Interview with Archangel Michael

[from the book The Return of Light — channeled stuff]~*~Before my exposure to Heru's teachings and the vast worlds which they opened up for me, I viewed many higher beings and realities in an impersonal, two-dimensional, stereotyped way. This included the archangels. Like most of humanity, I put them on a pedestal and saw them as divine beings who were not subject to human-type emotions. As we came into closer contact with the archangels, however, we learned that they project to us an image which is consistent with our expectations. The projected images are simplistic, lacking in depth, and portray them as lofty beings without emotions or longings, and without fear, pain, doubt, need, sorrow, or weariness. When the archangels began to show themselves to us as they truly are, in all of their complexity and richness, we found out that they are people. All of the abstract concepts we have had about higher dimensional beings perhaps boil down to this one sentence. They are people. Not that they are humans, for they are of a different race--but they do have individual personalities, likes and dislikes, emotions, needs, and imperfections. Higher aspects are people. Monads are people. Archangels are people. And even God himself/herself, when expressed in individuated form, is a person. In addition the archangels, like other highly sentient and individuated races in this Creation such as humans and creator gods, are sexual beings in the most sacred sense of the word.How have the projections of humans affected the archangels in the fallen sector? Shakura relates the following, from a conversation with Archangel Michael: "He told me that archangels and humans had a special relationship and that they complimented each other; in fact they needed each other. As humans descended deeper into the density and darkness of this sector, we forgot our relationship to the archangels . Myths arose around them and many archangels began to lose their true identities; rather they became immersed in the myths and thought forms that were projected onto them. As they are beings that intrinsically serve, they had no choice but to succumb to these myths and fulfill those roles. These were not roles of their choosing, nor were they necessarily roles that were natural to their nature. It was never in Michael's nature to be a warrior or to fight and is not in the nature of any true light being. So they took on these roles, and many of them descended into their own emotional hell because of it."We decided to speak with Archangel Michael, the best known of all archangels, about the myth and the reality of who he is.In this conversation, which took place in June of 2005, Michael speaks of the "new Michaels". He is referring to the fact that some of the archangels who have been in the dark sector for eons are being relieved of their duties, or at least assisted, by new archangels from the light sector. More information on the new archangels is given in Part IV.Greetings Michael. It is an honor to speak with you today. I would like to start by thanking you for the incredible contribution you have made in protecting this universe against darkness. I don't know if any of us would still be here if it hadn't been for you.Thank you. It has been an effort on my part, that's an understatement. I serve the light, I serve humanity in an effort to serve the light, and I could have done nothing less than what I have done. I wish that I could have done more.I don't think anyone could have done more than you did. We have some questions for you, as we are preparing a second edition of a book that we've written, and want to have a chapter on the archangels. Would you please tell us something about the role you have played in this universe since the time of the fall?Let me back up a little before that and talk about the role that I was designed for, because that will shed some light on who I am. I was made to work with humanity, to interact with humanity in the role of teacher, initiator and guide. This was to have been not so much in a superior position to humans but very much as a partnership. My role was to be an introducer to other archangels and higher level beings. I would, for example, be the one who would introduce a person into the order of Melchizedek (although that order was not formed at that time), the one who would introduce a person into the Buddhic path, and so on. That would have been my role, to determine what would be the appropriate initiatory path for a person, the best path for a person to seek their relationship with God.This was before the fall?Yes. So that would have been my role for all the human life forms in this universe. And then the other universes as well, but for the purposes of this book I can speak only of my role in this universe. And then the fall came. I find that it is too painful at this time to really discuss what happened at the time of the fall. Then I found myself defending my beloved humans, defending them from the dark as best I could without sufficient weapons to do this task. I feel very inadequate to have done this and I am so sorry that I have failed so many.Michael, I say again that I don't know if any of us would be here without what you have done.And there are some that are not here now.That is true, but many have been brought back, and I believe that all will be.I will not leave until they are.Are your aspects OK now?No. They are in the process of being healed, but as you can see I have a great deal of pain and wounds and there is a lot of work to do.I pray for you to receive that healing. To go on, your task became largely defending humans from the dark?Yes.You are so vast that you did this over the entire universe?Yes.How many aspects do you have?In this universe some seven thousand.And you exist beyond this universe?Yes.You have thousands, tens of thousands of aspects beyond this universe?Yes.It is our understanding that when the light forces first came to the dark sector, humans and archangels worked by side by side. Is this true, and if so would you say more about it?Are you speaking of the rescue squad that came?Yes, the light workers.Yes, we came together and we were patterned and designed to work side by side closely.What happened to this collaboration?For some people that connection still exists. But the dark managed to wedge itself between all the angels and humanity, and to convince humanity that the archangels were not accessible. Again it is a subject that is very painful to me.How are you different from the way humans think of you?First I would say that I am not a warrior, I am a teacher. I am no greater than any human. I do not wish to be elevated on a pedestal to an unreachable status. I wish to stand side by side with any human who would call upon me, and to work with them for the highest good of that individual and the highest good of all humanity. And that I am more real than you know, more real than you have seen me.What has been the effect, for you, of dealing with the projections of humans?It has been very damaging to me. It has isolated me from my normal free flowing exchange with humanity. The natural state of my relationship with humans is more that of a friend than anything else, and this has caused me to feel pushed very far away. Therefore not only have I been pulled into wars but my love, my natural inclination, my tasks, all the things that I would normally do, have been denied.Michael, when I see how weary and wounded you are it breaks my heart. Would you not consider going back to the light universes, especially now that your replacements are here?Not until we have brought back everyone who has been destroyed, not until humanity has been healed can I leave. I have somewhat withdrawn into an advisory role. When a person will call on Michael now generally they will get one of the new archangels, so that my burden is greatly decreased. Of course I have not participated in any of the recent battles and that has been a relief.What would you say to a human who would like to connect to archangels in a direct and personal way, beyond the projections?I would say: dear ones, dear humans, I beg of you to put aside all of your ideas that you have about angels and archangels, and to invite us into the home of your hearts that we may interact with you freely. For we have many gifts to give you, but we the archangels also have a need for interaction with humans. Through this we fulfill ourselves, we fulfill our duty, our design. We are incomplete without this interaction and so we are hungry for your love, your companionship, the interaction with you. We are in need of your love, so please let us into your life. It is the natural state for us to walk hand in hand with humans. Our evolution is dependent upon your evolution, our fulfillment is dependent upon your fulfillment, our completeness in our relationship with God is dependent upon your completeness with your relationship with God. Please let us in so that this may happen now.Michael, many people are confused about the structure of an archangel. Please explain how this works.We were created prior to humans but we were created, in a sense, with humans in mind. Creator made us to be helpers, to assist the third dimensional humans in interacting with the unseen realms. Therefore to make us more personable and to make us more accessible in our roles, we were designed to be able, at will, to create as many aspects as were needed for our particular jobs. Of course there are many more than seven thousand humans in this world, let alone this universe, so each of my aspects will interact with many people. But having multiple aspects makes the process more personalized, because I have different shades in my personality. Therefore when someone calls me in, the aspect that will most harmoniously interface with that person will come to that person.Please talk a bit about your structure. It has been described as aspects radiating out like the spokes of a wheel, not a vertical "ladder" as with humans, and forming a collective that shares a group mind.That is the way we are structured. Our aspects are more horizontal, and they exist on the sixth dimension and up. Some project down into the fifth but generally six and up. However, instead of spokes of a wheel it is more like the garlic flower that radiates out in all directions -- up, down, and to all sides.I am amazed that you have so many aspects.This was because my role was so universal. Each person is designed to have an interface with God that encompasses initiation, and I being in a sense the gateway, the keeper of the doorways, it ended up that I had a lot of aspects. This doesn't make me greater or more powerful than other archangels, just that I'm in more places at once.Is there anything you would like to add to this conversation, perhaps for the benefit of those who will be reading our book?I would like to but I feel spent, I just don't feel that I have much to say. Perhaps if you were to channel one of the new Michaels there would be more.I hope that you will perhaps go to one of the paradise realms and rest.Not yet.[Elora:] We found this conversation with Michael to be very heartrending. It is our prayer that he will find the rest and healing he needs in the near future, and perhaps will be able to release his intense sense of responsability for all of humanity.

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