The President of the Republic of Ireland, Mary McAleese, has praised the universality of the Baha'iteachings and the contribution its members make to the life of theirnation.

"You are marked out as people with values that are worth observing, worth learning from, worth looking at, worth imitating and so never bein any doubt of the value you are every single day in this world,"President McAleese told a gathering of some 60 Baha'is during her firstever visit to the national Baha'i Centre in the Irish capital.

"Something you probably do not know, and I am sure it is true of many of you, is that in and through your lives, you are extraordinaryambassadors for your Faith," she said in impromptu remarks.

President McAleese, first elected as Ireland's President in 1997, made her special visit to the Baha'i Centre on 30 April to mark theFestival of Ridvan, the anniversary of Baha'u'llah's declaration in 1863that He is the most recent in a line of divine Messengers that includesBuddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, Zoroaster, and others.

The President also expressed concern about the persecution of Baha'is in other countries. She said it was both sad and remarkable that aFaith with such principles would attract, in any shape or form, violencefrom others.

"And on this evening I think we just keep in our hearts those who are paying such a dear price for their fidelity to that simple human anddivine charism that reaches right into the heart of humanity,"

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    During her visit, President McAleese, right, spoke with young Baha'is from the Dublin area

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    The President, right, was presented with a specially bound copy of The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah, in bothEnglish and the Irish language. She is pictured here… »

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    The President of the Republic of Ireland, Mary McAleese, left, talks with two members of the NationalSpiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Ireland - Mr. Brendan… »

"How fortunate all Irish people are to live in a State where followers of allreligions or none are free to practice," she added, according to TheIrish Times, which covered her visit.

During the reception, President McAleese was presented with a specially bound edition of the Baha'i book, The Hidden Words ofBaha'u'llah, in both English and the Irish language.

Brendan McNamara, the Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Republic of Ireland, described the President's visitas "a milestone - a very joyous occasion."

"She was very generous and spoke with everybody present," said Mr. McNamara, "particularly taking time to encourage the youth - in whateverthey were doing - to make a contribution to the future of Ireland."

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  • Somethin about them Irish,

    • Thanks Star Base. There is so much negative stuff going around that I wanted to show that their is also a positive side to humanity.

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