One of the most mind blowing and flabbergasting facts is that scientists donnot yet understand water! When you mension such things as what science cannot explain yet, what comes to minds are quantum gravity, collups of wavefunctions, dark matter, wormholes etc. If it is chemicals, then perharps such arcane stuffs as philosopher's stones, Feynmaniums, nonbarynic matter etc. But water? What! After all 70% of the world is water, 70% of our bodies is water, no one need to visit arcane places to mine water. So if there is anything well figured out it must be water. Nothing can be farther from truth! And for those guys who define 'paranormal' as 'what science cannot explain', then beging thinking of intracellular water as 'paranormal'!Water can form amazing structures in a much similar way cabon atoms can do. But in liquid water, these structures can quickly change. Since intracellular water play a crucial role in signal transduction, then parherps even thoughts are patterns in intracellular water structure.

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  • There are several verses in bible that tend to treat water as sentient. Beginning from Genesis 1:1

    "...The spirit of God was hovering upon the waters...then the Lord said, let there be light..."

    To whom was 'God' commanding? Water?

    When Jesus calmed the storm, his disciples said wow! The wind and the water obeys him.

    "...for there are 3 that testifies, the spirit, the water and the blood..." 1John 5:7

    These are just but a few.
  • Makes sense, cause how after all do water know how to expand anomolously? Listening to fish prayers?
    • sounds logical to me...

  • It makes a lot of sense that ´´thoughts are patterns in intracellular water structure.´´  It has been shown how different words (even written, not the sound) affect water.  These pix are made using words, he has done them with thinking as well and writing the words.  I woud like to see the ones done with feelings...


    8115593884?profile=originalHere is a nice one for I love you....


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