It's time to start separating beliefs from truth. I see basically everyone spout out something like they know it's the truth, when it's only a belief at best. And I've been there too, I've made that mistake. Where I would think my beliefs are true, because they make sense to me. But as we grow further in integrity, we come to realize that, they were simply beliefs. Unless we truly know something, or present something that is clearly demonstratable, they exist as a belief, an opinion, an idea.

And I've seen in my life, and on this site, and according to my research into history...that conflicting belief systems are source of alot of conflict that doesn't need to happen. Like on this site even, people get trashed, and insulted, and made to feel low, because they simply hold a different belief system than someone else. And egos like to think their beliefs are true. And anyone who doesn't share that belief, in some way, must be wrong.

I think to stay in true integrity, we need to acknowledge to ourselves...that our beliefs are just beliefs, prone to changes, prone to mistakes. And most of our beliefs are gleaned from second hand information at best. The only thing we TRULY know, is what we discover and come to understand within us, what we can clearly demonstrate is real and true, and what we experience and observe. Everything else, exists as a belief system, that may not be true.

And in order to stay true, and stay real, and stay in integrity...we need to acknowledge that. If we don't truly KNOW something....we need to acknowledge that this is just my opinion...and other people have a right to have a different opinion. It's okay to have beliefs, and opinions...most things are a belief system. I have many things that I believe based on years of research. Do I know what I believe is true, no. My beliefs are my beliefs. My knowing is knowing. And there's a difference and we need to be able to distinguish the difference. I think that would end alot of conflict, not just on this site, but in the world....and it would allow people to have true freedom of speech and expression, without other people jumping on them saying they're wrong.

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  • Very interesting discussion! I have been thinking of these things myself. There are a lot of people getting very angry and defensive coming from fear of not being totally sure of whether they are right or wrong when they are faced with an argument that challanges thier belief. It's pretty universal or atleast very common that people do not want to be told that they are wrong or even hear a contradictory opinion or belief which implies that one's own would be wrong or false if the contradictory one is true. So I think for the sake of truth, I agree with John Jancar that it is important to make a distinction between beliefs and knowingness. 

    For example: I do not know that there is an Ashtar command that truely exists and that there is a Galactic Federation or even UFO's for I have not had experience of any of these. But if I had to vote whether I believe it or not and if my life depended upon it, I think I would say that I belive that they do exist. Knowing that I have a belief which is not a knowingness I don't think I would be hurt or too much or bothered if someone would laugh in my face for believing in space people.

    But the real question is: How do I stay peaceful when someone tells me I am wrong or disagree with me? I think one way is to admit to oneself that most of the ideas I have in my mind are just that and not truths that I know for a fact in the same degree as the truth of these words on my computer screen.

    Ulf Enhörning

  • I agree John, I mean, I'll be honest, a lot of times I receive downloads and I have no idea if they are True. I mean, in my opinion, we are all experimenting here, doing the best we can, especially those of us who are starseeds. We are coming in with new information, and a lot of times that is very hard to process, I think sometimes people might think, oh that person is a starseed, they must be ultra-enlightened, and have no problems, not the case. In fact, being an starseed, indigo, hybrid, or whatever, even just trying to work with this material, is really tough man. I mean, we are dealing with a lot of belief systems, that hold ideas that people have held to for a long, long time, you come and try to break that apart, and people are obviously going to feel a little jaded I think.

    But thats what we are here to do, BREAK APART outmoulded beliefs, and then create a new reality, that is how I look at it, I will continue to hold unconditional love for all, as was asked of me during this time, speak with respect, allow others to view things the way they do, I have a tremendous responsibility to do so, and I have committed in heart to doing so, so I love all others here, and respect their right to speak their Truth.


  • For the past 10 years I have been regularly communicating with my wife, who has passed. We customarily have two-to-three-hour sessions (readings), during which I ask questions that I've accumulated since the last reading, or have been asked in my spiritual chat room. Because of my information source, where some answers have been provided by archangels and notable world personalities, authors and scientists, I cannot help but accept their answers as pure truth. Even at that, others seem unable to change their beliefs in light of the provided truths. At one point I changed the name of the spiritual chat room to THE WAY IT IS! -- and nobody came! One notable world personality visited one of my monthly readings to tell me one thing: "It's hard to be a leader!"
  • Here I am.
  • LoL, sorry about that Rae, my mind was actually on some Rapping things while typing the reply out. Then had to look up a new Country Song for Gordon, that was called " Need Something to do with my Hands ", and I was like could this song get any worse lol. 

    Which also proves that guys do think about Sex and not all of them think that Sex is a bad thing by nature, which also proves that some guys are into there girl while having Sex as well, so not all men are into having sex for the sake of pleasing of releasing themselves, but some are actually into for pleasing the girl they are with

    Something that Jancar needs to understand is that not everyone agrees with the whole idea that you can't be into the lady you are with, in order to have sex, or that Love feeling isn't there while having it either 

    Thanks for the reminder though in anycase Rae lol

    Bless the Nite


  • Usually what happens is I find out about some interesting thing that resonates with me. It sticks out, and it makes sense.

    At that point its a suspicion. It not even a Belief.


    In my ever accelerating desire for Truth I am compelled to Test these suspicions, and I do that with a combination of Investigating them (by doing research) and by using Intuition to determine the Actual Truth of them.


    However... Intuition is a trump. If my inner senses tell me its True... that's that. It doesn't matter what anyone else says - at that point its Knowledge.

    Even if the information is contradictory - information can be disinformation. I really don't see why so many people rely specifically on information, like there's some kind of proof you can get that cant be made up or built on lies. Considering the Cabal and other forms of darkness on this planet, that's actually pretty common.


    Then just to make sure - I use other connections at my disposal, like my direct connection with God, and sometimes I also put what ive discovered to the test and start trying to do things with what ive learned.

    I mean its something I already knew, but at that point my confidence in it is rienforced permanently.


    These indirect, often non-physical methods of discovery are Just As Viable to me as old fashioned research because I have highly attuned senses and God tells me the truth.


    So really I go straight from suspecting that something might be true straight to Knowledge.

    I am uneasy with simply having a Belief that something might be true... because Beliefs are unfounded. I don't want to invest any energy in beliefs because they could come apart at a moment's notice.

    So I found ways to discover whether something I believe Actually IS true or not, especially for things that cannot necessarily be proven at all because of logistics or just the way things are.

    That's probably the most valuable aspect to using your Inner Senses to discover truth. Because you don't need proof - you just Know.

    Proof can be destroyed, lost, mutilated. But the Universe remembers everything, the way it actually is.


    And for those few things that I cannot get a straight answer on from God or my own Inner guidance... believe me... I periodically make attempts to crack open that shell anyway. Im not comfortable having to just take it on faith without an answer one way or another (though that is something I can Do).

    Considering that there are not many things in my life that only fit into the Belief category. . . that is the reason why I call it Knowledge.

    And in the past there have only been a few rare examples where something I fully believed to be Knowledge (as a result of this process) turned out to be complete deception or functionally incorrect.

    • Well I think intuitive knowing, and true knowing, are different. True knowing is something you know, you understand, you realize, and it becomes so realized and understood, that you know it. From the bottom up, inside and out. Intuitive knowing, is like a's like a fleeting glimpse of truth, a sense of real. It's not really real knowing though.

      Like many people I talk to, like Mormons, they'll say....well my intuition tells me the Book of Mormon is true, and this is the way, the light, all other faiths are lesser lights. I mean that's what they say lol And I ask them, well why does my intuition say something completely different. And they'll say, well you're not well enough connected to your intuition. And I say the same to them lol So it's a no win situation, we can't convince each other our intuition is wrong.

      I understand though, that much of life is a faith game. There's really very few things that we have true knowledge of. Knowledge as in knowing. Information based belief systems and intuitive senses are good, but they're not true knowing. Much of life really is uncertain.  But, in order to have any sense of have to play the faith game and believe something as truth. Ultimately, one day...we'll find out the real truth for sure.

    • The reason that some proof can be destroyed is because there are some who are set out to destroy things like the truth, and proof of something that needs to be put to an end 

      Bless the Nite


  • Thanks for posting this John....from my perspective truth and our beliefs are undefinable, our illusion of reality in the 3rd dimension exists as a refection of ourselves and our accepted truths, experiences and belief systems compiled from all of our past life experiences, as well as the myriad of other alternate realitys where every possible truth experience and belief has been played out at the same time as this reality. What exists as truth to one person wont always be accepted as truth to the next person, no matter how you try and prove it to them demonstrate it or define it for them.....You can say that grass is green and prove that it has green pigment with science, but someone else might not see it as green, or someone might see it as many possible colours, and eventually we might realize even the clour green was just an assuption from our limited viewpoint and spectrum of vision.....and these people may have scientific proof that grass isnt green in some way, because in their reality thats what they have accepted as truth. What people accept as truth in this reality helps shape thier beliefs so i dont feel seperating the two would make any difference. Truth and beliefs are an ever changing thing, based on our unique experiences in our some point we all accept every possible truth and belief system as we experience them in the mutltiple realitys and multiple universes, where the multiple versions of self play out every possible outcome or path for our highest learning and gaining of wisdom and perspectives no matter which path we choose in this 3d life....Many accepted truths are proved wrong everyday...and todays truth is easily tomorrows lie or deception...The main thing is to realize that we are all a projection of the sum of our accepted truths, accepted beliefs and our life experiences....and if we love forgive and accept ourselves and realize that we all have a unique perspective which cant be defined as right or wrong good or bad true or simply just is..A reflection of our true selves and our experiences....Then we can all share and learn from our unique perspectives of reality as a working collective, while at the same time we will accelerate our spiritual growth as a whole.....The conflict and seperation only comes from the ego....the desire to be right about something and somoenes need to in truth about their beliefs is usually fabricated within their own reality as a support system for their need to be right and to prove to themselves that what they believe is will only really be true from their unique perspective....and others may see something similar from their perspective and adopt it as truth, but it cant be defined as exactly the same truth for any other individual...we all need to accept the beliefs that resonate with our souls and live in a way that we feel is being true to matter how you try and demonstrate truth in your reality...there will always be someone who will come along with a different perspective that can prove otherwise....truth is something that is ever changing... you can spend lifetimes searching for it and trying to nail it down....but its always going to be something different.... Its a refection of the truth seekers self...We simply have to accept that our unique truths...our unique beliefs...our unique perspectives and paths are what makes up the whole of our existence and every unique part is there to learn from and enrich our consciousness as a whole.....and of course these are just my unique thoughts from my perspective and i am not presenting them as true or false, right or wrong, believable or not...i am just sharing my unique view on the subject you all have your own perspectives and discretion...right and wrong are just words....true and false are just words....being true to ones self is a conscious action and brings forth our beliefs and shapes them as we live our lives...Lots of love, peace and acceptance to all of you unique and beautiful souls out there X
    • Well I believe there's ultimately one truth. Everyone may have their own truth, that may not necessarily be the real truth though. Everyone has their own unique perception of the one truth, ultimately though, I think there is only one truth.

      I've read in channelings that, apparently, more than one truth can exist at the same time. I still don't understand how that's even possible. I still don't understand how two completely different perceptions of one thing, can both be true. Like, some people believe Shakespeare was Francis Bacon. Others don't believe that. How can they both be true....either he was or he wasn't lol Things like that do lend themselves to black and white. Some people talk about parallel realities and all of that, and it may be true, but I'm not ready to go there yet.

      And these are all interesting philosophical tidbits, and it's good for debate and discussion, but I still think our's hard to know the real truth. We have to have beliefs about some things. And we can very well have our own truth. I still don't think, though...that just because we believe something as truth, that doesn't actually makes it the truth. It may be truth for us, that doesn't make it universal truth. I think religions are a great example of that.

      Anyways, thanks for commenting Andy :)

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