
Greetings! My name in Norma. I am a Senior person with a lot of experience in the Spiritual World and I  could say the Galactic World too. I am interested to share with people who have had experiences too  and those who are Awakening and need some kind of guidance. English is not my first language so do not expect to read my postings in a perfect English. I like to talk about the Anunnaki, the Ascended Masters, UFO, alien encounters and so on, but my favorite topic is about the Orbs because in that field I really know a lot and have infinite of pictures. My heart welcome all of you. We Are One in this and the   Parallels Universes. Namaste.

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  • Thank you Norma !! With much love

  • Hi Norma, Ilike what you have written. About 4 years ago at dusk I was walking Towards a farm gate, when I stopped , for in the looked like a stick. watching closely it formed 2 sides went to the ground and before me was a most beautiful snake. It wove itself back and forth for some time. That snake is always with me in the aura , sometimes very small and sometimes very long and mature. Do you have any thoughts on this . Yvonne.

    • Hi Yvonne, one snake that become two snakes is a good sign. Two snakes are the symbol of Caduceos, the medical symbol, are the symbol of DNA, and are the symbol of Enki, the Anunnaki god. The snake represent too the Kundalini and if it is in your magnetic field or Aura, when you see it smaller it means your energy is low, when it is longer it means your energy is higher. In any case is a good symbol for you. Namaste

  • Wow!!! That photo is absolutely awe-inspiring!!! Thank you Norma for sharing! <3

    • Your welcome Stella.

      • Norma are you psychic?

        when was the first time you had contact?

        Do you do what mediums do?

        And do the annunaki look like me?

        Nordic in looks?

        I have been told by sensitives and psychics they can feel my energy is extremely strong do you also?

        and what would you say you feel about me when you look at my picture?

        • Hi! OK, a lot of questions for Norma...:) Yes, I am psychic, but not the kind of psychic that do what mediums do. I do not like Necromancy, I have no business calling spirits stopping their spiritual evolution. Now, what surprises me is your question: Do the Anunnaki look like me?" How did you guessed that I have seen an Anunnaki? Very interesting. Before I answer that particular question, yes, your energy is strong, but try to canalize it properly, the stronger the energy is the softer the being expresses himself or herself. When our energies are very strong we do not have to try to prove it  to anybody, they can feel it, even from far away, even when you are not present. A good energy is like a Laser Beam. Your picture tells me that you are a very pretty young woman, with a very strong personality, and a good heart. You use your personality as a shield to protect yourself. You have a long neck like a ballet dancer, and you use it to lift your head with proud, which is not bad at all,  but don't let Ego win you.

          Now I have no seen an Anunnaki woman, I have seen an Anunnaki man. They are white, they do not have the skin like lizards as some people say-people who never have seen them- their eyes are slanted, big and of a very, very light blue. They use beard an longer hair, but not the human beard, the gods beard. Now, they look like humans...but at the same time there is something very different in their features, specially in their nose. How do I know all this? It is a long story that I rather keep for myself... I have one picture. I asked them to send me one hologram-picture, I got it right away, but only once till now. Namaste

          • Do they send out scout ships with the light that beams from a pretty long distance?
            And are they the one with the big screens almost the entire front of the ship or ariel vehicle I like to call it?
            and do they have the time manipulation device on the consol of their ship?
            or is that another kind?
            Did they come from 20 light years away?
            I'm trying to find out which ones have been in contact with me!
            I am O negative and this was the blood type of the annunaki right?
            or is it of the sirians?

            By contact I mean I have seen pictures and I have had dreams that I suspect are maybe not dreams at all.
            and I have had information funneled in like when the huge swarm of ships arrived to the earths atmosphere.

            • We are Anunnaki hybrids, but of course there are people incarnated but from other planets and constelations, that's all I can tell you, but at the same time we are in contact with The Galactic Federation of Light, is something too complex for many people to understand. Today you can have contact with one and then next day with the other. Just ask them.  Telepathy from human to human is very difficult but from human to extra-terrestrial is not so difficult they know how to send you the message. Get your digital camera I know which camera is the best but I won't advertise here. Get you camera call them and shoot, if they are trying to contact you, you will see them sooner than you expect and they will tell you where they are from.  Good night, <3

              • Norma the problem with what you said is in my dream state I see them almost every night but when I awake I only know what they want me to know but not what I WANT to know or is it a possibility I have 2 souls inside one vessel because somewhere along the way my human soul will be gone and the other one will take over IS THIS POSSIBLE?

                Can I be recieving bleed through information by proxy from the secondary soul?

                I have read stories of this before!

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