Or can the really hardcore ascension types be flagrant douchebags?
Can we not see that this whole you're with me or you suck mentality is nothing different than any other segregationist movement...than any other we are the greatest, the CHOSEN and the rest of you suck and shall suffer...
and honestly...can I wait for the next ship, cuz i don't want to have to sit next to these stiffs...
alien sex goddess's what??!
completely agree Kelly and SOT. Part of the awakening process is having the ability to weed through all the disinformation and utter bullshit out there. If you think something will happen simply because you want it to happen, you will continue to be disappointed, It just doesn't work that way. Sure, I get creating your whole reality thing but it obviously hasn't worked yet. And it is so blatently obvious that some of the posts/channelings on here are just disinformation.
Well, I'm not one to call others names (unlike many hipocrits on here) so I will refrain from agreeing with your douchbag comment but I hear ya loud and clear. They all have another agenda, that much is clear. They spread disinformation and throw insults at you and of course call you names if you happen to disagree or if their post doesn't resonate with you. Then they start with the all the "stop bringing negativity to site" bullshit. Some of them just post on here to drive traffic to other sites. Its sickening, really and incredibly hipocritical.
Well said Seeker. Sad but true.