I watched this video yesterday and I’d like to share it here. Some may have already watched. It covers many aspects of the social system and how the “light” and “dark” try to take them to different directions.
Robert Greenwald's "Koch Brothers Exposed" (Full)
How to watch this kind of video to find out truth but at the same time not being consumed by anger and fear? Duality is the realty in 3D world. However, the battle is not in physical term with light “fight” against dark although we often discribe this way. Dark is the lack of light. By bring light, dark will be transformed “not destroyed” and all will be part of oneness. Without the sense of separation, there would be no fear or anger. There are only informed and enlightened choices.
The “battle” is about bringing more light into our social systems – which demonstrate divine nature: Love, equality, freedom, diversity and compassion. It is not about hatred towards certain individuals but about the effort to curtail their “serve for self” actions which darkened the system.
In the video, we can see so many people are awakened and light workers are working toward bring more light into our systems and lift up the vibration of this 3D reality toward an enlightened path.
In 3D reality, money is a form of energy. It stands for the resources one can use. So how can Light win the battle with little resources? Through divine inspiration. If the battle is about physical power and material wealth, light workers will never come to this earth because it would be a battle impossible to win. We came because we knew we have a power that no one can take away. All we have to do is to find it and to find it is the journey of Self Discovery.
Through our intention of “Serve the others”, we express oneness frequency through ourselves. We will connect with the Source and the higher realms and the divine will provide us as much energy as we need. When there are enough people divinely inspired on earth, nothing can stop the world being transformed into the light realm.
Very true... makes things interesting (sometimes) lol... :)
I understand your perspective Kelly, but I would say there is perception (which lends to light and dark) but really to me, there is only "Light"...

And how much of that Light we let into our consciousness is what shapes our reality to some degree...
This is a debate that may never end... but inevitably I believe we will come to realize are made of Light (in the form of Energy)...
Thanks Sungod, words of wisdom! :) And I'm glad you enjoyed the video :)
I think we owe it to ourselves, to be strong, and let love win over hate or revenge!
And yes I am definitely sensitive! And I'd never trade what I can now see or that sensitivity and feeling for being ignorant to what really matters in this world and within myself.
As lightworkers we are hammered every day darkness attacks unceasingly every moment of every day without fail we must be vigilant and steadfast as the disciple Paul said keep your eye on the prize. victory depends upon which force you feed it is up to you .So i plan to starve the dark side out i refuse to feed its desire for negative energy.
oh sally such wise words...may all who read, understand...much joy
In the Law of One there are "perceptually" 2 sides, service to self and service to others, neither of which are Light or Dark, but both sides a mixture of both. The difference between Light and Dark is simply Awareness and Information for making informed choices. It is even determined that the unification of both "Services" can be accomplished by Service to All. It is simply serving either self or other self without doing a disservice to either with emphasis on no disservice to the Free Will of All. Basically if one can serve one's self beneficially without a disservice to others then do so. If one can serve another without doing a disservice to one's self then do so. If one can serve both self and others without doing a disservice to any then all the better. This way allows for the removal of the limitation of serving only one path or the other since both come available to any creed or culture. There will still be the issue of different moral values that are held between cultures, but if it can be accepted by one to serve according to the culture of the one being served without performing a disservice to self then it should ok. Remember that the self is holy so it should not be considered ok to diminish one's self in performing a service to another as doing so may limit the self from further future service. Self Sacrifice without knowledge that one may continue on in service after such sacrifice is foolish. Even Jesus did not Sacrifice himself without knowledge that Death would not be able to take hold of him.
In a sense, you are right. Serve to others should not be at the expense of the Self. It won't be natural.
Basically, this is to do one's consciousness level and his perception. for people who “naturally” act in a way of “Serve to Others” in this duality world, it indicates a level of consciousness which is Oneness. For someone perceive from separation consciousness, Serve to others could mean scrifice oneself. Serve to others should be a nature choice resonating with ones' frequency level. It should not be following a teaching or dogma.
I will post an article regarding this and some other issues.
It seems I can't edit a post after posting it here. Sorry for the grammar mistakes: "serve to self, serve to others...." I am used to edit anytime after posting on the site I manage....but anyway, thanks for putting up with me :-)