Io (the moon)

so I purchased Nasa Voyager Space Sounds

I been going to bed with them playing in the background cuz i live in a crazy place with noise. they tend to help but every night i would be awoken when Io moon would start playing. this happened 2x so i took Io off the playlist in my WMP. it would help and id go right back to sleep if id wake up (usually if id wake up, i wouldnt be able to sleep again until i turn Io off completely or start playing the next planet/moon track). So last night i was thinking to myself 'meh.. ill just play the whole thing again. i highly doubt Io has anything to do with it', and i did. I woke up right when the last track ended so it was silence. i got up to go to the bathroom with Io started playing. I tripped and almost fell. my hand ended up on the wall where my calendar was hanging, ironically it's a calendar of space/galaxies taken by NASA. and my finger ended up on top of a pin that was holding the calendar in place. it happened so quick i realized my finger was cut DEEP few mins later. so i put a bandage over it and was unable to sleep the whole night after that (got 4 hours of sleep total).

at first i was like maaaannn fuck Nasa!! i dont know what they put on those tapes or what subliminal messages. but then I did some research and this is what i found. the first 3 is what got me thinking this is why i cannot sleep with this track being on in the background

"Fascinating Io Facts

1) The most volcanically active body in the solar system. With more than 400 active volcanoes, Io doesn't have the cratered surfacecommon to so many other moons: powerful lava flows continually reshapethe landscape. The Ionian volcano Loki, believed to be the solarsystem's most powerful volcano, can spew out up to 1,000 square metersof lava each second.

2) Planetary tides of 100 meters (330 feet). Those are tides pushing and pulling the rocky surface (for comparison's sake,Earth's ocean tides vary by no more than 18 meters or 60 feet). Thetidal forces are exerted in combination by Jupiter and two of its otherlarge moons, Europa and Ganymede. It's the energy generated by these tides, rather than internal heat, that powers Io's geologic activity.

3) Hottest temperatures outside the sun. While the mean surface temperature of Io is quite frosty (-143C or-225.4F), things get hot near active volcanoes. Hot spots discovered bythe Galileo spacecraft showed temperatures of up to 1,610C (2,910F).

4) Tallest mountains in the solar system. Io's active geology builds not only supervolcanoes but super-sizemountains up to 16,764 meters (55,000 feet) tall. That's a far higherclimb than the one up Earth's Mt. Everest, which stands a mere 8,848meters (29,029 feet) tall.

5) Strange ingredients in the atmosphere. Io's very thin atmosphere is mostly sulfur dioxide, but the moon's volcanism helps pump out trace amounts of silicon monoxide, silicon dioxide, iron monoxide and even gaseous salt, potassium and iron."

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is this a coincidence or was i really influenced by this moon's energies?

p.s. do you think Nasa put subliminal messages on these tapes? they did fake the moon landing (yes, i really believe that)

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