Louren-Thio and Ashira channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For change group in Glendale, AZ on April 19,2015)


I am “Louren-Thio”. I come from the realm of Hollow Earth, Inner Earth and today, from Agartha. I was invited to speak today to help all who are having physical challenges with the Ascension “symptoms”.

All, each one of you is precious. Each and every one of you has been monitored closely. And we will tell you that is not meant for sissies! This is not meant for those who are not willing to go through the process initially so they would KNOW how to help others when the time came.

Now the time is here when the others are beginning the awakening process. If you listen to them it will ring a familiar bell and you will be able to step in to assist them. Not only in explaining what is happening in the world but also to assist them with their physical, their emotional, their mental and other symptoms which are broadly now happening across the world.

And your medical doctors see this and yet do not know what to do with it. But they are charged with fixing people. They are charged with bringing relief. That is their role. So many people are going to doctors and medical facilities with their illnesses. That is what they have been trained to think. The doctors and the nurses are doing their best

But the best is not what is needed now. It is time to wake up! Patience with the bodies is not what is needed. Those of you in this group and many who read these words nod in knowingness. Nod for knowing that this is part of the Ascension. And while earlier you were told that you could ask for it to be “wound-down” so that you would have fewer physical challenges. Now with the time speeding up to the zero-point, now it is hard for you to ask for a turning down of the energies on one hand and the other hand you say, “Give it to me. I am ready. Give it to me!”

Many of you have moved through the parts of the chakra opening from the root, the number one, number two, and number three. Most of you are in the area of number four, five, six, and seven. It is not a clear jump from one to seven. It is not a clear jump from three to four or four to five. These are steps is the shade of gray, where you are in both areas having “symptoms” in all ways.

So how can we make this easy for you to understand? The Ascension process is a rising of the vibrations of the frequencies. The Ascension is the turning on of additional chakras. And as the additional chakras come “on” sometimes there is a step back to catch up with the new ones that are now online.

There is also a challenge at times when you have gone through a particularly difficult time with an area of the body. Perhaps you were unable to eat. Perhaps you had purging diarrhea. Perhaps you experience other types of symptoms that were related to a certain chakra. Last week you spoke in this group about the Throat Chakra. You discussed the possibility of the back pain being related to not being able to speak about important topics. This was also discussed in relationship to the rising area in the area of the Throat Chakra.

We will share with you that with the “turning on” of these chakras, the higher you get the more discomfort the body will probably exhibit because what the physical body “knows” when it is uncertain is to tell you, in your physical mind, in your ego mind, “Ouch. Something hurts!” It gets your attention. It may even drive you to a doctor. That is your choice. We do not believe that many who read these words and hear these words know or believe that they need to go to a doctor.

One of the things you can consider when trying to decide if something does more than catch your attention. Is this consistent pain? Is this consistent in the way it is expressing itself? Is it a pain in the back? Or is it a pain in the back every three or four days? Is it a pain that starts in the back and spreads into the pectoral muscles? And then recedes again like an ebb and flow? And what makes this very difficult as you go through these symptoms is that there is a part of you that tightens up. That cramps.
That breathes in the shallowness of the chest as opposed to the depth.

That is the reason we asked today for deep, continuous breathing. To get your bodies into deep relaxed states. As you move up you will, perhaps, experience more of those sinus infections. And feeling that you have a hard time to breathe. As you move into the higher chakras opening you may experience consistent headaches. What does that say? If you are a spiritual one on a spiritual path who has trained themselves or has chosen to look away from 3D world realities, then you will not look into things that others who are still hooked into the 3D realities may look at.

We want you to KNOW this so that you can support those who are in bodies that are hurting and may still be in that 3D reality of medical treatment. Those modalities that are based more on ancient knowledge such as the acupuncture, the Reiki, the type of teas you are drinking and eating, all of those things are beneficial. You do not have to be “sick” to participate in those. Another area is that of the massage therapists and all the work that they can do. You can be of the mind that “My bodywork is important” because bodywork in all these forms helps the body to relax and helps it be relaxed. You are healthy and you are vital!

All of these experiences you are having with your physical body are going to transmute. They are transmuting your body at the cellular level and the chakras levels. As many times as you can, speak to yourself in calming tones. “I know that these changes are happening in my body. I embrace them because I know where I am going. I know who I am. I accept this responsibility because I accepted the responsibility to move forward on this planet and to be here at this very time.”

When you move through all of these symptoms and we would tell you that there are those in this room who have made this journey almost completely. There are those that these words will hit that have ascended and have come back to be back in the physical body to share and to help others.

We are not going to give you a lot of rules and regulations because that, again, ties you to the 3D environment. But we DO want to share that when your body tells you that something is no longer appropriate for you, because the reaction to the food or drink or any other activity is one with a very clear message. “You can no longer do this because you have chosen to do and to be.”

Life is moving forward and evolution of consciousness which is body, mind, spirit, is happening. You have noticed that in your world. And so we encourage you again, as people share with you what is going on with them, discomforts they may be in, doctor trips or hospital trips that may have taken, take YOUR message given today and share it with them. For even if they are not ready to hear it this moment, the next moment they may be ready.

We will be available for questions with ‘Ashira’ and ‘One Who Serves’’. At this time I say thank you and give this now to James.

“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you. Good to be with you here in this way as always. It is a little more difficult to come through this one because he has experienced a grounding process that has brought him down to Earth, let us say, a little bit more than he was previously. This is no concern but it is important to realize that whenever you have an experience of coming into the 3D realm and you experience that level of consciousness, that you allow yourself to have the time to come back out of it. You must allow yourself time to come into the higher levels. Does not take much to do this but there is a process but there is a re-awakening process that must occur here. And this is so for this one as we speak through him now.

Also, we wish to help you to understand that which we gave to the James here to announce here in this group that it is important to remember always who you are. Whatever situation you find yourself in, wherever you are, be who you are! If you are experiencing the higher levels of consciousness  you will want to share that with those people whenever you have the opportunity. This is very important to remember. If you find yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by others that are not so high in vibration you might say, be the one, be so in the moment. So your vibration transfers to those around you.

This is important here for you to understand this. Be who you are in every given situation. Do not allow yourself to be drawn back to the lower vibrations whenever you can help this. OK?

We invite questions now for “One Who Serves”, as well as “Ashira” and “Louren-Thio”.

Are there any questions?

“I am curious about Louren-Thio. I was wondering where he came from and what is his home?”


He, I mean I, (LOL) we answer in your terms not ours.

Louren-Thio. I have been existing in Inner Earth and Hollow Earth communities for more than a thousand years. Previously, I have had other lives amongst the Galaxies. But my role in the preparation, in this work that has to be done at this time, is to live amongst these realms and with these people. I have been part of the planning that has taken a very long time. To be able to accommodate each of the beings upon the planet and to work so closely with those above us in ships in other locations. This has been no small feat, let me tell you!

We have met in this group several times but I never stepped forward to introduce myself. That did not happen until today. It was appropriate today because as we come together as those of us on the inner part of the planet come together more and more so that you might know us as friends and family. That you are able to speak with us in this way as well.

And to be able to believe as the discussion took place earlier. To be able to believe that there are those who are working with you and for you at this moment. Striving to assist you in the process. That has been my focus for a very, very long time.

So, again, it was time to meet this group. Time to share. Time to smile. And time to give you hope as your evolution continues. Does that answer your question? Does that make sense?

My gratitude. Thank you for sharing!


Your message was so appreciated. I am happy to know that this is part of a natural process. What can I do to assist myself? My medications are not regulating but I am not sure it is safe yet to drop them all together.


This is Louren-Thio. Thank you. As we see it this is one of those conversations you have with those you are working with personally. And we would invite you to meditate and see yourself back in the crystal chamber you saw yourself visit today. Have that conversation with that one who took you to that chamber. Help them help you let go, at the right time, of those things that keep you in the 3D realm medical world for yourself.

In the meantime you can be benefitted by extended time of deep breathing. Because as those aches and pains and symptoms come to you, you move into a state of speaking more quickly and hyperventilating. The deep breathing exercises will calm your body and will not bring up fear. And if you are not embodying fear you will see the time when the medications can also fall away because you will find yourself in a state of vitality, energy and love.

Does that make sense for you? Yes, it does!

Do you have anything to add, “One Who Serves’’? Not at this time, no.

Are there other questions here?

Would that also apply to our profession? I work at a wonderful place but I think the energy has changed there. I am struggling with whether or not this is a good time to leave. Can you give me some advice”


This is “Louren-Thio”. We will start with the answer for you and then invite others in the group to give you answers as well. Would that be suitable? Yes. Thank you so much.

So many people on the surface at this time are wondering what is my role on this planet? What is my job, my mission? This is part of the Ascension process because as one leaves the 3D experiences you really are in a bit of a quagmire, I am not sure if that is the correct word. What is happening is that are leaping between different worlds. You are not sure if you should come or go.

But it goes beyond your job. It goes beyond everyone’s jobs. It is talking about what are you rooted in, in your belief system? There was a great deal of discussion today about creating for yourself THAT which you are created to create. TO KNOW that you have the power to do that. And so that is YOUR message in the moment to yourself. Should I come or should I go?

Part of that is your call from the future that invites you to put that into place. Put that into place with words that are going to activate you. With words that channel your energy into the proper direction so that you manifest exactly what you mean to manifest, what you want to manifest. This is not about money. It is about being able to be of service in the perfect way, in the perfect environment that allow you to be yourself to be able to work with a group of others with whom you would like to work but that you are also in that place of perfect harmony, service and love.

Does that make sense? Thank you.

We will see who else has an answer for you!

“One Who Serves”

We would like to add something to this as well. There is the idea of purpose here. To understand purpose is to fall back somewhat into the old ways in terms of what am I here for and what is my purpose of being here?

When you do this you are holding yourself again into the old paradigm, your old 3D beliefs in the old programming. And we would suggest that with your idea of purpose there is no purpose. It is a continuing changing process that you are going through at all times.

If you think in terms of going with the flow at all times you will not fall back into that old paradigm of looking for the meaning of your life or your purpose. Just let it be what it is. As you allow the purpose within you then your various ideas of purpose change in each given moment and you always find yourself moving on into the next purpose you say, that comes up for you in the next moment.  And that may change again the next one and the next one.

Allow the process to take it as it will. This is the way in the future, in your new “Golden Age” is to allow, to go with the flow at all times. Be of service. Be with others.

Does this help you? Yes. As I go with the flow and others do, will that help the Ascension symptoms get better? Yes, definitely!

“One Who Serves”

Are there any other questions or comments?

Comment? Yes. Sometimes during our path in the flow we sometimes hold onto that human element of what we would be giving up. Because we are giving up what we feel entitled to have. Those materialistic things that we may have had and have a hard time in giving up. They are really meaningless anyway. So, to step one’s greatness, one’s purpose, sometimes also means to let go, surrender control of things you may thought in this humanly world were important. So, as you come forward you come to the realization that less is more. And joy and happiness in what you are doing and you are making is more gratifying and more rewarding that what our visualness of our human world may say, “I should have.” And I am deserving of having that serves no purpose.

Thank you! Very well said. Yes.

Would there be any other questions now? No…Then we will release to another who will come briefly here. Always wishes to come in and say a little something here. One moment.

“One Who Serves-2”

Greetings to you! Good to be here with you as always! Very much looking forward as many things are happening and many things are going to continue to happen. You have no idea as to some of them. But we do! We can peek a little bit ahead from you. We can see the things that are transpiring and moving in a certain direction. They are moving and you are moving and everything is moving and it is so wonderful.

At the Advance that is coming up there will be a lot that is moving there as well. And we will have a good time and much is planned. Much has gone into the orchestration that has gone into this. And it is going to be very beneficial and very monumental in many aspects.

We are looking forward to it and we hope you are too. We also wish to say that you are about to experience a great change in your lives. We know that sounds fearful but do not feel that way in those terms at all. It is just that there is a major change that is coming into all of your lives. It is all of you. Not just the individuals. We cannot tell you when but it is coming! Know that it is the process and it is already moving into manifestation. It is very shortly, very shortly.

That is all we have here.

Shanti, peace be with you. Be the One.



This is Ashira. I wanted to come to you with a very brief message as well since our friend and our family member was already very gracious to share with this group today.

Every week we see your Light grow brighter. Every week we see the people you touch every single day.  Be it the smile, the hug, the conversation. The moment in the line when you connect deeply with someone. Know that you’ve touched them in the way that is opening the Light on this planet. We do not hold to numbers of percentages that tell who is turned on and who is not. But we would share that the Light we see. The Light that has been shared. The Light that is in that mass consciousness, the unity consciousness has grown so brightly.

We always bring you back. The Light is here! The Light is shining for all and YOU are one with every being on the planet, in the planet. You are one with the clouds. You are one with this sphere. You have a job to do and you know it! And you are doing it splendidly,

Again, my peace and love to you. Namaste


Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated








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