Space nazi
Space nazi. Photo by Dreamstime

The U.S. government is being controlled by a secret regime of aliens called "Tall Whites," who were also instrumental in the rise of Nazi Germany, Iran's semi-official news agency Fars reported on Sunday.

Citing a report based on documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden (and filed under the "Space" section of the website), Fars said the Russian Federal Security Services (FSB) has recently been "stunned" by these revelations, proving "an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945."

"Of the many explosive revelations in this FSB report," the article continues, "the one most concerning to Russian authorities are the Snowden's [sic] documents 'confirming' that the 'Tall Whites'… are the same extraterrestrial alien race behind the stunning rise of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s." This alien assistance, the report adds, manifested itself in the Reich's technically-superior submarines.

American presidents are not absent from this explosive report either - former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower is said to have met with the "Tall Whites" in 1954 to establish the secret regime currently ruling America, while U.S. President Barack Obama is said to be the incumbent leader of these clandestine puppet masters.

Even more disconcerting is a possible extraterrestrial power struggle which may be developing, as the article adds: "Most to be feared by Russian policy makers and authorities… is if those opposing the 'Tall White' 'secret regime' ruled over by Obama have themselves aligned with another alien-extraterrestrial power."

Readers sent running to their bunker by this report, however, can at least find some consolation in Fars' sources on which this report is based. According to the Huffington Post, the story "was copied word-for-word from a conspiracy-theorist website called," while a second story, which appeared later (and was titled "PRISM mining UFO data, targets false flag ET invasion as pretext to space wars"), "is copied from a 6-month-old blog on, another U.S.-based site well-known for outlandish stories."