Is "Ashtar Command" a myth ?

Is Ashtar Command a myth? I came accross this channeling yesterday and it really got me to questioning. Not only questioning Ashtar Command-- but also my own beliefs in anything. Why do people believe in something? What makes one thing for real and another thing a myth ? What is there to believe in what's left? In some schools of thought this is called " THE dark night of the soul "


IT is part of the true spiritual initiation process to get beyond all your fanatical beliefs and cross over what is called " The Abyss".

So here is the page to the channeling on Lightworkers Dot Org

And here is a copy of the text---

COSMIC AWARENESS explains the "Truth" behind the Ashtar Command.
17 March 2008 - 8:16pm | Passionate Lion
To all the my loving friends and clients that constantly ask me..."Jeff, who are Real and who are the False Aliens that seem to be Channeling everywhere"? This Channeling from Cosmic Awareness ( Prime Creator) may provide a greater clarity than I could possibly express.

Remember, my friends... "Believe nothing you read or hear and always doubt...and investigate for yourselves, what is Truth, for you"!

(Channeling begins)

This Awareness indicates that regarding the so called “Space Brothers and the Ashtar Command", in particular, are more fantasy than reality. This Awareness indicates that there were some contacts in the 50's between human types and earthlings and some of these contacts, the extraterrestrials speaking with the humans gave the impression that they were present for the purpose of assisting humanity. This Awareness indicates that this led to many unusual ideas and it was assumed that there was a great command force of extraterrestrials just waiting out there in space, waiting for humanity to evolve sufficiently for them to come in and rapture humanity and help humanity to reach new and greater heights of expression.
This Awareness indicates that these ideas were projected onto the UFO scene at the time, wherein entities would spot unidentified flying objects and hear stories about extraterrestrials being here for some noble purpose, to assist to put a kind of spiritual and cosmic order to fill in the blanks and missing parts of the situation, so as to help the mind make sense, and in this process, some entities began to channel or pretend to channel in such a way as to promote ideas which included the concept of the Ashtar Command, and this particular channeling became quite popular in its narrow sense, among many who wanted answers and did not particularly need evidence.
This Awareness indicates there has not yet been any evidence presented that the Ashtar Command exists. There has only been parroting of words about the Ashtar Command and channels, allegedly giving information on the Ashtar Command. This Awareness indicates that this does not mean that entities of extraterrestrial or ultra terrestrial dimension do not communicate with humans, /t is suggesting, however, that the Ashtar Command concept is more fiction than fact.

This Awareness indicates that gradually, the origin of these entities became less in focus and the entities ceased to speak about their coming from Mars or Venus, as the space program began to define the temperatures and natures of those planets, and entities began to realize that those planets were not capable of supporting the human-type life that was attributed to the extraterrestrials whom they represented in their channelings. Gradually, rather than saying they came from Mars or Venus, the extraterrestrials were in spaceships, floating around the earth, waiting for the right time to rescue humanity. This time has gone on for approximately 25 years, these entities still floating up there somewhere, waiting to rescue humanity. This Awareness indicates it would seem that their plans for the rescue were not well thought out, or they have over-extended their time and used an enormous supply of energy and food over the 25 or 30 years, just to waste the time waiting for humanity to reach the time when it should be rescued.
This Awareness indicates that rather than understand the nature of the phenomena, entities prefer to stick with the information about this so-called Ashtar Command, and the 'space brothers', because it is comforting. It is illogical that they would sit there for some 25 to 40 years waiting for humanity to be ready to be rescued. It is illogical that they would keep a supply of food and fuel constantly circling for that length of time or that they would return to wherever they allegedly came from, and then come back and keep waiting.
It would seem that if they wanted to rescue humanity they would have made some direct attempt, direct contact rather than holding back and channeling through this person or that person and never letting themselves be seen. This Awareness indicates that the concept of the Ashtar Command and the 'Space Brothers' as presented is another myth.
This Awareness indicates that It does not mean there is no such thing as extraterrestrials who have an interest in the earth. The Pleiadians are real entities, and they have some interest in the earth, but they are not part of the so-called 'Ashtar Command.' The Vegans and
the Arcturians and certain of those from Sirius are interested and benevolent and friendly to earthlings. There are also those who are hostile, indifferent to earth, but for personal gain, have an interest in earth. These have been discussed: The Orion Empire, the Reptilian Federation from Draco, and the Zeta Reticuli. These and a few other extraterrestrials have their designs on earth also, but they do not go by the name Ashtar Command, nor do those who are represented as the Ashtar Command ever actually show themselves physically, nor have they ever done anything physically for entities to rescue them from abductions, or to assist them on earth levels, except as might occur for an entity
This Awareness indicates that if one believes that a kernel of popcorn holds mystical powers, and attempts to do something, that kernel of popcorn can be quite helpful in getting the thing done. Is the kernel of popcorn actually powerful, or is the belief the power that is acting?
This Awareness indicates that many entities believe in the Ashtar Command and it gives them comfort and strength, just as a child might believe in a security blanket and might feel terrorized and naked without it. The security blanket might help the child through a frightening time or experience, just as the belief in the Ashtar Command could help some entities during their times of crisis.
This does not mean the security blanket has any mystical power; it simply has a psychological influence because the entity believes in it. In itself, it has nothing but the ability to keep an entity warmer, but the energy attributed to it by the entity who believes in it is the force that gives it mystical power.

This Awareness expresses the energies of Gratitude.

(Channeling ends)

(Note: I have no personal opinions or judgements regarding this issue expressed by Awareness, I am merely a Servant of Awareness passing along the information...for a greater and in-depth understanding of this issue...please go may find your answers there.)


The channeling does not deny the existence of space beings or visitations
It just states the possibility that the phenomena could be more fiction than fact.
How do you feel about it?

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  • Did you ever consider the possibility that all of us coming together in this fashion would constitute the CREATION of just such an organization? That we are our future-selves at any given moment? Did you also consider the possibility that Ashtar Command is a thought-form only & that it was created by us as a "cosmic alarm clock" to awaken us to the very idea of a greater reality/possibilities? We only need some thing, some where, some when to get us to even conceive of asking a question/the question......

  • Marianinia-- did you read the comments and the purpose of this discussion at all?

    The question topic was --- Is ashtar command a myth? --- don't be all angry about it. This particular channeling -- which did not come through me---gives a few valid points such does not deny the existence of visitations or extraterrestrials. I have never seen one. I am open to the possibiity. It points to the possibility that Ashtar Command could be a type of security blanket psychologically.I am trying to interpret your response to the discussion. I get because you have seen so many videos on You Tube thats enough evidence for you.

    Because its on the internet than it must be real.

  • The simple point is instead of trying to say ASHTAR COMMAND is not real and this..that and the other...BE GRATEFUL TO ASHTAR COMMAND for is they did not exist this Planet would have been destroyed ages ago...YOU ARE HERE NOW because of the SPACE WARRIORS ASHTAR COMMAND WHO FIGHT FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE IN THIS UNIVERSE


  • OH BOI well this discussion has developed quite a bit.My intent was not to bash anything but to get to the heart and reality of the matter.In 1959 I saw my first scifi TV show.It was about a boy who saw a spaceship crash and aliens had a quick sand trap and caught humans and brought them down to their laboratory and inserted a crystal implant in peoples brains. They would then make them do bad things and after they did they would mysteriously die. I was about 5 years old at the time and had nightmares for years after seeing that show. I kept feeling that beings from space were trying to get to me.
    The TV --- Cathode Ray Tube -- crt has come a long way in the controlling of the minds of the people. It all started quite soon after the Roswell NM incident. There were many reports and stories of extraterrestrials after that. I dont doubt the possibility
    of entities from beyond the earthly planet. I have never seen one or been in contact with one consciously or knowingly.
    I am willing to admit I am not supercognizant and dont deny the possibility. But there are ways of manipulating peoples minds and consciousness. The project called MK ULTRA was a mind control experiment. Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program.
    There are thousands of web pages about it please look at this link for further info.
  • Well this article did not resontate with me and just felt like it was not a respectable channelers piece and was just a mere human babbling.  But if you want to bash Ashtar this piece does resonate with me   click on article "Not all light beings are of the light
  • Omar Ta Satt (Greetings Lightworker)

    Ashtar is no myth dear one he is an ascended master, listen to your intution

    He is helping us very much at this time of accension as duality is breaking down very very quickly

    mmm some good channellings for you would be the kryon school take a look they might resonate with you



  • It is funny ....if there was no Ashtar Command then all the UFO sightings across the Globe are unmanned ie without any beings in them ....How very interesting they are just flying about by themselves...THIS MUST BE A NEW ADVANCEMENT IN TECHNOLOGY where no living beings are required

    Below From the album: Mystical & Metaphysical by Metaphysical Wonders


    • Some reports have stated that many UFO's act 'alive' in a way, so if some are probes that may not be so far fetched. We have unmanned probes, drones, and satellites.  Sometimes it may be safer to have unmanned ships explore earth. Living or even somewhat organic machines is not a far out idea even in our own scientific terms.  And does the ship have to belong to Ashtar Command or any of the other groups people talk about?
  • at first i want to excuse me for following possible grammatical errors, im german, you have to understand...


    My first short answer on your question is: YES AND NO

    The only fact of ALL NATURE how it want to exist and is only that able to survive is with LOVE

    Some will think, "oh love, so..., ahh one more hippie on trip" i want to explain it for these people

    Love is the only feeling that keeps yourself alife, love is the only feeling which is the strongest and most undevined in all human bodies...

    love is the most untold feeling what binds creatures and materials...

    the love which we human are able to feel on the most primitive way is the love between male and female, to enable surviving of the own species...

    of the own SPECIES, "hold on!" you have to learn to define...

    when you arent connected yet or like its called "enlighted" to get "awake"

    you will think, im a human, human is my species-type, dog-dog, cat-cat, rat-rat...


    this is the thinking why humanity kills each other, and at the end itsself without the willing to...

    when you think that like, you say, "my species-type is the being who looks and acts to me most similar", thats why

    racism and nationalism exists, the feeling to hate the next person who has different goals and looks different... to divorce cultures and fight them... (i dont want to call monkeys "primitive" in the following sense) thats why primitive life form build up groups in form of small "families", like monkeys... to help and defend each other from "aggressive" beings who want to kill/eat or enslave them...

    thats the way why we act aggressive to each other and to other life-forms from the same planet or from other planet and civilisations...

    a primitive thinking would say: "family, 3,5 people or maybe more?"

    NO if i want to be exactly, families never existet, its the primitive way to split our real perfection of godness

    NO because every unknown lifeform is your family too, maybe more then your nearest...

    because hes able to hirt and heal you... even if he lives 100.000 miles away from you... or is only a bazillion




    why the pure lovely nature evolves better without the human, why the earth is destroying itself without controll and any tracable reasons?

    as long you dont accept the first universal law, LOVE, you will act harmfully and will always have negative feelings...

    negative feelings in all discernible ways are a feature of a conflict, that something is hirting your soul or body...

    this negative feelings and the reaction to execute the source of the conflict, is shown on mother earth as hurricanes, earthquakes and many more even if "she" destroys innocent lifeforms... thats the one of the first reasons, why lifeforms help together to stop destruction and heal the planet...

    now i want to trigger who the Ashtar Command is...

    all high civilisations which realized and accepted the urgent one, allmighty, perfect, devine law: UNIVERSAL LOVE

    are now able to help and heal in all cosmic places... this is the condition of admission of the earth to act together with the universal civilasitions...

    the Ashtar Command is a "group" of many million beings which are "fighting" for freedom and peace in all situations...

    Ashtar Command is the specific force for our latitude of galaxy and today authorized to take care of planet earth,

    every step will watched and controlled which could destroy many people in short time...

    im not able and authorized to tell you all methods...

    Ashtar Command is the force which contains every lifeform who is activly helping to change the world into the first law, like in heaven as on earth...

    YES people who had synchronized their souls with their bodies, are permanently in contact(telepathic) with the "news agency", if you will so, of the Ashtar Command in the hemisphere, some call it channeling...


    IF THERE IS NO ASHTAR COMMAND we would be enslaved today of our human leaders by computerchips or the like...

    IF THERE IS AN ASHTAR COMMAND but not in the peaceful way we would be already dead or enslaved of them...

    IF THERE IS NO PEACEFUL UNIVERSAL GOVERNMENT, we would be attacked as in science-fiction films...

    IF WE ARE ONLY LABORATORY ANIMALS OR ONLY FOOD, the planet wouldnt change that fast into spiritual light to rid the chain of humanity...


    the doubts of this story, that Ashtar Command on earth is unreal, are mostly entitled, because at the moment there is a very small number of pure lightworkers which is rapidly rising... even the thought that these forum is inaktive with the active willing of lightworkers and its only a forum to find strange friends is false, everything what you are reading about spiritual stories, stories about UFO-sightings, stories about spiritual healings are in the willing to evolve your physical existence to the truth and synchronize your soul with the cosmic light and your body to connect to the Ashtar Command and rid your physical chains which the dark humanity-politics has given you...


    ITS TRUE, only the thinking that the world is evolving to light is the success of Ashtar Command to awaked hope first in you, that the situation isnt that bad how many negatives think...

    people who doubt in the existence of Ashtar Command are not able to believe in a peaceful "force" or "commando"

    because its the picture of human martial "forces" that you are grown up with, who kill and capture...

    people who grew up with the picture of angry and martial beings(through films and own follow people) are not able to believe in a LOVELY UNIVERSAL GOVERNMENT...

    even the meaing in the words "LOVELY UNIVERSAL GOVERNMENT" is ridiculous for many people...

    thats why many people are not able to believe in telepathic communication to lovely aliens...

    yea "lovely aliens" in the first seconds you will laugh, but never forget how hard they are fighting for your personal and global freedom... dont laugh in the face of god when you are standing in front of him...



    Ashtar Command is recruiting all the time and everywhere to fight for peace and love without pain and hirtings everywhere... WE ARE ONE, WE ARE ALL POLITICIANS, AS IT HEAVEN SO ON EARTH...


    in neverending love to everything good in you, We are with you, everywhere and everytime

    Ashtar Command


    • The whole topic about LOVE and what it is requires a deep investigation. I'm afraid Love is not so simple, because most people believe love is the chemical reaction between male and female or whatever combination of gender that you are attracted to.What is passed off as love is really a sexual combination of energy and it is fleeting and whimsical at best.
      Now what about eternal LOVE?
      And to throw the "WORD LOVE" around like its some kind of commodity that can be bought or sold, just isnt love either.
      I love you ---- till it doesnt suit me and then we break up and have bad feelings and get divorced.. This goes on every single day and is really a monstrosity, get real what's the latest figures on divorce rates and hollywood bollywood relationships?
      Phony love all of it based on chemical attraction. How many love songs are about and so popular echoing the heart break of the so called love?No none of this is love.
      What is true love--- now thats a discussion in itself and requires a lot of different opinions.
      Real love is undying and eternal. Now talk about the real meaning of love not sentimentality.
      Lets get beyond the animal nature into some real 5th dimensoanl love, beyond the concept of a physical body or ephmeral circumstances.I love Him cause he's my meal ticket and I sell my sex to him in exchange for room and board.
      OOOPs now I can make it on my own. I know the divorce laws I get half and he pays me for so long severance pay.
      or whatever.You call that love? Don't try to fool me or anybody else. Who knows anything about true love?
      What does unconditional love mean?
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