We have mentioned in previous posts that the pagans of the Middle East during pre-Islamic times may actually refer to Hindus, not Christian pagans. Hindu scriptures refer to their own worshipers as ‘pagans’. The Hindu’s are the main polytheist’s in the world and the Hindu faith spread far beyond their own country. Some sources indicate that Hinduism was prevalent even in the Arabian peninsula. In Hinduism it is often claimed that religious verses and symbols mispronounced or used wrongly, has the opposite effect and becomes malign, destructive and evil. Islam is that distortions of what was Hindu worship in the medieval times.

Islam is corrupt. The Quran [Hadith and Sirath] gives plenty of testimony to it being a fabricated faith, created out of theft and loot, and out of greed and desire to conquer, occupy and destroy other nations and cultures. Islam is religion gone in reverse. It had no authentic leadership or prophet. It was an imaginary invention by a barbaric, illiterate crude and cruel criminal who was greedy for an empire. It was collected from booty, compiled out of bits and pieces from other faiths [360 religious customs and tribal faiths existing in the region], which the self-invented prophet of Islam gathered during his raids and genocide of innocent people.

Madman: Mohammed declares himself a ‘prophet’ – at age 40 

In the Hadiths the prophet of Islam is not born with any remarkable qualities. He is merely a desert thief, a savage. He is extremely cruel, crude and barbaric – a common trait in Muslims even today. It is only when Mohammed is rather old and in the late stages of his life (he lived until the age of 53) that he suddenly is made into a prophet. While prophets through history were born exceptional which is what distinguished them from ordinary people, Mohammed had nothing exceptional to him. On the contrary he suffered depression, suicidal thoughts and hallucinations and claimed he was possessed by a demon. It was one of Mohammed’s wives who convince Mohammed that his hallucinations are ‘a sign’ that he is a prophet. Thereafter to make excuses for his hallucinations, at the late age of 40, the cruel and barbaric Mohammed decides that he must be declared a prophet.

The Hadiths describe Mohammed to have “meditated” in a cave at Hira. Meditation has no background in Islam but originates from the Hindu and Buddhist religion. Furthermore Mohammed’s stepfather used to carve idols (Hindu idols for the local temple?) We say stepfather because Mohammed was born an orphan and breast fed by a slave, which indicates that he was probably an illegit child from a sexual encounter between a slave and her master. Mohammed was brought up by his slave mother and could neither read or write. He basically grew up in rough conditions, and the Hadiths testify that he earned his living from criminal activity.

Vedic teachings predates all other religions

The term “religion” used to describe the ancient form of Hinduism, pre-Hinduism or Vedic traditions, is not fully accurate. The oldest version of Hinduism before it turned into a religion was based on knowledge and instructions on a way of life that harmonized with existence. It was not held together as a religion and was not focused on a particular caste, origin, country. It was known as Sanathana Dharma, or eternal/perennial knowledge and intended for people from all backgrounds as described in the Vedic traditions.

The Vedic /Sanathana Dharma “religion” or way of life is without doubt the oldest in the world and is believed to predate all other religions. Anyone can read about Indian religious history and find references reaching beyond 15,000 years. Other religions are branches developed out of Vedas with Hinduism and then Judaism being the oldest (major) branch, followed by Buddhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Sikhism – and last of all – Islam. And each branch developed further branches depending on their interpretation of their faith.

Sikhism developed during the Punjab’s crusade battle against Muslims and was basically a form of army faith group in honor of their brave warriors. It branched off from Hinduism and became its own sect. Thus, they Sikhs adapted a separate attire from the Hindu nationals; an Arab looking turban and clothing emulating their enemies to confuse them. When Muslims would see the Sikhs riding  towards them from a distance they assumed they were Muslims. In this way the Sikhs could enter the enemy lines in close proximity before a full on attack. Even to this day, some Islamic practices like honor killings exist within Sikhism while the concept of honor killing is alien in the Hindu faith. Some isolated cases of honor killing within Hinduism is an adaptation from Islam due to close association to Muslims and remnant from Islamic law and rule in the region. It is possible that honor killing within the Sikh community started when Sikhs would kill their own women and children to spare them being enslaved by Muslims during brutal slave raids.

Allah is the Hindu Aum

‘Allah’ is a perverted spelling of Aum: Muslim invaders didn’t know how to read or interpret Sanskrit. Most of them were illiterate and had no education at all. When they came across the AUM symbol and heard of it being very sacred (probably from their raids on Bakkah, the ancient name for Mecca, a religious, wealthy multicultural sacred city in medieval times) they wanted to take possession of it. Since Arabic is read from right-to-left the educated amongst them turned the symbol. If one reads the symbol of AUM in a mirror you will find the Devanagari (Sanskrit-Hindi) numerals 7-8-6. The numbers “786” are considered sacred in Islam and to contain the “secret” name of Allah. “786” is the total value of the letters of “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim” [Rama].


Mecca (Bakkah) existed pre-Islam as a religious center

Pre-Islam, Mecca was known as one of the most important religious places of worship in the Arabian world. It appears to have been a multifaith place of worship, with a large Jewish, Christian, and pagan (Hindu) community co-existing peacefully with each other. Their friendship is documented in the Quran and the texts confirm that the natives lived in harmony with each other before Mohammed’s invasions, indoctrination and forced conversions. Due to their mutual friendship Muslims were ordered to view them as enemies and to be avoided. There appears to have been many different temples, churches and synagogues in the region from which Mohammed and his men acquired loot, wealth, religious texts, and discoveries and inventions.

The Kaaba was already in existence when Mohammed and his gang of looters invaded Mecca and slaughtered its inhabitants. Anyone in his path was killed unless they converted to his new-found warlike religion and raided and fought with Mohammed and his army. If they refused to convert and were wealthy with an income source and wanted to survive Mohammed’s executions, they had to pay jizya, extortion tax – an obligatory duty to all non-Muslims.

Parts of the Kaaba had then been ruined by floods during Mohammed’s age and Mohammed therefore reinstated the old temple. An argument took place as to whom would be allowed access to the confiscated temple. At the time the Kaaba contained 360 deities, including deities of the main planets, Hindu deities and from what appears to be looted Greek and Roman objects. It is our belief that the original Kaaba was the result of looting of religious artifacts from many major religious sources and tribes, thus Mohammed assumed Islam was the “complete” or “ultimate” religion.

It is an undeniable fact of history that before Muhammed was born, the local people worshiped the deity”al-Ilah” (‘Allah’ of today) who had three daughters named al-Lat (Hubal, the mesopotamian moon god), al-Uzza (also known as Isis by the Egyptians–or Aphrodite by the Greeks) and Manat (the Nabatean goddess of time). The first two were even named after their father. Each daughter had a separate shrine near Mecca, where Allah’s shrine was located. Ironic Muslims refer to the Grand mosque as al-Haram. The words, حرم ḥaram and حرام ḥarām, mean both “forbidden” and/or “sacred”.

Is “Rama-dan” an adaptation of “Rama”?

It’s a well known fact in Hinduism that if sacred mantras, text or chants are pronounced wrong – they become counter productive and even turn destructive.

It is confirmed from the Sirath and Hadiths that Islam was created during Ramadan. Since Islam was created during Ramadan, it indicates that some festivity was prevalent pre-Islam carrying the name Ramadan and served as some form of inspiration to create a new faith. However, why does the Muslim festivity in preparation for war contain the name RAMA, a name for one of the main Hindu incarnations said to have lived over 10,000 years ago, and widely celebrated in annual festivals? This is an indication that tribal criminal Mohammed likely tried to utilize the ancient rituals for success in his raids. Rama-dan today is a festivity where Muslims ‘purify’ themselves to prepare for war. Its a time when terrorist attacks on mosques and people increases ten fold.

Idol worship within Islam

Although Islam forbids idol worship (a remnant from advaita, also known as non-dualism), and very strictly so, Muslims worship the black stone in the Kaaba and perform rituals around it.

There is historic documentation quoting John of Damascus writings in the 730s A.D. that accused Muslims of worshiping the head of the Greek goddess Aphrodite [Asrarte, Goddess of war]. When Muslim slave raiders savaged the shores of Southern Europe they would persecute the natives, referring to them as ‘idol worshipers’. The Christians in response asked the Muslims why they were worshiping a black stone that was the head of Asrarte, the Aphrodite Goddess of war, as this constituted idol worship. Thus, we have actual historical references to the black stone in the Kaaba from 1,270 years ago, professing the to be the head of Asrarte. This is quite significant in the argument that Islam is a religion that came into being from loot, because one of the first raid ports the Muslims attacked in Southern Europe was Cyprus – which had a staunch following of Aphrodite. Cyprus had a temple dedicated in her honor where a black statue of Asrarte was installed and it is missing a head for the past many centuries.

We know that Muslims had reached Cyrus prior to the written testimony of John of Damascus in the 730 A.D.
After Richard the Lionheart defeated Guy de Lusignan at Jerusalem in 1187, the Christian forces of Europe were about to try and stop the rapid spread of Islam. This meant it had been ongoing for some time. Some of them traveled by sea and some went by land. Richard traveled by sea, but his flotilla was buried in storm. There remain several ship wrecks on the shore of Cyprus.

Other proof that Muslim adapted idol worship is in facts originating with the Quran itself. Some of the 360 idols that surrounded the inner sanctum walls of the Kaaba remained for centuries after most had been destroyed by Mohammed meaning he decided to keep a few of them that appealed to him. The last remaining idols got destroyed around 2012-2013 by Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, which was mentioned in a newspaper article during the renovation and new constructions in Mecca.


The video display a dynamic battle chart of 548 twenty year Jihad battles, relentlessly started by Muslims in slave and booty raids against the classical civilization, eventually destroying and pillaging European civilization and plunging it into poverty, forcing it to rebuild itself. Each white dot in the chart is a new 20 year Muslim jihad period. Red dots are battles that have ended. The jihad and raids on Cyprus took place around 620-640 AD where the black stone (al-Ḥajar al-Aswad) of the Kaaba is assumed to have been looted. In comparison to over 548 Muslim raids, there were only 16 crusades against Muslim invasion.

Kaaba, a name originating from the Tamil language?

The word Kabaa may originate from Tamil and the word Kabaalishwaran. Tamil is considered one of the oldest languages of the world. Dravidian’s worshiped Lord Shiva as their Primal Deity – from the Indus valley civilization. Shiva Temple’s in South India are called as Kabaalishwaran temple’s. Kabaali, therefore – refer to Lord Shiva.

There are many other words in Islam that appear to be connected to Hinduism. For example, in Sanskrit Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess or mother. The Islamic practice of Bakari Eed (Eid) derives from the Go-(M)edh and Ashva-(M)edh Yagnas or sacrifices of Vedic times. Eed in Sanskrit means worship. The Islamic word Eed for festive days, signifying days of worship, is therefore a pure Sanskrit word.  [Note: The word Bakari is an Indian language word for a goat. Muslims sacrifice goats during Eid]

Since Eed means worship and Griha means ‘house’, the Islamic word Idgah signifies a ‘House of worship’ which is the exact Sanskrit connotation of the term. Similarly the word ‘Namaz’ derives from two Sanskrit roots ‘Nama’ and ‘Yajna’ (NAMa yAJna) meaning bowing and worshipping.

Recital of the Namaz (Nama-smaranam in Hindi) five times a day owes its origin to the Vedic injunction of Panchmahayagna (five daily worship- Panch-Maha-Yagna) which is part of the daily Vedic ritual prescribed for all individuals.

Four months of the year are regarded as very sacred in Islamic custom. The devout are enjoined to abstain from plunder and other evil deeds during that period. This originates in the Chaturmasa i.e., the four-month period of special vows and austerities in Hindu tradition. Shabibarat is the corrupt form of Shiva Vrat and Shiva Ratra.

The Islamic term ‘Eed-ul-Fitr’ derives from the ‘Eed of Piters’ that is worship of forefathers in Sanskrit tradition. In India, Hindus commemorate their ancestors during the Pitr-Paksha that is the fortnight reserved for their remembrance. The very same is the significance of ‘Eed-ul-Fitr’ (worship of forefathers).

In ancient Hinduism the ‘demons’ always return to the world to create havoc, misery and suffering and destroy the good that the sacred people have created. Is Islam this demon of our age, distorting itself as a (false) religion, and create its endless problems for other people in the world?

Read also:

 Bhavishya Purana: Ancient Hindu prophecy on the coming of Islam and Mohammed, describing the prophet and his followers as “evil demons” who bring misery and war to the world
 Goddess worship in ancient Islam: John of Damascus writing in the 730s A.D. – Muslims worshiped the head of Aphrodite [Asrarte, Goddess of war]
 Download in full: Is Kaaba a Hindu Temple? (PDF)
 The Black Stone – by Susan Tallman (PDF)

 Vedic roots of pre-Islamic Arabia (PDF)


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