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The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
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Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
I wish i could blow up anything i wanted.
The newest report that was shared just a couple of days ago was from Commander Ariana, the Andromedan Commander. She was talking about ionic electromagnetic grid changes, which are changing the magnetics from the crystal core of the Earth, or at the level of the crystal core of the Earth. That is being disseminated to all of us and all the planetary structures through all the grid lines. So the Andromedans are masters of grids and they are the ones who originally helped set up the grids of this planet with us and many here were part of that. So what we wanted to do is to continue to update this while still bringing people along who don´t know anything about what´s been happening. We are on Terra Nova. Everyone who comes here now must be 5th dimensional or higher, and this will continue to progress exponentially over the next few years until everything and everyone has fully up shifted to crystalline or Christed structure which is the method of the expression in all the higher dimensions. Right now, the moon has come up again and we delivered a special report on that last time. Right now, there is a NASA flight scheduled to reach the moon on October 9th and there is a lot of disinformation and misinformation out on the Internet, and in two areas: one of them has to do with the moon and who is there and what they are doing and what that is all about, [and] the second thing is about NASA itself. Now we only learned recently ourselves, it is part of this switchover to positive orientation that the top personnel in charge of these missions has now joined the light in a positive process and is part of the Galactic Federation. That has not been put out to my knowledge anywhere until now so we want to share that with you tonight because that has to do with stories that are circulating out on the Internet. Metatron was asked to comment on this and he said:
"There is currently a negative ET programming pulsing out from the Moon which is responsible for lunar cycles. This affects the sea tides and women´s menstrual cycles. When the final ETs are removed, this negative programming will be abolished."
We also asked Commander Ariana to discuss this with us. Beth, do you want to tell us what she said?
BETH: Yes. This is from Ariana:
"There will be a coordinated team effort to cleanup your current Moon, Luna. There will be a Galactic Federation team made up of Andromedans, Pleiadians, Arcturians, and others. They will remove renegade stations, dissemble negative coding and make other adjustments to the Moon. This will be done around the time of October 4th, 2009 full moon. The changes will be phased in. These changes will again affect the seas and there may be more flooding, serious, as significant earth changes in the seabed floors are made. The shifting of the Earth axis is then able to be reprogrammed. We can expect with the firmament changes will come melting of the pole ice. There will be a redistribution of fresh water on Earth so the desert areas will have adequate water. There will be a temperate climate on all areas of Earth. These changes will be phased in, in the next 2-3 years."
MARK: These changes will have a positive effect on the human body that will be noticeable and undeniable. Everything is raising in vibration as the electromagnetic ionic changes come into effect on Earth. No longer with the effects of war be allowed to remain on Earth. Everyone will have access to clean water, abundant food and so much more as we move into mass landings. All of the Children of the Sun will know peace, joy and love. The next Earth changes will happen in a planned effort. All of the ancient portals of Earth will be reopened and this will affect Inner Earth as well as the surface. We nine commanders head up this part of Earth Ascension. We thank you all for joining in that mediation and meditation. When you focus positive energy to Earth, as she changes, the effects go smoothly with the least disruption needed. There will NOT be any Earth changes that are catastrophic. Earth Ascension has been completed in a peaceful manner. The necessary readjustments to the tectonic plates, the ocean floor, mountain tops, earth grid and her electromagnetic ionic field will occur with minimal disruption to everyday life on Earth.
BETH: After this, there was an email brought to the attention of me and Mark, and we had received a message from someone who had taken this information, a portion of this information, and sent it on as a message except for every statement in it was a negative statement. It was made into something that was meant to be feared and so we ____ went this that was passed onto us and it didn´t feel right to us, so we decided to ask Ashtar to clarify it further. Ashtar said to us:
"The NASA probe in passing the Moon is run by our guys. We are dismantling establishments on the Moon. We are gearing up for changes that will affect the Earth. This is an operation with many, many phases over the next several months (18-30). These changes are done in cooperation with the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds because it affects more than just the Moon and the Earth. The Earth grid aligning with the new timeline, new Original Lemurian Timeline, has everything to do with tectonic plate shifting. This happened after the opening of the gateway of Ancient Mu. This has nothing to do with anything taking place on the Moon. The changes that will happen on the Moon through the workers of the Galactic Federation who are loving, benevolent Christed ETs, will affect the electromagnetic ionic fields of Earth, the climate and the axial alignment. This will not cause major catastrophes. It will restore Earth to its original pristine beauty and balance, after the second Moon comes into Earth´s orbit." ~Ashtar
MARK: Well, other things that are in here that we wanted to talk about was the bases. These are the renegade bases if you want to call them that. There are 3 renegade Zeta Reticuli bases and there are also 2 much, much larger and older transmitter bases that are there on the dark side of the Moon and have been photographed, and those photographs are out on the Internet that actually deal with transmissions. Now this is what we want to make very clear here is that these structures are being dismantled by the Galactic Federation with the help of NASA. This is a joint Galactic Federation NASA operation that is scheduled to take place on October 9th. NASA is not looking for water on the Moon, and they are not working solely at the Moon polar icecaps which is what the information out there has been saying. They are talking about [this] in those information releases, that may be discussed by sincere people, but they are getting disinformation, so they are unfortunately passing it on. This NASA probe is not there to harm the Moon or Earth and that information is out there on purpose designed to instill fear. Now who would possibly want to do that? People who are there on the Moon using these technologies there for many different things which are not to your benefit, and we will just move on without going into too elaborate detail about that. The changes that are going on to the Moon will start on October 4th and these involve.... There are operations that we will be involved in, that Commander Ariana was talking about, that involve taking down a transmission station on the dark side of the Moon originally built by the Orions. After this, we will dismantle the science station of the Zetas. This lab was a place where hybrids were created, that is, human Zeta hybrids were cloned in glass containers. Ashtar showed us pictures of that. By the full moon of November 2nd which is the first full moon following October 4th full moon, the taking down of that transmitter will no longer contain the program pulsing out now which affects ALL of our emotions as well as our tides.
Events of the 4th could preemptsome of the actions now out there being discussed or make them impotent. We wanted to know about this. Do we need to do anything else to neutralize them? And the King said, when the work is done on the 4th and the signal no longer goes out, changes will not be felt right away. Groups may join together with an intention, but if the intention is false, it goes nowhere. Meaning if people´s intentions are to take out the positive bases there or the positive NASA people like [on] the shuttlecraft, that will not work. That will go nowhere, because it is, you might say, the nanites involved in these things will not comply. So be very aware that your attention and your energy are being tempted to be used here, but you need not be in any fear because as long as your intention is pure, it isn´t going to do any harm. But all the NASA flights now are for the Galactic Federation and part of the Ascension programming and that is very good news to know. The Cabal renegade ET alliance is crumbling and all of the current and future joint Ashtar, Andromedan, Arcturian, Pleiadian operations are positive breakups of the dark renegades´ control over this planet and all of us.
Signs of water detected - living on the moon may be feasible
India’s lunar mission finds evidence of water on the Moon