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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
"When we hear about Epstein we think of politicians and celebs who were involved with him, but it does make sense that individuals on Wall Street would also be involved as talked about here. The Deep State swamp is definitely all over the place.…"
"Yes, we always welcome members to post here and freely share their thoughts and ideas...Anything and everything, is fine..."
"Good to see that even more people are starting to post on here now :)"
"General Flynn comes on to the Benny show to talk about James Comey's corruption. James Comey could be the key that leads to the even bigger names being exposed."
"Yes, an interesting vid on physiognomies, Roberto........I will also suggest that the reference to the clay feet of the statue, is as follows..Daniel's dream and prophecy...
The golden head was Babylon, the silver arms and chest were Persia, the…"
The golden head was Babylon, the silver arms and chest were Persia, the…"
"very interesting analyse on the physiognomy""
"Actually, the thought of ape-man Zelensky meeting the King, makes my flesh crawl...He hasn't changed that shirt he wears, for the last Month, by the looks of things...What a pong he will bring to the palace..💩 Yuk...!!
Moreover, this street thug is…"
Moreover, this street thug is…"
“Dark Mission” reveals how NASA operates as defense agency with hidden agenda
02/27/2025 // Kevin Hughes //…
Replies also Google "Deep Underground Military Bases" -also referred to as DUMBs. Then check out for some amazing info re DUMBs including photos.
There are also at least 2 bases in Australia - one at Pine Gap and another less known one at Mt Ziel in Northern Territories.
Interesting to research but not good advice to purposely go too near to these bases even in O.O.B.E. state.
Whether he’s an operative or not, his information coincides with other reports on remote-viewing technology and how this could be the continuation of research into psychic phenomena which was started by the Nazis. His claims that Project Mannequin’s objective was to develop ‘super soldiers’ with psychic abilities, reminds me of a TV series called ‘Dark Angel’. How they were trained through traumatization is somewhat similar to the series. I mention this because according to some people like Pstr. Lindsey Williams who was a globalist insider, the elite have their own ‘ethics’ wherein they have to ‘tell’ the people their ‘plans’ before they actually do it. This is usually done in the media through tv shows and movies forexample. Anyway this is just a side-note and probably another discussion.
Going back, what’s disturbing about these ‘super soldiers’ is that they are traumatized by witnessing deaths. The fear is then captured and relayed through radiowave technology to target locations to increase the chaos in the area. This seems so unbelievable but somehow I have to admit that it makes some sense. It seems like there’s a battle of love and fear in the surrounding air which is why I see that we have to fight to stay balanced and project love powerfully and freely to combat the negativity.
Casbolt’s handler and whistleblower, Barry King, also gave some interesting information in a 1996 interviewer. Casbolt also mentioned Duncan O’Finioan’s interview in Project Camelot and says that they probably might’ve been under the same objectives but under different project names. I’ll check out Finoan’s interview later.
These projects and underground agendas are indeed cringe-worthy but I believe shouldn’t be an excuse to remain fearful and ignorant. The more light and understanding that is shed on these, the more the battle will be won on different levels especially in the higher-vibrational realms. Peace bro
Btw, you have to sign-up now at his site to gain access to his content.
John Kuhles interviewed James Casbolt MI6 on UntoldMysteries Radio Part 1 of 4
6-6 Illuminati ET/Spiritual Conspiracy: Mi6 James Casbolt-Aliens/military bases