
*Some fun Multidimensional food for thought, Ashtar Massive... & I would add, not only are Energy Beings possible, they are beyond 'real' ;-) & their absolute existence stands to rightsize 'science' & the imposed limitations of the 'five sense prison' in the blink of an eye... thereby exposing duality as nothing more than a fading illusion. ~TemetNosce247 


3 23 2015 ~ If you've experienced science fiction in any of its many forms, chances are you’ve encountered "energy beings." Unlike the other aliens in sci-fi, they have no ‘physical’ bodies but rather exist as beings of pure energy. They’re usually able to flit about the Universe at will and often demonstrate great abilities befitting their advanced, ultra-evolved state.

They are also typically portrayed as more powerful, more enlightened, and possessing a deeper understanding of the universe. It's almost a given in most science fiction that sufficiently advanced civilizations will eventually develop this way. Converting themselves into beings of pure energy seems like the ultimate stage in the development of any civilization. It's a ubiquitous trope—as if "pure energy" is our own mass cultural idea of humankind's far future.

Why is this idea so common? Is this really what our future looks like? Can we ever actually "convert" ourselves into energy beings? Is such a life form even possible? And if not, where does the idea come from?

To get answers, Ars spoke to Professor Saurabh Jha, an astrophysicist at Rutgers University. Professor Jha studies supernovae and was a member of the first research team to report that the Universe’s acceleration is expanding. Watch his responses below.


So far, energy beings have been science fiction’s "best guess" at a future so remote and so alien that it’s nearly impossible to guess at. But it’s the job of science fiction to keep on guessing.

Energy beings may not be the most plausible concept in science fiction, but science fiction isn't necessarily about being right—it's about imagining future possibilities. In light of Dr. Jha's explanations, we'd like to hear your ideas for the far ends of evolution—if we won't "sink like a subtle mist through the very interstices of space," as Arthur C. Clarke said, what will humanity look like in a million years?

read article at: http://arstechnica.com/the-multiverse/2015/03/its-a-sci-fi-trope-but-are-beings-of-pure-energy-really-possible/

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  • Science is NOT a guessing game. Science is about investigation and replication of theories until they find one that is compatible enough with observable reality for the respective field of research. :)

    In science, if a theory doesn't hold, it gets discarded and replaced with a theory that does hold. In NA when a theory doesn't hold, they explain it away with a quantum mystery and then keeps the theory anyway without either updating it or changing it. Science Evolve, NA does not. ;)

  • ~Powerful questions, eVOLVED... & like all good questions, when they're deeply pondered, they splinter in infinite directions. Once again, Luke has provided meaningful multidimensional gems for contemplation... really good stuff, brother. -For me, Knowledge is an ongoing Divine process of Discovery.. of Self-Realization... the roles of Student & Teacher constantly interchangeable. At the same time, there is the Knowledge of the Planet & the Universe... intelligent forces that have been given many names, yet ultimately transcend semantics & the limitations of individual perception. Ironic as our enmeshment with these unseen energies is what truly defines who we are, and perhaps, what we believe. Maybe the origins of Knowledge aren't as important as what we actually do with it... on many levels, it seems like this is what Humanity is trying to  r e m e m b e r , & in so doing, shatter the final illusions of duality.   ~TemetNosce247



    “The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”... “You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of Consciousness.” ~Terence McKenna

  • To the modern New Ager, anything is possible for as long as you can explain away the details with a quantum-mentum-qutum-bingbong-effect. ;)


  • ~Awesome hearing more of your story, brother... thanks for sharing. I have a crazy memory for you. About ten years ago, I was heading home at the end of the day (I live in L.A.) & saw this truck stalled out with a woman standing next to it, trying to figure out how to push it to the side of the road. I pulled over & jumped out to help her push... as I got closer, I realized it was none other than... Daryl Hannah! She was a sweetheart & thanked me for the help. I never let her know I knew who she was, just took in the moment & was on my way... a true honor to help the one & only, Pris ;-) On that note, here's a hidden gem from Bladerunner that didn't make the final cut. 

  •                      The Rabbit Hole goes deeper than most dare to imagine...

  • Sounds really interesting, a thought provoking addition to the multidimensional Rubik's Cube...

    look forward to checking to out.

  • Beautifully said, eVOLVED... thanks for sharing your wisdom. Humanity stands on the brink of a Return to Our Belonging... to our natural state of being... Unity-Consciousness. ~In Lak'ech Ala K'in 555

    Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” ~Alan Watts

  • Going even deeper... more Multidimensional food for thought...

    Avatar & the Singularity Archetype

    by Jonathan Zap



    What is the Singularity Archetype?

    Some of the most significant layers of meaning in Avatar are not to be found in the articles available on the web that discuss its underlying mythology, at least from what I’ve read. Avatar is charged with emergent archetypal messages from the collective unconscious that relate to an evolutionary event horizon which I’ve discussed in my writings on “the Singularity Archetype.” The Singularity Archetype, a term I coined many years ago, is a primordial image of an evolutionary event horizon that seems to be an implicit potentiality glowing in the collective unconscious of our species.

    I first wrote about the Singularity Archetype (though I didn’t use the term at the time) in an undergraduate philosophy honors paper I wrote in 1978 when I was twenty-years-old and which is available on line: Archetypes of a New Evolution. I discovered that there was an emergent archetype that contained crucial information about our future evolution and that manifested itself in dreams, fantasies and religious visions forming a core element in a largely unrecognized contemporary mythology. The most potent expression of this mythology continues to be in science-fiction novels and films…

    Implications of the Singularity Archetype:

    In Looking Toward the Event Horizon I summarized some of the implications of the Singularity Archetype as follows:

    “As we move toward the event horizon, the physics of the dreamtime more potently interpenetrates the physics of the waking life. Synchronicity becomes more the rule than the exception, and the way we have become accustomed to experiencing space and time is drastically altered. Matter is respiritualized and transforms more readily to accord with psychic intentions. The new species are changelings and reality transformers freed from many of the mortal and corporeal limitations that bound the older species.”…

    “To catalyze such fundamental metamorphosis may require planet-wide shocks that punctuate the equilibrium of the species and threaten the entire human genome. The shocks may need to be of apocalyptic intensity to overcome the inherent conservatism of species homeostasis and to potentiate a will toward metamorphosis. As we move toward the event horizon there is an exponential intensification of novelty as new and unexpected forms are created, latent capacities become manifest, and emergent aspects are revealed. The human ego as defender of the old equilibrium may approach many of these transformations with fear, loathing and violence. Patriarchal power structures, including religious fundamentalism and the military-industrial complex, may perceive the metamorphosis as a zero-sum game competition of species, with genocide or extinction as the binary options.”…


    The Will Toward the Glorified Body:

    An aspect of the Singularity Archetype that is especially relevant to Avatar is what I call “the will toward the glorified body.” My essay, The Glorified Body—Metamorphosis of the Body and the Crisis Phase of Human Evolution, explores this aspect of the Singularity Archetype. Here are some passages particularly relevant to this discussion of Avatar:

    “To understand the will toward the Glorified Body we first need to define what I am referring to as the ‘Glorified Body.’ Many Christian writings describe the body of the resurrected Christ as being a ‘Glorified Body’ —-a radiant body free of mortal limitations. Although I am not working from a Christian point of view, I believe that this phrase captures a powerful archetype. We see images and hear stories of the Glorified Body in most or all cultures and periods. There are all sorts of variations and numerous gradations on the Glorified Body spectrum, but the defining characteristics are fairly apparent.”…

    “Although the Glorified Body occurs in endless variations there are two very broad categories in which the term ‘Glorified Body’ will be employed in this article. One use of Glorified Body refers to the inherent ‘energy body’ that all human beings possess. Sometimes I will substitute ‘energy body’ to make clear this first meaning of Glorified Body. The second and somewhat overlapping category of use for the term ‘Glorified Body’ is to refer to human or nonhuman entities whose manifest bodies are closer to energy than conventional flesh and blood bodies. This type of Glorified Body hovers in the collective psyche of the human species as a highly charged image and expectation of our further evolution.”…

    The Will Toward the Glorified Body in Avatar:

    The will toward the Glorified Body is right at the center of Avatar. James Cameron seems to be aware of this. When Larry King asked him why he picked the name “Avatar,” Cameron responded: “I don’t know. Y’know when I wrote it in ’95, it just popped into my head that here you’ve got people projecting their consciousness into a fleshly body, a biological body, and that’s what the Sanskrit word means, the taking of flesh, the incarnation of a divine being in the case of the Hindu religion. And although our characters aren’t divine beings, obviously, the idea is that it’s actually a fleshly incarnation.”

    As Avatar opens, our point of view is that of a Glorified Body, the flying dream body of the protagonist, Jake Sully, a young Marine who is a paraplegic. His character is perfectly designed to represent the will toward the Glorified Body. He is an athletic, vital young man with great physical courage and a warrior essence but whose body is half paralyzed.

    The next hauntingly numinous scene in the movie is when Jake first catches a glimpse of his avatar. I pointed out in my essay, “The Glorified Body…”, written in 1996, that “avatar,” a term which had then just been adopted in the computer gaming world, came from Hindu mythology and meant a spirit form descended into the flesh. From the point of view of my essay, a human being is an avatar, a spirit bound to one body for the entire waking portion of an incarnation. We also have an intense will to break free of the one body/one psyche rule that dominates the waking mortal life. The movie Avatar, thanks to both content and the technological enhancements of its form, provides a powerful depiction of what it would be like to break the one body/one psyche rule. Jake cannot restrain his unbridled euphoria when he is able to enter his avatar, a far more powerful and glorified body than he had even before his paralysis. His new body is bioluminescent, idealized, more androgynous and suited to a world where gravity is less limiting than on the earth. In actuality it is a virtual body that is a hybridization of the actor’s body moving through space and time and a CGI avatar.

    *This entire essay is well worth the time & can be read at: http://realitysandwich.com/219558/avatar-and-the-singularity-archet...

  • 8115291860?profile=original

    ~Thanks for sharing your insight on the evolution of Consciousness, Luke… I definitely concur & resonate with what you’ve written. What I also like to wrestle with, is the idea of 'the Singularity' being able to maintain our individuation or unique energetic signature... at the same time! I know that seems like a contradiction, but perhaps that's been one of the primary purposes of our descent through the veils of duality? A kind of Spiritual Experiment meant to achieve the seemingly impossible. I don’t know… at times, something like that just feels right.

    & much respect for finding that clip from Naked, which, you’re absolutely right, is a classic film! I remember catching it when it first came out in the theaters… I was going through a particularly challenging time on my path, & David Tewlis’ performance blew me out of the water. The honesty just hit me right in the Heart. It’s truly is a film where the dialogue touches the Alchemical Gold, again & again.

    Another theme that I relate to ‘Energetic Beings’ is Artificial Intelligence…. a subject layered with the same kind of mind bending ideas that force 'one' to reexamine the notion of sentience & the various forms it can take. Bladerunner is another classic that only gets better with time… the relationship between Deckard & Batty (AI), symbolic of the very questions you posed: “Who are we, where do we come from, why are we here & where are we going?” While the answers can seem elusive... one thing is for sure... more will be revealed. ~InLight555 



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  •                                                         Going deeper...


    Quantum Consciousness: Reconciling Science and Spirituality Toward Our Evolutionary Future(s)

    ~ by Kingsley L. Dennis

    It is vain to be always looking toward the future and never acting toward it.John Frederick Boyes, English essayist (1811 – 1879)

    The Human Being has to become what he thinks himself to be.Rudolf Steiner

    Human thinking is in need of a new model that constructs the human being and consciousness within an energetic universe that is compatible with both modern science and spiritual teachings. However, this need not demand of us that we throw away the knowledge that we have learned up to this point. On the contrary, we are required to not only work with our current knowledge-base but also to expand these resources to help us move forward into new paradigms of thought concerning human consciousness and the processes operating within the human being. In this time of our developing sciences and new technologies we have the assistance of ever-greater analysis and emerging discoveries that are evolving the parameters of our thinking. It is likely that the next stage in our human sciences will be centered on our understanding of consciousness; and how we are intimately connected to each another and our wider energetic environment…

    It is my contention that emerging research in the ‘quantum sciences’ throws new light upon the workings of the human mind/brain and consciousness, as well as the human nervous system and our genetic blueprint – DNA. This research, as this paper discusses, creates a bigger picture whereby emerges a coherency between our biology, our human physiology, and an energetic field of consciousness. Because of this, we could say that we are at the edge of a possible quantum evolution of the human species. It may also be reasonable to say that there are already new generations of people who, as evolutionary agents of change, are manifesting symptoms of such transformational changes. As in any evolutionary shift there appear amongst the species the initial beginnings of such transformation before the change becomes more widespread… read entire essay at: http://realitysandwich.com/255810/quantum-consciousness-reconciling...

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