Article in full from here:

In the film version of a book written by Arthur C. Clarke, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, this year marks the beginning of a new era for humanity – officialdiscovery of extraterrestrial life. Towards the end of 2009, a numberof sources and articles began appearing claiming that officialdisclosure of advanced extraterrestrial life was imminent. Late 2009and early 2010 witnessed an unprecedented number of events thatcontinue to suggest official disclosure of some kind is imminent. Whilepredictions of official disclosure by early 2010 have so far not provedaccurate, a preparatory process nevertheless appears to be wellunderway. The world public is being prepared for such an announcementby a series of scientific meetings concluding that discovery ofextraterrestrial life is inevitable. In what appears to be a carefullycalibrated process, Great Britain is playing a leading role insimultaneously preparing the world for an inevitable announcementconcerning the discovery of primitive extraterrestrial life, whiledampening down expectations about the visitation of technologicallyadvanced extraterrestrials in UFOs.

From January 25-26, 2010, London’s Royal Society, Britain’s equivalent of a national academy of sciences, held a two day meeting on the topic: "The detection of extraterrestrial life and the consequencesfor science and society." The meeting involved some of the world’sforemost scientific authorities in the search for extraterrestriallife. Leading the field were astrobiologists arguing the inevitabilityof biological evolutionary process taking off on exoplanets withsimilar conditions to Earth. Professor Simon Conway Morris, a CambridgeUniversity evolutionary biologist, said:

Contrary to most neo-Darwinian thinking at the moment, evolution is much morepredictable than people think. In short, under the right conditions ofa "biosphere" such as those present on Earth, the molecules necessaryto form complex and intelligent life are already available; Darwinianevolution will do the rest.

The conclusions of the conference over the inevitability of extraterrestrial life being eventuallydiscovered was affirmed by Lord Martin Rees, President of the RoyalSociety. In a Daily Telegraph news report released on Monday February 22, he said:

They could be staring us in the face and we just don’t recognise them. Theproblem is that we’re looking for something very much like us, assumingthat they at least have something like the same mathematics andtechnology… I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there informs we can’t conceive. Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantumtheory, it could be there as aspects of reality that are beyond thecapacity of our brains.

article continued at above link.

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  • "they've known" since... uhmm.. forever. the usa and the vatican have to admit it. the elite aren't ready, the safety net's still too frail to catch the weight of the chaos (mostly economic & civil) before they let that cat outta the bag!
  • The following was transcribed verbatim from:
    My gratitude goes to Jason for posting the discussion 'Cabal have managed to capture a number of Star Visitors and their families', which includes the above link.

    The Altimarans Have Now Arrived! by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

    It is my pleasure and joy to announce that the 12 environmental scientists from the planet Altimar have now arrived on Earth.
    Their mission is to work on remedying the environmental damage which has occurred in so many of our ecosystems. They also look forward to eventually working with select top Human environmental scientists in a collaborative effort towards environmental clean-up and restoration of Earth. They will teach our scientists, and show them the advanced technology which they use to help clean up Earth faster than we can do it on our own without such advanced environmental knowledge and equipment.
    The Altimarians arrived towards the end of January, 2008. Their location is at a remote spot in the Western Hemisphere. I am keeping confidential their exact arrival time and location for safety reasons.
    The global plutocratic cartel, the Cabal, do not want these scientists here, because the Altimarian 12 will be eventually working together with Human scientists in open, non-classified work projects, which will cause the Cabal's UFO Cover-Up to no longer be believable. The Cabal fear that these scientists from the stars will both end the UFO Cover-Up which the Cabal have been maintaining, and end the Cabal’s monopoly over advanced technology which the Cabal have plagiarized from starcraft they have secretly shot down. The Cabal have been hunting for these Altimarian scientists, and are ruthlessly prepared to take them out.
    Half a year ago, on June 7, 2007, I announced that, in response to a poll I took where Humans overwhelmingly declared that they welcome Star Visitors coming publicly among us, that Star Nations decided that the best way to start was to send a small helper workforce of a dozen Star Visitors.
    (To review that original announcement, see: )
    These 12 individuals are from a planet they call Altimar, which orbits a red dwarf star in the system which includes Barnard's Star. Barnard’s Star is approximately between 6 and 7 light years from Earth.
    They are all highly-advanced environmental scientists. Each are leaders in their fields, having equivalents of an Earth Ph.D.-level expertise in their environmental specialty area. Here on Earth they will help by working with our (non-Cabal) scientists and officials. They will teach our scientists, and show them advanced technology they will use to help clean up Earth faster than we can do it on our own without such advanced environmental knowledge and equipment.
    These Altimarians are hybrids, having the basic Altimarian genome, but were bioengineered with just enough added Human genes spliced in to give them lungs and other attributes adapting them to survive on Earth without artificial aids for our air and gravity.
    Because their star is dimmer than our Sun, and they find our sunlight too bright, they will spend most of their time in shady or indoor environments, or work at night.
    While the Altimarians have a sense of humor, they take their environmental remediation work very seriously.
    For our convenience they have adopted Human names.
    Chris and Oman are the two Technology Specialists. Their work is focused on reversing the damage to the environment and living things caused by Human technologies. Their techniques are so advanced that in many cases they work without using physical equipment. They also will be working with adjusting the damaging imbalances in Earth’s electromagnetic fields caused by Human actions, including by Cabal secret weapons tests.
    The three Botanical Specialists are Fred-1, Alvin, and Luke. Fred-1 specializes in plant life on riparian, shoreline and coastal environments. Alvin’s specialization is underwater plant life that grows in rivers and fresh-water lakes. Luke’s work is with plants growing in the ocean and estuaries.
    One of the two women on the Team is Mada, their Energy Clean-up Specialist. She works with the living things’ energy systems that are out of adjustment. Mada uses her skills in advanced energy work and healing techniques (somewhat analogous to our homeopathic and psychotherapeutic healing modalities) in order to correct negative and distorted energy patterns in living things and induce healing.
    There are four Specialists for the Earth, Air, Water and Fire Environments: Tom, Alfred, Sam, and Fred-2 (he also likes the name Fred). Tom is working with Gaia, the Earth, which even our scientists are now recognizing as a living being/conscious set of interactive ecosystems. Tom will be adjusting disturbances in the Earth caused by Human impacts. Alfred will be working on healing the environmental damage done to our air and atmosphere. Sam will be concentrating on correcting damage done to our oceans, rivers and lakes. Fred-2 will be focusing on the Fire element, including disturbances affecting magma and lava.
    The other woman is Amanda, the Team’s Communication Specialist. She will be serving as the Team’s Public Information Officer, and will deal with translating, with language problems such as helping clear up misunderstandings, and with communicating between the Altimarians (hereafter, the A-Team) and Human environmental scientists selected to work alongside their counterpart scientist on the A-Team. In addition to her growing facility with Human languages, Amanda utilizes her telepathy skills to communicate with the various non-human species, and with the elemental consciousnesses resident in various natural environments.
    The A-Team Administrator is Commander Gene. He also undertakes communication on behalf of the A-Team, and will be involved in bringing messages back and forth between the Altimarians and Humans they are dealing with. When necessary he will serve as official spokesperson for the A-Team.
    As Earth’s representative to Star Nations’ governing Council, I will be working closely with Gene and Amanda to serve as intermediary for official purposes. This role will include introducing them publicly to the world once we Humans have eliminated the Cabal threat to the lives of the Altimarians.
    The Altimarian scientific team has looked forward to coming to Earth and helping us with cleaning up our environment. They are committed to staying and doing a thorough job. The Altimarians have a deep love of Earth and its exceptional bio-diversity, uncommon in the galaxy. It is the Altimarians' plan to start here with the larger-scope environmental-restoration projects first, for example, working on cleaning up a given ocean, and then later to tackle smaller-scale projects such as critical toxic sites.
    When I asked their Communications Officer Amanda what the Altimarians' general statement for Humankind is, she replied, “We come in peace, to help.”
    They come in service to the greater good. But they are not going to do it all for us. Such would be an imbalance. And we need to learn from our mistakes by helping clean them up.
    I know that many tens of thousands of you would like to welcome them in person. But we have to keep in mind that they are now already engaging in environmental repair work, the top priority. Earth is in semi-critical condition. The A-Team could not get their work done if they spent time greeting all the people who would like to meet them and say hello.
    And because Cabal attack attempts can be assumed if the Altimarians meet with the public, general public direct contact with the Altimarians will have to wait until the Cabal menace has been taken care of. The Altimarians do not want to be killed, nor do they want any harm to happen to potential visitors who would become ”collateral damage” in a Cabal attack.
    Star Nations promises that the Altimarians will show up publicly when it is appropriate to do so. It will be a while.
    Meanwhile we need to busy ourselves with our own environment-healing efforts, and with taking back our society from the rich powerful materialistic controllers currently corrupting it. As we do these things, the day of an open presentation of the12 Altimarians to the general public will be at hand.

    - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

    August 5, 2008 - Update & Progress Report on Altimarians' Environmental Work Here


    I am sharing with you a report just received from Gene, the commander of the scientific team here from the planet Altimar to work on helping restore Earth's damaged environments.
    This is a significant message, and I urge you to share it widely.
    - Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


    Gene's message:

    "To the Human species of what you know as Planet Earth,
    "There has been many questions as to what we are doing since our arrival here.
    "Well in short, we have been quite busy with correcting the environmental systems, especially considering that upon our arriving, we had to avoid being captured by what your Lightworkers call the Cabal (and other names or terminology). As a result, we had to go into a safe haven, as it is called, to escape such hands, that are unworthy.
    The main aspects that we have had to address are these:
    1- the three [Arctic] places where the Monoliths [stolen space beacons] were being kept; because of the effect they have had on the Earth's ecology; considering that [the space beacons' placement by the Cabal] was set intentionally for negative ends. Till they were exposed and removed to aid in the [Earth's] healing and rebalancing.
    2- The waters, both what you call fresh and saline areas. These of all of Earth's ecological problems are the bloodstream of Earth and its inhabitants. And [they] are being affected every single second by the actions of Humans who intentionally do harm to them. Thus, the lifeforms within, let alone outside, are affected and losing their lives for the wrong reasons. Thus, the [mistreating] sectors of Humanity are willingly taking the lives of their fellow Humans without regard.
    3- Humans' [practice of] working with nuclear energy plants, and the water that is used for "cooling". Till Humanity has showed [eco-integrity] by non-[eco-]hostile actions using the Breath -(wind)-, and the brightness/light waves -(the Sun), Humanity should no longer work with such [nuclear] energy, as they are doing more harm than good. And the effects are spreading through the water systems of Earth.
    These are the main aspects that are being dealt with, with the reluctant assistance of the inner inhabitants of Earth alongside us. Reluctant because of their [Inner Earth Peoples'] distrust of Humanity and their actions.
    “As for [requests for] our "showing" the instruments of the work we do; or how we do the work we do to heal; there are many ways we accomplish these. As for "showing those items or practices", we are a lot more intelligent than that. As we have seen the abuse that occurs from the procurement of "technology" that is not Human-made. For example, Humanity has modalities at its service to assist them in their lives which are confiscated or withheld [by the Cabal]. I believe that speaks for itself.
    “I bid all of Humanity well. As Earth is your home: which you need to take care of, before thinking about going out and doing what you want in just your own Solar System.

    In Service to Councillor of/for Earth, Source and Altimar,

    Gene “

    [Edited and presented by:]
    Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor
    President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
    Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
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  • Bit by bit, the puzzle pieces are surfacing. It is always good to see a new one, especially this which presents actions by scientists. One thing for sure, this level of our truth has begun to precipitate and we are here to participate. I trust this time will exceed everyone's dreams. Lots of dancing with old and new friends ahead!
  • Please read the discussion about the article published on, "Aliens 'already exist on earth', Bulgarian scientists claim". Also, please read the Related Articles mentioned therein.

    "Aliens from outer space are already among us on earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are already in contact with extraterrestrial life".
  • Is 2010 the year of discovery for extraterrestrial life?

    • I totally agree with you Blue, the scientists and government know all full well there is life elsewhere in the universe....dahhhhhhhh. The scientists only release information to the public if the powers that be allow it, which most often they don't, or Big Pharma as in the cases of cures for lucrative diseases such as aids, cancer, altzeimers, leukemia. Do you think that Big Pharma would let those be cured once and for all. NOT! Illuminati wants to keep us dumb and dying, as we are easier to control that way.....And as a comment about scientists, they are very very careful as a rule to take a novel stand on things as far as stepping outside the "accepted" scientific information of the day for fear of ridicule. This has been true for as long as there have been scientists...don't want their careers ruined....There have been some that are willing to take the risk, but the majority stay in the "safety" box of safe concensus.
  • I really wish they would just get on with it. I must say also it is a "coincidence" that in the movie, 2010 would be the year we make contact. I really hope it is. Im getting sick of being told for the last about 3 years that it is going to happen "so soon" and then another year passes with nothing happening.
    • Draco, why wait for 'The "Authorized" Version' by the 'government'???
      It's like begging the 'government/elite/illuminati/NWO' for their "approval" before we can be "allowed" by 'them' to know all these things we must know about.
      Remember this: YOU already have THE Authorized Knowlege about THE TRUTH !!!
      And this:
      Nothing and no one can take your power away from you, unless you allow them to do so.
      • Yes, but the government is still blocking mass contact and because of this we are still being kept in servitude by the illuminati.
    • Seems 'soon' is relative with same here on the island tomorrow seems to be next Altought i believe the world not to be ready for this yet, some of us might but the majority of the people would freak out i think. Look how crazy they behave and fall on their knees praying to god when things happen to them. I accepted it was going to happen and this took a whole load of my back.
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