I call upon Mother Father God, and all the Beings of

Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,

as I align with my Mighty I Am Presence, the Highest

Light of Who I Am and Who I have Forever Been,

I now call for a complete activation of the 13 Strand

DNA and a clearing of all limited beliefs and patterns

I may hold at a cellular level, so I may truly experience

myself as this Master Being of Love and Light

I now call upon the Company of Heaven and

my I Am Presence to assist in downloading all the key

codes of Light that I am needing in this Now,

to take me into unconditional Love and One Unity


I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light,

this crystalline grid of Light, within and

around this earth plane,connected to Mother Earth,

and a minimum of one million Light workers

along this grid of Light,and all the Beings of Light

from On High assisting in this ascension of the earth.

I am now surrounded in the golden flame

of Unity Consciousness,

as I merge completely with my I Am Presence.

In this energy of Love and Unity Consciousness,

I now envisage a spiralling vortex of Light

about my aura, combining with all those

along the Unity Grid, holding the focus of World Peace,

Love and Unity Consciousness for this new Golden Age.

I now experience this collective Christed Consciousness,

opening my heart to all Life,

recognizing myself as One with all Life,

One with Mother~Father God.

As I project my Christed Consciousness into the future,

I envisage an earth where all Life co-creates

in Love and lives fearlessly.

I envisage a world of harmony and abundance for all Life

on this earth plane.

I envisage a world of Love and joy for all Life

on this earth plane.

I envisage a world of One Unity Consciousness

for all Life on this earth plane.

I envisage a world enlightened by

the new Reality Paradigm,

the Golden Age of Aquarius.

As this first wave Soul in human embodiment

of the I Am Avatar Blueprint,

I envisage this Blueprint of Light for all Life

on this earth plane.

And so it is~
As we enter the turning point year 2012, Earth has been motivated and propelled forward into solar generated ascension light in the forms of solar emissions and solar activations. Solar Cycle 24 is expected to peak in 2012 and to subside around 2020. Solar cycles play an important part in the upgrading of human cell structure and consciousness. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process. Solar activity is a catalyst for evolutionary process. Solar light stimulates change in matter, energy, and consciousness for all beings in our universe. It pushes us into a higher position of knowing and the ability to integrate and use that knowledge for the betterment of all Universes. Evolutionary change is Sun driven and new energy is coming from deep space via the portal of the Sun. The Earth is experiencing "Space Weather" on an unprecedented scale.

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