in, Oversouls, soul merge and SOUL BRAIDINGWritten by a conscious Indigo and Crystal Walk-In, Kari Chapman" INSTRUCTION MANUAL for WALK-INS "Chapter 12:Walk-Ins, Soul merge, the Oversoul and How to assist a Walk-In Soul Transfer.The Oversoul: The first thing to know is that we are living and experiencing simultaneous , parallel lives and multidimensionality in our daily life. What does this mean ? We have one foot (or part of our consciousness) in this dimension on Earth and one foot (or part of our consciousness) in the higher dimensions at the same time . There can be an overlay, or folding of time or life times within our Oversoul that can create a feeling of deja' vu, or an experience of past, present and future moments at the same time. This might explain why many people are experiencing moments of feeling scattered and fragmented. And this also explains why we need to be very grounded in Mother Earth's energy and the Great Central Sun at this time.Oversoul and Oversoul Beings: Neutral energy that came out of God. Every person has an Oversoul. It IS who you are. The equivalent of a mother/ father, it is where YOU came from. Your Oversoul is to you what your Earth parents are to your body. Those who exist in the etheric planes and are aligned and attuned to the source of spiritual light; those serving as non-physical spiritual guides and friends in the evolutionary process of individuals and of the planet; beings who originally inhabited the earth and seeded the root races.The first thing to know is that we are living and experiencing simultaneous , parallel lives and multidimensionality in our daily life. What does this mean ? We have one foot (or part of our consciousness) in this dimension on Earth and one foot (or part of our consciousness) in the higher dimensions at the same time . There can be an overlay, or folding of time or life times within our Oversoul that can create a feeling of deja' vu, or an experience of past, present and future moments at the same time. This might explain why many people are experiencing moments of feeling scattered and fragmented. And this also explains why we need to be very grounded in Mother Earth's energy and the Great Central Sun at this time.A wonderful book to learn the Oversoul: In Search Of Yourself The Beginning by Janet Dian, it is very easy reading and explains the Oversoul in a simple manner for all to understand. One book I HIGHLY recommend, it helped me to understand my Oversoul, :-) We have it at Namaste.The Oversoul and Soul Merge: It is my understanding that there are 13 (12 and 1 gatekeeper who reports to you ) aspects/ essences of our self that reside above our head ( about 6 in. ) at the crown chakra, this "grouping" is called a Monad or cluster and the Oversoul/ Higher Self. Our Oversoul or Higher Self vibrates above the fifth dimension and our physical bodies are vibrating at the third dimension and lower fourth ( a slower rate ) . So what does this mean ? Well, when we speak of a soul merge, it usually means that one or more of these aspects from your Oversoul is being dropped down into your consciousness and at the cellular level. This can feel strange at times, as it is a much higher vibration than our physical bodies are used to. If you feel you have experienced a soul merge, drink a lot of water, rest and pray for grace. The tiredness should only last a few days until the two energies meld as one.You can usually tell when you've experienced a soul merge. Your habits may change, like the type of clothes and the colors you wear, or your food habits might changeThe difference between a soul merge and a walk-in is that a soul merge joins an aspect of your Oversoul with your personality, and both meld together. With a walk-in, the walkout soul/personality eventually leaves.After I experienced a soul merge, I remember one Saturday morning when I woke up and literally jumped out of bed , looked at my husband and thought "Who the heck is that " literally ! :-) I was integrating soul energy that was not familiar with my husband. It's no big deal, in fact it can be pretty exciting and amazing at times. I feel it is a wonderful experience. Think about it, another part of you and your consciousness, is joining the cellular body and personality. Usually great gifts come with a soul merge. Many remembrances will follow and you may discover increased access to communication from your Oversoul. I've experienced more Christ Consciousness with a much higher level of clarity and knowingness of who I AM. And who I am as a soul or spirit.. It's almost like you have a council and you are becoming aware that you can be a conscious part of this council. You then will become aware of a much greater purpose for your life-as one with all. Is this not a part of becoming One-to merge with our Oversoul ? Yes, it is. Your consciousness is your entire Oversoul. I feel that it is a very important step for walk-ins to become familiar with their Soul/ OverSoul/ HigherSelf ( they all represent the same meaning, different words are used in different teachings and studies ) as this IS who YOU are, you ARE your soul. Your soul is just a higher vibration of you, you the personality in the physical body. You can receive much help and clarity from your Soul, they are there to help you and assist in any way they can. Always ask your Soul for absolute clarity in a way that your logical mind will know and understand.Sometimes this type of integration is with your Oversoul or with energy from other sources. Have you ever been to a sacred or Holy place where you thought ,"Wow, I love this energy here ?" Something in your DNA was being activated to respond in a certain way, at a specific time and location. It's all been pre-planned and arranged. You showing up is the key , which fulfills the Law of Participation. Sometimes our physical body needs to be present to key this in at the cellular level and to activate our cellular memory.Walk-Ins: There are many conscious walk-ins taking place now. A walk-in is a soul that transfers its identity into an adult's body which the previously existing soul occupant no longer wishes to inhabit. Perhaps their soul contract is complete or maybe the existing soul just wants out of the present soul contract. In many cases, the original soul has completed its initial mission, and therefore, agrees to leave and make the body available to another soul, rather than go through physical death. On another level they both agreed that the transfer would take place, whether they consciously remember or not, that agreement did take place.I have noticed through experience that when a walk-in occurs with a child, it is usually years before the child is allowed to remember. And there can be more than one walk-in in one physical body. Of course its ALWAYS at separate times. More than one soul might have agreed with the existing soul to experience the physical body for a certain amount of time ,either for life lessons or to just prepare it for another walk-in. Accessing the soul's Akashic records ( or soul records ) is very important with multiple walk-ins. It is also my understanding that Walk-In children have 2 years to back out of their soul contracts and in the last few years all of the Walk-Ins that we have assisted have what spirit calls "An Open Contract" for 2 and 1/2 years to back out of their Walk-In agreement. After I asked why ? this is what I received from Archangel Michael." Upon arriving on Earth and in their new bodies many Walk-Ins realize that it is much harder then they expected to complete their Walk-In assignments and we have agreed to give them 2 and 1/2 years to decide if they want to stay in that current contract".For example, children who have left under the name of SID, Sudden Infant Death, may be backing out of their soul contracts. This usually happens before the child is 2 years old. If there is not another contract for a walk-in, then the child will leave. But there have been many walk-ins come in during this SID time.From what I understand it is agreed with by the previous soul, the incoming soul, and with God/Creator. And the incoming soul is usually part of or from the SAME Oversoul monad , and on rare occasions it can be a complete new monad. It is always agreed with by both souls. I would also like to clarify that a Walk-in is not a possession. A walk-in is agreed with by both souls and is by choice. A possession is by force and usually with an entity that is not to a persons highest good, whereas a Walk-in is always by CHOICE.Through working with a number of walk-ins, I have learned that many such soul transfers happen during a serious illness, accident, trauma, or NDE, ( near death experience) . But in the past year I have seen a shift within this experience-- the walk-ins have been coming in more conscious and through a less traumatic experience. A walk-in usually experiences a major shift in personality. He or she may notice changes in habits, likes and dislikes, and possibly feel compelled to change their names, careers or jobs. I asked spirit what my soul name was, as the prior souls name did not FEEL right for ME, it was not MY vibration and I was told Kari ( the prior souls name was Cari ) I came from the K System / Planet which is from the Omniverse. It is important that I carry the energies of where I came from through the letter or symbol of K.All conscious walk-ins that I have met and have personally worked with seem to be extremely spiritually drawn to work in service. Many walk-ins will also go through a form of detachment with the prior soul's family. A divorce is not uncommon with walk-ins. These are all signs of a walk-in experience, but there are many exceptions to the rule. Every walk-in experience is very unique, and tailored for that soul. It all depends on the soul contract and agreements that the soul makes for its spiritual growth, which result in varying experiences. Almost always friends and family of the walk out will go through some form of grieving for a period of time. As if a death had taken place. And if you think about it, this makes sense. The soul that used to reside in the body is no longer present. Friends and family see the same physical body but not the same soul essence. It is very important to allow this grieving to take place, as it is a part of the healing that needs to be expressed.There is usually a period of time in which they coexist to give the incoming soul a chance to become familiar with the body, the family and the emotions, in order to stabilize. In these accelerated times, "walking-in" is an efficient means of advancing your mission and coming into an already matured body that saves both time and energy from not having to go through the child process. I would like to include one of my examples of co-existing.You are in a (car) and you the current soul is driving this car ( car is also represented as a "vehicle" or "physical body" ) and in the back seat you also have a driver, but this driver is not driving, just observing and co-existing with the current soul occupant. So, you have one soul driving the vehicle or operating in the physical body and another back seat driver just observing and co-existing. When the Walk-in soul comes completely in the body, he/she will move from the back seat to the front seat and the original driver goes home or they continue to Co-Exist for a period of time.If a body is in the hospital and it is dying due to the soul creating a illness in order to leave or the soul contract is complete, why not have another soul enter this body with full agreement , release the soul's desire of a potential suicide, heal the body, finish the karmic contract and continue with the evolution ? You can get right to your mission and purpose when coming into a fully matured body, since you would not need the lessons of an infant. However, you would need to complete the prior soul's contract if it is not completed. To me, there is not that much difference between a "walk--in" and a "born-in." A soul enters either at conception or birth. I and many others chose to enter a child's or adult's body. Truly, there is not much difference between the two other than the size of the body, is there? To summarize, there are two choices in entering and exiting the third dimensional world. A soul may be born as an infant or walk-in to a child's or adult's body. Similarly, in exiting the world, the soul may leave through making the physical body ill and dying, or walking out during a soul transfer. As in life there too is a "choice" in death or leaving the physical body. Please know that there is always a choice in life and in death ( or transition ).Conscious Walk-Ins: This is easily described. This is a soul that is aware of the Walk-In transfer and contract that is about to take place. I have not personally experienced many people who are conscious walk-ins, but have been informed that there will be more coming in future years. There are usually very few or no veils with conscious Walk-Ins ( I know from experience , I consciously walked in Feb.13 -1982 @ 2:42 pm in the Reno, Lake Tahoe area) and many have full memory of their last mission before agreeing to Walk-In. The second that I Walked In I told a friend of mine who was in the hospital to visit me ( the body was very sick and dying ) that I just took over this body ( not knowing there was a word to explain this transfer ) and that I had full agreement with the prior soul and God. I also told her that I was a communicator, I don't experience time and space, I was pure energy and in this incarnation I would be the holder of the Sword of Love and Truth, the Excalibur.Walk-ins are not superhuman individuals. We urge you not to use the walk-in experience as a form of separation or alienation. We are all equal and diverse in our uniqueness.Many Walk-Ins experience a struggle or a feeling of having to "start all over again" or "where to start". KNOW that you are NOT having to start all over again, you are a continuation / extension from where you came from and from the prior soul. You will retain the memories of all those things that serve your ( the new walk-in ) highest good through the cellular memory of the prior soul. Your memories will come back once you are stabilized and grounded in the 3rd Dimension of earth.I have a few suggestions that I and many others have used with great success, that may help with your walk-in process. Consciously agree to remember who you are and what you came here to Earth to do. Find out and learn all you can about your Soul and pray to become a more soul infused personality and make that connection with your soul. And KNOW that is it ok to be different or have unique gifts and abilities. Seek out others of like mind and soul. There are many web sites now available about and for walk-ins. Attend Walk-In Gatherings. For those who do not have a support group or the internet, read books and newsletters on the walk-in subject, meditate and ask your soul for clarity on the soul transfer or who to go see for more clarify,( the newsletters and books usually have contact people who are willing to help ) facilitate some form of a cellular release process to heal and release all residues from the prior soul, ( see release prayers at the end of this manual ) this will also allow more room for the new soul energy to come through, reconnect your 12 strands of the human DNA which will gracefully allow the new soul energy transfer to take place. And may we suggest going to our prayer page on this web site and use those prayers for walk-ins that resonate to you. Pray that the integration of the new soul energy will be graceful and without any fear or negative side effects to any of your bodies, the physical, mental, spiritual or emotional. Learn through meditation your sacred breath, this will help you ground the new soul energy in and will help you to be less fragmented and scattered. Thus bringing you much stability, connectedness and grounding. Walk-Ins come from a much higher vibration and need to learn how to get grounded in this dimension. Open the sole chakras in the bottom of your feet. This will help you to be more connected to the Mother Earth and more grounded on this planet.Sacred Breath: It is vital at this time to learn, know and USE the correct way of breathing. When we do breathe the correct way, we bring Universal Life Force energy or Chi energy into the physical body thus helping us to stabilize our energy and it prevents one from being fragmented or scattered. It is very simple. Stand or sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Take in a very slow deep breath through your nose and exhale slowly out through your mouth. If you try this three times, a calmness seems to enter your beingness. It is amazing to me how this simple technique really works.OVERLIGHTING is when a part of your soul or Oversoul, master guides, teachers or angels blanket their energy over you for a period of time. It usually lasts for a couple of hours or a few days, and it is only temporary. I have had some pretty amazing things happen when I consciously ask to be overlighted with Cosmic Christ Consciousness energy.SOUL BRAIDING: The soul braiding process is always done with the cooperation and willingness of the "main soul" expression inhabiting the body. Perhaps this agreement was made before the original soul entered the body, either at birth or as a Walk-in, or, perhaps the soul in the body needs information or experience for a particular purpose and asks for help. The request may be answered by a soul who agrees to provide a part of its expression for this purpose. In turn, it will increase its own experience through this act. The energy from the incoming soul comes in through the top of the head in a spiraling downward process, hence the term soul braiding.For example, let's say the planet is ready to be given advanced information of a technical nature. This information can be brought into earth by the braiding in of a soul expression who has this knowledge. This information will then be blended into the original soul inhabiting the body. When the purpose has been completed, the soul expression will unbraid itself and return to spirit; this may occur often, seldom or only once. Different soul expressions may inhabit a body at different times for a particular purpose. This is also expressed as a Composite Soul.Love and Light

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  • Thank you so much Dear Marique and Out of the Blue for sharing this information. I heard a bit about walk-ins but I didn't have a precise idea . It's really a fascinating subject !

    From Earth with Love :)
    • Thank you for the video and link. The video was nice and the pictures and images were so soothing. I think I am starting to understand better. Thanks again.
    • Thank you so much for your feedback, I was hoping I would get some. The whole topic was new to me and I do not have a clue about any of it, hate to admit. After reading it though, some of it clicked. I am just getting ready to check out your links and will comment on them after. I am so glad for a chance to share and learn about walk-ins etc. I am so new to so many things, and am glad there is a forum like this where I can share and learn and grow. Back to you later, got some viewing and learning to do.
      • This reply was deleted.
        • Thank you for the link. I will be doing a lot of reading I see. This looks like it will contain a lot of good information.
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