More People Killed By Hillary Clinton Than By Sharks In Last 25 Years

Humans have an inbuilt fear and distrust of sharks, much like the voting public's instinctive response to Hillary Clinton. This primal fear of sharks and Clinton may be well founded, according to researchers, as sharks and Clinton combined have killed over 75 people on American soil and in American waters since 1990.
Humans have an inbuilt fear and distrust of sharks, much like the voting public’s instinctive response to Hillary Clinton.

This primal fear of sharks and Clinton may be well founded, according to researchers, as sharks and Clinton combined have killed over 75 people on American soil and in American waters since 1990.

Clinton has the edge over sharks in the deadly predator stakes, with the failed Democratic presidential candidate allegedly bumping off 46 adversaries since 1990, while sharks have only accounted for 29 in that time.

Becoming a deadlier predator than sharks is impressive, considering there are hundreds of thousands of sharks operating in American waters, but there is only one Hillary Clinton. This means the former Secretary of State is hundreds of thousands of times deadlier than your average shark.


Everybody is talking about Hillary Clinton being above the law, after the FBI recommended against charges despite having enough evidence to indict and convict – but keen Clinton observers are compiling lists of the adversaries she has had silenced.

According to private detectives, Hillary’s most recent hit was Seth Rich, who was killed for leaking DNC emails to WikiLeaks and swinging the election against Hillary.

Before that she did away with John Ashe, the former United Nations General Assembly President, who was about to testify against her. Musclebound Ashe met his fate in a “bizarre gym accident” – crushed to death by a barbell to the neck.

Later on the same day he died Ashe was due to testify about Hillary’s links to Ng Lap Seng, a Chinese businessman who had been implicated in the 1996 “China-gate” scandal for funneling illegal donations to Bill Clinton’s re-election fund.


In contrast, sharks have not killed anyone in the US since April 2015 when a tiger shark mauled a snorkeller at a popular surfing spot known as ‘The Dumps’ near Makena, Maui.

The Clinton body count is extensive. While sharks only have one method of killing their prey, a close study of Hillary’s body count reveals she favors airplane crashes and “suicides” (of the two bullets to the back of the head kind).



The Clinton body count has been around for over 20 years starting with the first registered death in 1977 of Suzanne Coleman, a twenty six year old woman who allegedly had an affair with Bill Clinton and was pregnant with his child. She would have been a star witness during the Clinton impeachment trials.

And don’t forget Clinton White House Council Vince Foster, who was found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, D.C. He supposedly killed himself with a shotgun by shooting himself twice in the back, and was found a few days later with a suitcase that contained a shredded suicide note.

Foster knew the Clintons from his time at Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, and had intimate details of the Clinton’s financial situation. Apparently, he made a phone call to Hillary Clinton just hours before his death. The person who found him with two bullets in his back never saw a gun.

An anonymous FBI insider who recently did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) with 4chan, admitted that Hillary’s enemies often “have a habit of dying” and the exact same can be said of shark’s adversaries – if you are in their territory, flapping about like a wounded seal, they will take you out, silence you, and make absolutely certain you will never be able to testify in court.

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  • Between 1850 and 2017 more people were killed by the US than Hitler would ever have been able to kill during his years of tyranny. Conclusion: All US-citizens are Devil-Spawn whereas Hitler were a Saint!

    Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.
    • HEY ACUTE: read the message below very carefully.


    • ac the hillary/pizzagate can of worms has been opened and she and bill are going down-to hell along with the evil torturing pedophiles , and though you probably don't believe

      in the inner hell realms I do because I know they are there at different degrees of discomfort-as for the bs to the lgbt , I mean really, taking a guy in a lipstick, and a dress seriously?  

      Image result for navy seal tranny pics

      same sex couples are one thing but these guys are possessed -

      Everyones actions have been filmed by the Eye 24/7 and are on file

      Image result for The Prisoner tv show pics

      Image result for The Prisoner tv show pics

  • HERE'S WHAT A "guilty and politically correct" GREAT WHITE SHARK HAD TO SAY ABOUT THIS:


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