is anyone any good they believe at dream interpretation i just woke up from a really vivid dream, about being able to fly and being able to manipulate material. It actually started with me driving home from somewhere far with another man whom had not seen his family for a long time and he was sooooooooo happy i was dropping him off in Chicago at a bus or train station. (I think the location was on my mind because i was listening to abraham hicks this morning and looking at the schedules and that was the closest locale for an event) so we were walking down the street in Chicago and came across these ladies with big gold buttons on their coats and then started boating out the current price off gold meanwhile we were all of a sudden flying next thing i know i was inside some large warehouse/ new car rv showroom weird already. I could fly and manipulate the material but i was kinda like the greatest american hero where my powers were kinda off and on it almost go me killed once and another time got me trapped inside a locked car. The cars floor i and where it was parked i was able to make translucent and flew up from the bottom to the inside to show someone who was in the dream with me and then the powers where on the fritz and i got stuck. Then toward the end i was gonna fly off from an over hang and realized i couldn't and caught myself and pulled up it was really hard and took a few times trying to pull up. when i woke up i was reallllllllllllllly sore as if i had been really living the dream. The other weird part was their is a Muslim man whom i work with and i was letting him listen to an abraham hicks clip this morning about who jesus really was and he was all interested and wants me to put this on a cd for him to listen. He was in this dream too. i have had many dreams about flying and they have been all really interesting one i believe had some intense meaning i flew up to a really high building and their were these gym doors and they were chained like i couldn't be free to go any higher. So do dreams mean something and are we really experiencing them somewhere with others or are they merely a play based upon you're events and the people u have interacted with that day. Hmmmm just looking for some insight
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I ran across this today thought it might be useful.
Love and Light