Greetings to all!


My name is Altaira, and I am so happy to finally be here with you. My delay was not due to a recent awakening, quite the contrary....I have known for sometime who I am. delay was in part due to not finding that Ashtar Command Crew was on-line! LOL!

My awakening happened back in 1988 during a time of having lucid dreams of being on board a large Space Craft and being trained in healing with energy work. I had no prior knowledge to fall back on and when asked to go to an area that had much UFO activity for a meeting with a lady named Michaela Allora....I jumped at the chance to find out what was going on.

A.A. Michael, told me through Michaela, that my lucid dreams were in fact my awakening and that I was the Daughter of Commander Ashtar.

This was just the beginning and I was to learn all that I could. Then I found the 11:11 group which helped also. I was then introduced to my Reiki Master and took instruction on how to activate the healing energy. Since then I took my second degree Instruction also.

Things started to change rapidly from then on. My marriage broke down.... I was introduced shortly after my separation to a fella that I had seen in my dreams. We started our life together and moved from the area. Still learning and helping out others as much as I can. I am! Ready for the next phase of this journey and wanting to learn much more!

Much Peace, Love and Blessings to you all.....

 Altaira, daughter of Ashtar

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  • @ Feather Winger 


    What does this you said here mean?

  • The wonderful thing about an infinite universe is that there is room for everyone's truth.

    and we are all on quest of ever expanding our own truth.

    who are we to say which reality someones truth is valid in.

    we may question someone, by all means.

    but to simply deny someone what they believe is by its very nature,, 3 dimensional. 

    A dualistic response.

    because in a quantum state.

    All is a part of truth

    In my humble opinion, of course.

  • It's Maldekian I speak fluently moreso,but with mixed portions of Lemurian entwined - Ashuk aut adinu mar jolijn de ukor ade na maz euomanste oi ligoi kaikaloi na moira omaste te toia akou stikh empeiria Maldek :) mis kserei kaneis an ipar oun dia hesima liritu ato 'lectonue aquaruei' ? Esham kutu kwalama ei hakti emshelokt to Feather Winger ahh shim shargal emth emte ei ma moi....said with a soft tantilising whispers in a tantric manner..LOL..and my own sung music to boot..hahaha yes I'm a musician


  • I just would prefer that people got rid of their brainwashed dribble to be's time people woke from their dream states....I'm off to ride my new toy! far more fun bruuuuuummmmmm!!!!...


    • Stuck in 3rd I see.....that's dimension dearie....not in gear!

      • Your in 3D I'm in 5D have been from birth..I think you should try for an experiment to imagine in your life that you can see every aspect and every layer of your self and hopefully you will learn more of who/what you are..

  • Wake up your still dreaming..

    • Did your mama ever teach you any manners? Be respectful!

      • Be respectful and your not being respectful staying asleep your not helping this world to change in consciousness your keeping people asleep,I Never had a mama but I had a paid nanny instead and foster father and they taught me all I needed to know on how not to be in 2D and asleep and bainwashed by the rubbish people instil in your heads that are all total lies and untruths..that's good enough for me.. 

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