Hey ya'll. Hope i posted in the right section.

I got a question that i feel is important in these days.

Looking back in the past our ancestors have been using "drugs" to become in touch with the spirit world and other realms or achieve a higher concious. 

I've been a weed smoker for at least 6 years now (mostly so i could numb my emotions and not deal with the world and just being a young idiot) and recently stopped. The reason for that is because i felt like i was gettin more paranoid and aggressive and attracted allot of negative energy around me. And i didn't think it was because i smoked the wrong stuff cause i smoked alot of different kinda herbs. But back on the subject. Is weed hash or whatever natural drug good or bad for spiritual growing? What do you guys think? looking forward to ur reactions and vieuws! 

Thank you in advance ;)

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  • Well you still grow no matter if you're on weed or not....but if you are, ultimately, part of that growth will mean getting of it, breaking the addiction if you have one, and being clean and clear again. Ideally, real growth and advanced awareness should be grass roots and organic....not dependent on anything outside of you. I mean can you imagine Jesus smoking a joint lol Jesus wouldn't need to do that, and neither does anyone else.

  • we are not our self under influence of any intoxicating agents, and all THAT we experience UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF INTOXICANTS may be a hallucination or figment of our imagination as a result of OUR suppressed thoughts and desire.

    intoxication may makes us feel good, but not GOD.


  • Hi, 

    I have smoked for some time. Did not feel like a bad thing at the time. But... I did not dream during that period, I guess that was ok too. Then one day I decided to stop, was not difficult, just did it. And never looked back, well looked back at my experiences and learned a lot from it. I think we do what we do at the times we need to do it. Listen to your heart and you'll know. 

    LOVE Jenn

  • I have lately been very curious about trying to use some mushrooms that grow in fields all over Sweden. I think it could lead to an altered state of conciousness which are otherwise harder to achieve. I know a lot that use mushrooms only for the sole purpose of a drug to have fun have felt euphoric and a greater understanding towards persons and nature for example. If you then combine them with the intent of working with yourself and exploring what is beyound our regular five senses I believe they can be a tool to help you grow spiritually. 

    All I have to do is to get out and look for them before it get's too cold, but there is always a small anxiety of using something that is considered illegal and tabu by everyone, and it's kind of feeling somewhat unsecure to use them for the first time without ever tried any drug before, so I'm not quite sure yet if I want to do this :).

    • Please don't eat any wild mushrooms unless you know for sure what they are....most wild mushrooms are poisonous, some very well might kill you if you eat them xD

      • John, USE YOUR BRAIN.  dont make false assinine comments about things you dont know about.

        MOST wild mushrooms are poisonous eh.  you must SUCK LARGE at math because here is the truth of your "belief"

        Causes of mushroom poisoning

        Of the many thousands of mushroom species in the world, only 32 have been associated with fatalities, and an additional 52 have been identified as containing significant toxins.[6] By far the majority of mushroom poisonings are not fatal,[7] but the majority of fatal poisonings are attributable to the Amanita phalloides mushroom.[8]



        MANY THOUSANDS, only 32 are deadly and 52 make you sick.  lets just pretend they said only 1 thousand instead of MANY. and teach you some real math.


        52 / 1000 = 5.2%  with many thousands this # is actually 2 or 3 times less, putting the real # at 1 or 2%


        So in your worl 5% of the available 100% is MOST?  this is horrible math and not very good for a politician to advise people false facts.  you should start now speaking only facts and truths if you intend on changing politics from the inside. in 10 - 15 years .

        • Oh Onesie womsie, there you go again, always with the contradictions lol Look I used to work in a Native American museum, I spent alot of time with them and outdoors....and they'll tell you, you should never eat wild mushrooms. Most mushrooms in the wild, have alot of toxins that aren't good for you. Very few are actually psychedelic, many of them are poisonous....and some of them can kill you if you eat them. 52 might not seem like a big number in retrospect, but it actually is. You need to know exactly what you're eating before you eat it, and even then, it's not the best thing to do. It's better to go to a market and buy mushrooms, which were grown on mushroom farms....or if you want to get high, go to a dealer and buy some mush lol

          • did i say to go and eat wild mushrooms?  NOPE so dont even try

            YOU made the comment that MOST wild mushrooms are poisonous, the TRUTH is only 52 out of MANY THOUSANDS are poisonous, that is NOT most

            Dont whinge because you got caught trying to peddle false information to people.

            • Well look, I know it's important to have a critical nature...but sometimes you can be too critical. You think you cross that line? I think you run right over it, into the end zone lol You look for the littlest things to criticize and contradict people over. 52 mushrooms species, that we know of, there's probably more, is still alot of mushroom species. And those are the highly toxic ones that can have serious side effects, alot more simply have toxins that aren't good for you. I mean mushrooms are a fungi....not the best thing to be eating anyways lol People need to be careful what they eat, especially mushrooms, especially going out in the wild and picking mushrooms to eat, you shouldn't do that.

              • no you see of the thousands they know about they know only 52 are poisonous. your rationale that natives dont eat them so we shouldnt is false correlation.

                again i never said that people should pick what they dont know, what i said is that 52 out of thousands is not most. so try not to exaggerate things .

                your native thinking line is false.  they dont eat the wild mushrooms because they dont have anything like libraries.  they have no permanent visual record system of facts or pictures, they have what is called an oral tradition, it becomes quite difficult to separate hundreds of plants animals and other growths without these types of record systems, so they teach what is easy, dont bother with mushrooms.

                as far as presenting facts and truths and being exact, there is no such thing as too critical or too stringent.  only those who continuously present false facts and suppositions based on heresy and without logic, need to complain that the criteria for truth are too high.

                do not try to turn this into something about eating mushrooms is good or not.  the problem is your math skills and what you think "most" is.  if you are interersted in becoming a politician then this is very important as "most" of the votes is what you need to win an election.  if there are 2 then most is >50%, if there are 3 then most is >33.3repeat%, if there are 4 then >25% is most. 

                5.2% is not most, and as i stated since the article says there are thousands and i based my math on only 1 thousand this makes the actual % of poisonous to non poisonous mushrooms at least 2-3 times less.

                be prepared to also have all your statements questioned and picked apart if you intend on being a politician, if you cant handle this little bit here and now you will not survive 5 minutes in the house.

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