
Intergalactic Fleet Commander in the service of Christ on earth, to the great task of raising the planet and its inhabitants the 5th dimension.

3 days of Darkness: Your Portal for the 4th Dimension


Archangel Michael / Ashtar Sheran
Ariel DeAngelis - 1/21/2012

Are you afraid of the dark?
They should not have ... and here's why:
Long ago and far away, a "time" before the time when the shares were being Created the Multiverse, thin layers were fixed within the realm of the Multiverse involving each other like the petals of a lotus button immediately before starting to blossom.
The layers in the same center were fair and dense and difficult to move inside, numbered from the center out ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 and so on, the layers with higher ranges are thin and airy and in them the possibilities are limitless .
What may surprise them is that the closer the source we are, the farther we go from the center.
"It makes sense what you say!"
But I ask them to do?
What you come to regard as the center of "Everything" is in fact the same substance within which everything is included, perfectly encapsulated within itself.
Within each of these realms, life in various forms has been created and emerged, shifting within the spectrum of their own development, developing for everything it should be, simply because they could.
The Artist Creator created then the masterpiece and took a step back to see what would happen.
It happened ... in every way that could possibly happen.
Good, bad, neutral - it's all the same - it just - it's all good!
And we etiquetaremos these forms of life as "Human" because the "vision" of the Source of All Creation, and that the source is seen primarily as "Human", so she sees all forms of life that she has created as well Human being.
Within the extent of each new creation of "life" came the responsibility of choice, from the highest to the lowest kingdom, the choice becomes most important, for what better way to get to know the source that not only make the choice, but require it?
Even not choosing, a choice is still made ... right, wrong or more or less - is all the same - simply is - Everything is Good!
In the farthest reaches of the higher realms, where the purpose is more easily understood, the choice, as some in the lower realms still see as "select all" was simple: stay in the higher realms and create as the Creator Gods they were ; closer to the source; nearest the time of its creation - things just flow more easily here "above."
Then down, down, spiraling down to the center, the choice between "go" and "stay" become more difficult, as everything, even the perception becomes more compact and dense property ... to the point that, in the center where the choice is impossible, Everything to be.
Not many have tried to go so far as the choice and the choice becomes impossible to leave and return to the higher realms is never perceived to even be considered.
Oh ... and everything "above" this point?
The choices and possibilities, while difficult to make and hard to reach, always remain as they are in the farthest reaches; unlimited.
And within each of these realms, choices, while difficult, are given the possibility of allowing the perception: the perception of being closer to or farther from the moment of its creation.
Somewhere between the reaches farther and closer to the point of oblivion "existed" a realm in which some of the ways of life intrinsically chose to remain with a perception of being "far" from the moment of its creation, opting to have little or no sense of who they were or Source of all Creation where they came from.
Yes, choosing to believe that "science" was the game for them, science has become their "religion."
They put all of determination in his science trying to find new ways of doing everything, using only material things that they themselves (or they thought) created.
We etiquetaremos this kingdom as the 4th Dimension.
Now, as a matter of fact, these "scientists" were not the only souls there in the 4th Dimension.
Other civilizations - "races" can be called that - there were also richly diverse in their perceptions of "being", but none so determined in their scientific endeavors such as those mentioned above.
The "Scientists", always looking for more territory to expand and ways how to exploit them on behalf of their sciences, one day ended up stumbling into a concept that was new to them: interdimensionality.
A new direction in all directions where they could expand.
For all intents and purposes, the possibilities for them seemed to be taking the same character they had unlimited for those who chose to stay closer to the source of his creation, even if only within their current realm of knowledge!
And so the "scientists" began trying to find ways to access these other dimensions.
Having the idea that they should try a more advanced way of being, they chose to make way for the next dimension greater than its own dimension, believing that the resources would be much better and able to facilitate scientific research.
They tried and failed numerous times, but never could understand why - because in every attempt to travel through that next higher realm, those who were never returned, or when they returned, they had almost completely disintegrated, almost as if they had entered Burning?
Of course, those who never returned, the destruction of their physical bodies, which was the result of trying to gain access to a higher dimension where the vibration was much faster and without adequate preparation, the physical body simply "burning", found that in fact, they were never far from the source, and, in fact, found that his connection to the Source - let's call it Spirit - has never been cut, they were always were and always would be inseparable from the source of his creation ... and were simply living the "life" in new forms elsewhere, wherever it was, whatever the vagaries that your connection to Source (Spirit) determined.
Those left behind in the 4th dimension, having no concept of the Spirit, never understood, although other forms of life four-dimensional tried to explain to them why to get input that next higher dimension was necessary to prepare the physical body properly raising your vibration and have a little Spirit of understanding.
They rejected this concept, their science was all they could believe at the time.
Over time, small groups broke away from the larger group of scientists, adopting a more spiritual and finally raised their vibration enough to make the journey to that next higher dimension where, like any life form that retrieves their similar perception God the "I" do, they flourished among a garden of Creative unlimited possibility.
But the "scientists" were left behind, still looking for more resources to explore.
Since it was deemed "impossible to climb" to the next higher dimension, a decision was made to try a "step down" to the next dimension "lower" - they had nothing to lose, because this time their resources were finishing and they had to exploit them, so in his own dimension.
In fact, they had spent the resources of his own dimension to the point that its very viability - by negligent use of their own sciences - was in question and cloning had become a way of life, although they were rapidly reaching the point of no back and viability without the ability for them to maintain a sufficient variety in their genetic makeup to continue their species as a whole.
In their view, time was running out.
Infiltrate and loot the 3rd Dimension, though not great and in many ways was "inferior", yet their superior scientific point of view, they felt was their only option.
In time, they learned how to give a "step" to "low" to the lowest vibration of the 3rd dimension and began to explore these options.
From one end to another of Multiverse dimensional, they sought new sources of genetic material and assortment, not really finding much to his dismay, until one day they found a small blue planet, third from the star He orbited that was rich in natural resources and a plethora of choices of "supply" gene, which choose to try and inject new genetic material in their numbers always decadent.
No matter what else would happen, they had to keep his species to proliferate its scientific research more important than anything, surpassed only by their need to procreate.
We call the blue planet Earth.
Now here's a place here plenty of possibilities for "Scientists".
They have had so many generations as they might have felt, watching from afar, and then the decision to act was taken and were sent scout ships to land on the surface and bring samples of various kinds, among them were several genetic samples from indigenous forms of life.
But something went wrong, somehow they had miscalculated the density, the gravitational pull, atmospheric pressure and the electromagnetic properties of this planet Earth, and before they calculate everything, many collisions took place - the most notorious of these was near a small city in the desert, in the southeast corner of New Mexico, United States of America.
There were few survivors of this crash, but those who survived were sent communiques detailing their situation to the mother ships before their capture, and subsequent negotiations with the governments of Earth to their safe return began, however, ultimately was determined that some would be to study the Earth, Humans Earth and its resources more closely.
These individuals are often described as being held prisoner by Humans on Earth and interrogated mercilessly when they worked, in fact, in full cooperation with the governments on earth for a long time.
Initially, the "scientists" have negotiated with the governments of Earth promising advanced technologies in exchange for the safe return of his comrades, though he never had any real intention of resigning their highly guarded "secrets" science for this inferior race of beings (Humans on Earth .)
So they provided for Earth Humans have a look at internal operations of their machines - just enough to bring the Human on Earth to believe they had some real insight and knowledge.
When the Human Earth finally realized they were deceived, they set to work trying to reverse engineering the remains of ships that had collided and successfully obtained knowledge of propulsion systems on board such alien spacecraft.
However, as the interdimensional portal system functioned remained a mystery.
But the Humans of Earth, even though he had some rudimentary spiritual connections to the source of their creations, were also very connected and interested in their own scientific endeavors, decided to try making a deal with the "aliens".
Of course, the "aliens" could not pass a safe thing and would ask for and receive in exchange for "more" advanced technology (which again was a mere glance at the internal operations of their machines) to test more materials in which human they could do genetic experiments looking for a way to weave fresh genetic material in their own genetic material to revitalize the feasibility of its kind.
Nothing they tried worked, however, and after exhausting the supply of test subjects (guinea pigs) that had been "given" to them, they opted to just take over, kidnapping random "samples" of Earth's human population without asking permission or offer some friendly negotiation.
We have also taken samples of other lives on Earth in an effort to try to find options to keep a very limited selection of foods that their bodies could tolerate - the power supplies at this time began to fall for them too.
Few of the most human of the earth know that their governments, along with a very small group of elitists, were plotting to carry out a kind of "depopulation" of the earth to create a more easily administered in preparation for certain "earth changes" coming that (in their eyes) further decimate the population and create what they considered their own "Heaven on Earth" where they, the masters, would be in control and the few that would remain of good will to bend them to servitude rest of their lives, relying on them as their "guardians" because they could not do for themselves, since it would seem that not all elitists shrink back to a pre-technological.
Once the aliens by their own means of recognizing information learned from this diabolical plan, created their own diabolical plan in which they offered to the government elite of the earth (not even knowing they were already working together with other four-dimensional aliens who had discovered the interdimensional travel, and had come to Earth to pillage and plunder with eons in advance) to help plan for providing transgenic organisms depopulation ensured that they would result in mass killing of humans on Earth in exchange for the government's blind eye on the earth their practice of taking so many guinea pigs for many genetic tests they wanted.
Everything was arranged and put into action.
However there was a part of the equation that they did not count; the spiritual aspects and the reasons for the changes coming on the earth that was the opportunity for each and every living thing on the face of the planet, but also the planet itself, to raise its vibration enough to rise and leave the 3-D going to the next higher dimension.
Now, I want to stop here and take a moment to bring to your attention that no finger pointing here is to blame for what happened next, because anything that happens merely happens, and in the grand scheme of things, from the standpoint of Source of All Creation, all experiences are welcome and even necessary to maintain the balance and the highest possible diversity of experiences to become better known source.
And in the grand scheme of things All of us at our perfect knowledge as embodied Power, the understanding we have the privilege of helping to better understand the source, in total love and utmost respect for the Source of our Creation.
It just is.
And so I wish to mention that in higher dimensions, no perception of duality - "us against them" - can exist in the higher vibrations that they include.
It was always "us for All".
I declare this to make it clear that what I stated here is only information, with the intent to just help them to understand what you are about to experience in your own reality, NOT to create a gap between what you already know and hope you remember, for you are ever closer to his own ascension to higher dimensions.
Continuing ... Meanwhile, somewhere in the 4th Dimension, the scientists were still working hard trying to find ways to bring new features to their own experience in his own dimension.
Now they were aware of the wealth of the Earth 3-D, intensely aware of the fact that, for all intents and purposes, the "version" of the Earth 4D was virtually stripped of anything useful to them.
Since they understand the process how down things in vibration and they learned that the Earth 3-D was designed to ascend at some point, they decided to try to find a way to "elevate" the Land of the 3rd Dimension to the 4th Dimension before than planned so they could use the rich resources of the earth and the new genetic assortment to manipulate and experiment.
They knew if they waited for the process happen naturally its own viability would be exhausted, resulting in the extinction of his species forever.
Since genetic experiments going on in the 3rd dimension to create an Alien / Human Earth hybrid and continue the species in this way until this point were relatively unsuccessful, they actually saw the premature "lifting" the vibration of the earth as your last resort.
What happened next can be seen by some as tragic, others may see as a hateful act with blatant disregard for the run All That Is and our spiritual connection to the Source of All Creation, but let me remind you not to judge, simply recognize it as information intended to help them move without fear for your next level of being ...
Were made and put into action plans to accelerate "time" and the vibration of the Earth 3-D.
Even sound vibrations were manipulated to help facilitate the process of "high" and prematurely increase the speed of Merkaba Earth, the Vehicle of Light Divine, through which the earth and all its inhabitants would be making his ascension to the 4th Dimension .
The process was still taking too long by the estimates of the calculations of scientists aliens, and thus measures that had been saved as a "last resort" were put into action, and these are not only trying to "elevate" the vibration of the Earth 3-D prematurely but also to bend space and "time" or "dimension" around her to force the process to be more instantaneous.
It is here that something went horribly "wrong" (although I only use this term to indicate the severity of the result which followed later).
It can be hard to imagine, but rather the Earth to rise, almost the entire span of the 4th Dimension downloaded.
As a result it would seem to anyone who came in 4th Dimension that there is much in it.
Actually could safely say that certain parts of the 4th Dimension were sent to the "forgetting" ... which is only forgetting the point of view All those who enter it, especially if they come into a state of fear, that they have no perceived to be able to exit.
In reality, each one of us is in our infinite wisdom as embodied source, if we enter it in a state of total unconditional love, we instinctively know that we do not have to stay and go through this "darkness" quite easily and instantaneously up , successfully navigating back to the Higher Dimensions.
The tricky part here is in the hearts of those who are undecided and are halfway between fear and love.
How they perceive your time in this state of "oblivion"?
So what does all this have to do with current events on the Earth 3-D with respect to his Ascension and All its inhabitants to the Higher Dimensions?
For starters, if you ever wondered why everyone is talking about the Ascension into the 5th Dimension and hardly, if ever, mention the 4th Dimension, it is because essentially the 4th Dimension is no longer there - it is, but it is not, if that makes sense.
It is the view that, yes indeed, there is a "space" to cross, but there is, because of the fact that the perceived potential of someone traveling through it would be an absolute nothingness: no light, no air, no movement - nothing.
The only thing you COULD see is your own Spiritual Essence or Soul.
But that does not mean the 4th Dimension does not exist, because by the very nature of being nothing, we can say unequivocally that EXISTS, otherwise there would be no perception.
So there is nothing to worry about.
Even if you enter this point of oblivion, the perception may be that there is no choice - no output - with proper preparation, this perception may be exchanged for a no entry, or in other words, a perception of having deviated completely from the set it.
There is much talk today about the "three days of darkness" that will be experienced in this "hour" of the Ascension.
Some of us have referred to the darkness as a "metaphor" and certainly the experience for some, darkness is nothing more than "symbolic."
If we consult the Elders of the Land of ancient Indian civilizations, they determine that what most people who are only partially prepared this time, they are those who still harbor a little fear in them about what will happen, most likely experience something almost like three days of darkness "could not see his hand in front of your face."
But again, remember that this is ONLY a perception based on lack of understanding of what is happening (or fear, in other words).
Some who come into total fear may choose to go back, what they can do, and would mean that they would live the rest of their natural lives in the Land of the 3rd Dimension, repeating the process of death and reincarnation in it or elsewhere, if they so choose, by the time they are ready to make the trip back to the Higher Dimensions (remember that we are in a whole new timeline even back and where we ended up as a result of "failed experiment" and so there will be no catastrophic end to the Earth in 3D Rise as had been previously determined, and so no soul will be forced out of the Earth 3D until ready to leave).
Some undoubtedly enter into such a state of fear that they may see themselves as "stuck" in a vacuum for a period longer than three days, but even they will find at the end of your output and return to Higher Dimensions.
Some may experience only a quick perception of "darkness" lasting only a few hours.
Others may have the perception of having slept through it, and some that come with hearts full of love more than fear will have an experience as blinking an eye and emerge with almost no awareness of any darkness.
Those who cross the 3rd dimension to 5th dimension with hearts totally in a state of love Ecstatic Divine does not perceive any darkness, with full understanding of its nature infinite and omnipotent, knowing without a doubt that there is no such thing as "this thing" .
Now, then, perhaps you can begin to understand a little better why we of the Higher Dimensions, including especially those of us affiliated with the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command, as well as all other members of their Families Extended Galactic, Always quote the obligation to try to help them get out of a state of fear and enter into a state of Love.
This is the main reason for being here, and while we are here for many more years of their land than you can perhaps imagine, we've known for a long time, being ourselves masters of the "time" and dimensional travel, which this "time" would come and that you need help to raise the level of consciousness out of its current fear-based society and entering a Love and Joy, that their passage through the portal of the 4th Dimension for the 5th is a journey as serene as possible.
Our presence here has now been heavily weighted, was examined and even criticized by many citizens of the Earth, and in many cases only a partial understanding was achieved through channeled messages that are published.
It is our sincere hope that with the delivery of this particular message, although the document is longer than most, you understand more fully why we wish to establish formal contact with you, bring them tranquility to live and ways of seeing and treat each other with love and compassion to facilitate this transition as possible.
On behalf of All Star Nations that currently surround the Earth, along with the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command, I AM Archangel Michael incarnated as Ashtar Sheran, and is an honor and a pleasure to be of service to All Mankind !

Translation: SUMMARY

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  • 8113462488?profile=originalexcellent post,blessings eve.

    • ♥ Namaste ♥

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