The Theory of a Musical Universe1
"The universe consists solely of waves of motion." relates Walter Russell in chapter 31 of A New Concept of the Universe. Another way of saying this is: "There exists nothing other than vibration." In Russells statement lies the base for his next blast at orthodoxys belief in a material universe: "Any theory which cannot find a fitting place within the wave has no other place for it in Nature." Hard words for sure but can they stand up to scrutiny? Is it possible to create a paradigm of nature that is structured entirely on wave or vibration theory? Investigating the pioneer work of John W. Keelys Sympathetic Vibratory Physics2 would lead us to believe this is so.
Logically speaking for such a paradigm to exist it would be couched entirely in vibration terms and concepts and would evolve from the simple to the complex addressing atomic phenomena all the way through human activity. This author believes this can be done albeit not exhaustively in so short a paper as this one. Inasmuch as a premise voiced ought to be demonstrated it will herein be shown how all vibration is intimately connected to all other vibration thereby demonstrating 1) the interconnectedness of all things and energies; 2) all things are they themselves built up from simple vibration to complex chords using universal principles of vibration alone; 3) there is no such thing as chaos in the universe; 4) all things exist by virtue of harmony among the vibrations that make it what it is; and 5) all things are intimately connected by sympathetic vibration.
Some of the information presented here was first published in 19913 and again in the authors book in 19944. This material represents the beginning of the science side of the "science and philosophy" equation. The universe vibrates from end to end and everything in it. Therefore if we are to investigate and understand this awesome spectacle we are obliged to investigate the nature of vibration.
If the universe were chaos there would be no harmony but only degrees of chaos. All sound and vibration would be just plain noise. Noise, therefore is unorganized vibration. But none can doubt there is order recognizable throughout nature from the uniformity of atomic structures and behaviors to spiral galaxies whose swirling arms of orderly stars span light years and billions of years of activity. This innate order has been long recognized, researched and categorized and may be found in music theory. In vibratory terms disorderly vibration can be organized in terms of music principles. Therefore music is organized vibration or sound set in orderly principles of structure and behavior. The principles that make sound into harmonious music are the same principles that govern all associating vibrations throughout the universe - and that includes everything that there is. It will be shown how any given vibration gives rise to a complex yet simple series of subordinate vibrations known generally as harmonics and these harmonics are relative to one another as are musical intervals.
It is generally recognized that everything is a result of vibration and each thing has its own chord of vibration or vibration signature. This state of vibratory condition is characterized in John Keelys Law of Corporeal Vibrations:
"All coherent aggregates when isolated from like bodies, or when immersed or confined in media composed of matter in a different state, vibrate at a given ascertainable pitch." John Keely5
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i absolutely agree with you "the Source does not want us to be one in a hive Soul, and that this article make sense, and it's all leading to Eternal life, which means evolution - expansion never stops nor perfecting ourselves with and within it.
and when i said 'about how reliable this info is' it was about videos that i posted above ... ;)
apparently everything that is alive has a sound and frequency, based on this info, however i don't know how reliable this is but it's fascinating.