I been going to bed with them playing in the background cuz i live in a crazy place with noise. they tend to help but every night i would be awoken when Io moon would start playing. this happened 2x so i took Io off the playlist in my WMP. it would help and id go right back to sleep if id wake up (usually if id wake up, i wouldnt be able to sleep again until i turn Io off completely or start playing the next planet/moon track). So last night i was thinking to myself 'meh.. ill just play the whole thing again. i highly doubt Io has anything to do with it', and i did. I woke up right when the last track ended so it was silence. i got up to go to the bathroom with Io started playing. I tripped and almost fell. my hand ended up on the wall where my calendar was hanging, ironically it's a calendar of space/galaxies taken by NASA. and my finger ended up on top of a pin that was holding the calendar in place. it happened so quick i realized my finger was cut DEEP few mins later. so i put a bandage over it and was unable to sleep the whole night after that (got 4 hours of sleep total).
at first i was like maaaannn fuck Nasa!! i dont know what they put on those tapes or what subliminal messages. but then I did some research and this is what i found. the first 3 is what got me thinking this is why i cannot sleep with this track being on in the background
is this a coincidence or was i really influenced by this moon's energies?
p.s. do you think Nasa put subliminal messages on these tapes? they did fake the moon landing (yes, i really believe that)