Hi All
When we speak of reality as I have mentioned many timespreviously, we must place great focus on our individual reality. Yesit’s clearthat we are One but as individuals we are fulfilling the collectiveagenda ofexperiencing reality from an angle of separateness.  Our private realityisour own universe from which we experience the collective. This isimportant torecognize. Why is it of such significance? Because you are determiningthemanner in which you will experience what we view as “out there”; thecollective.
In my book The HolographicCanvas there is a chapter titled Charactersin theGame, this is also of great significance in understanding themodel ofreality you have created and continue to recreate. Every aspect of yourlife issignificant, such as the following constructs:
*  The town/city you live in
*  The state you live in
*  The neighborhood you live in
*  The school youattend
*  The people in your class
*  The teacher in yourclassroom
*  The company you work for
*  The office you are in
*  The people you work with
*  The church you attend,
*  The club you belong to
*  Your driving route
*  Theperson you bump into on the street,
*  The car you drive,
* The color you choose
*  Are you vegan?
*  Are you vegetarian?
*  Are you a meat eater?
*  Are you a fruitarian?
* Are you a breatherian?  
*  The name brand you like
*  The husband/wife you have
*  The lover/girl/boyfriend youhave
*  Who your parents are
*  The friends you have
* You children/ family members
*  Your parents
The above list is just a miniscule aspect of those thingswhich form your reality. With that said just how many of us are aware ofthelevel of “energy” output required to hold our individual construct ofreality inplace. This is not something that we think about as our thought processisfocused on generating additional fuel/power to sustain our privatereality. Theprocess by which we fuel our reality is comparative to the numerouspower plantswhich are positioned in many places to provide power to specific areasandfacilities. You are the power plant which runs your private reality. Asyou haveread in my other articles and my book The Holographic Canvas, yourconsciousnessis interwoven into all people, places, things, attitudes and beliefs.Thecharacters in your life each require different degrees of fuel to keepthem inyour reality; some may require more of your life force than othersaccording toyour interaction with the character. If there is continuous contention,despise,drama, aggravation, frustration, heartache, etc. then these charactersare anenergy drain as they must continue to be there until you are satisfiedwithgetting the fullest degree of experience that can be extracted. Eachexplosiveinteraction requires more fuel from you and so you are slowly beingdrained.These experiences can result in emotional conditioning, a programming oflowself esteem, low self worth, distrust etc. Although these characters maydisappear from your life if their purpose for having been in yourreality havenot been fulfilled then chances are that they will return again andagainalthough the faces and the process of the experience may change.  Thequestion should then be asked, what is it that you needed to understandin yourgame, your reality.
To understand the degree of power output required tosustain your reality is perhaps the most significant realization thatyou canembrace as each moment is literally spent keeping the power going inyourreality. The external world is only a result of the inner world beingsustainedby every individual who makes up the collective. With the currenteconomic themebeing played out there is a tremendous amount of power/fuel (humanenergy asfuel) being emitted from so many individual losing homes, property,jobs,relationships etc.,. Again I am speaking of the energy/the life forcefrom eachindividual used to hold on to what he or she owns. When we say that wehave putour blood, sweat and tears into those things we hold precious this isabsolutelytrue. Every fiber of your being is involved in the process of buildingandsustaining ones reality. We are emotionally interwoven into the corestructureof our reality. Our emotional output is the fabric which holds thestructure ofour reality which then forms our identity. It is for this reason thatwhen anyportion of our reality is shaken by change it becomes a jarringexperience tothe very core of our being. We are somewhat shaken when the neighbormoves orthere is a new cashier at the grocery store we have been going to foryears. Westruggle for readjustment when we make simple changes such as taking adifferentdriving route than habitually done each day. For some being without aninsuranceplan or 401k is shattering especially if they have had it for years,some shortcircuit if they are unable to plan ahead for the most minutethings.
Then there are those who will read this and say that theydon’t do any of those things but I can guarantee that should you decideto takean honest look at yourself you will realize all of the beliefs andconditioningthat you are wired into. There is no way of holding those same oldbeliefs andconditioning in place without being hardwired into them and againremember thathardwiring requires a large “power output”. It is your creation, it isyourreality, your universe, your game and so it must be supported by theenergyplant from which it was originally generated; YOU!. You have written onebasescript from which you have written all other scripts throughout thecourse ofyour private reality. These base scripts are generally based onimprints, deeplyrooted programs, ancestral/bloodline baggage etc., and as we go along weincorporate social, cultural and environmental programming (ReadAncestralimprints). Your base script sets the stage for your acceptance ofcertainbeliefs and experiences. Characters are then written into variousscriptsaccording to all of the above. We invite characters who will validatewhat webelieve as well as those who will challenge those beliefs. We invitewarringcharacters, controlling characters; we invite characters who will helpus totest our boundaries. We invite characters who we can blame foreverything in ourlives just so we do not have to take responsibility, we invitecharacters whowill treat us like door mats or those that we can treat like door matsin orderto feel powerful, we invite characters who are easily manipulated, weinvitecharacters who will keep us confused, we invite characters who will makeus looklike model citizens or spiritually powerful etc. The point is that weinviteeveryone into our world; no one enters without an invitation. It is theenergysent out through the field of consciousness that is read and picked upas asignal by the appropriate characters. You don’t have to say a word…it’sallabout the energy field. Nothing is undercover as the frequency readingisavailable to all, especially those attuned to the bandwidthcirculating.
If we do not begin to become aware of the manner in whichwe hold our creations in place you will not be able to understand whyyou arehaving certain kinds of experiences that you as an individual may bequestioning. The manner in which you interact with collective reality orareimpacted by collective reality will depend on what is needed in yourprivatereality to complete whatever your script may call for.  What is it thatyoustill need to experience around certain emotions? What is yourrelationshiphistory, romantic or otherwise, what have you been trying so desperatelytoachieve and at what cost, what is the foundation for your desire inwanting toachieve, are you still seeking security and what does security mean toyou andby whose terms, is there any such thing as security, what are you afraidof,  is money the root of all your struggles, is money what you strivefor,are you striving to  be rich, just how much stock do you place on money,inyour mind is money a defining point, are you still looking for love, doyou feelthat love will bring you security, do you feel incomplete without amate, areyou defined by your material positions; characters will enter your lifebased onmany of these reasons.
These are reasoning’s that take you outside of yourself,causing you to spend much time in your head…you run around in our head.Much ofyour life is played out in your head as you conjure up things about thepast andthe future, endless speculations about people and circumstances thatonlyperpetuate more of the same old script. This simply brings in charactersto playout your speculations and fears, which sets your mind at ease becauseyou cannow say that you were right all along when characters enter and wreakhavoc inyour reality or play out your speculation. This allows you to say thingslike“People always take advantage of me”, “I try to help but I always getburned” “Iam always unlucky in love” “I don’t trust anybody” “that’s why I alwayslock mydoors” “it’s a good thing I had insurance” “people are losing their jobsrightnow, you better do everything to hold on to yours” and on and on. Againideas,concepts right down to the material world is held together by the powerwhichsurges from you. Remember that I am using the concept of “power” fromtheperspective of the juice/energy/fuel derived from you as a “power plant”to holdthe very things in place which have become the illusion of yourimprisonment tothem. As always be reminded that it has all been a necessary process,you havebeen fulfilling all potentials in the human experience. No regrets onany of it!Just own it as the illusion that it is…it’s a game.
The power being expelled by you as you hold yourconstructed reality in your consciousness has diverse extremes of wheremuch ofyour power, your focus goes to…remember that those things that are thestrongestpart of your focus will require more of your energy, more power, more“charge”to hold it in place. So let’s examine a few more “power drains” suckingpowerfrom most of our private realities and how we have bought intothem:
The Credit Bureau
Many people are imprisoned to the credit bureau and thecredit rating system. You buy into not being able to do a great manythingsunless your credit score is at a level defined by the rules of thegame.
There are three categories of individuals with threedifferent ways of handling this credit rating concept (1) some will makethingsup on the application as need be (2) others will work at maintaining anupstanding credit score (3) those who will settle for the level oflimitationbased on low credit scores as defined by the system (4) then there arethose whohave realized that they can have anything they want despite their creditscore…and it can be done without survival tactics. Those in the categoryof 1-3are playing the survival game…yet there is no right or wrong thesemethodshowever operate on limitations. You are confined to your “autopilotself”figuring out your “survival” and playing safe and hustling all at thesametime.
The Banking System (Read the articleEnergy is Free are you at: www.spiritinform.com/  )
This is a major energy drain for many people. I am quitefamiliar. All that you see are numbers…you experience the energy of itaccordingto the preset conditioning, the energy value, the quantative valuesallotted tothe dollar. So it’s only the energy of the implied monitory value thatexists inthe banking system. You are programmed into an agreement of thislimitation. Itis often said that money is being printed out of thin air…well in allhonestythat is the way that your reality should operate!! Your monetary needsshouldarrive out of thin air! Instead we are committed to believing the rulesoflimitations set within the game. Once again be reminded that you are aspiritualbeing having a human experience which requires the illusion of extremelimitation in the game in order to experience both ends of thespectrum. In interviewing Professor Oyibo, Mathematician, a scientist whoexplained thatwe should want for nothing. According to Professor Oyibo we should beable tocreate all that we need out of thin air as everything is made up ofeverything,hydrogen being the common denominator in all things.
Much time is spent acquiring an accumulation of money orsimply acquiring just enough to get by. Most of the power output goes tosupporting the desire for an increase in monitory abundance. This ofcourserequires full focus for almost 24 hours per day even while we sleep. Thecollective concept of money ensures the static view of realty theillusion towhich our consciousness is tied. We are the power source which holdsthesequantative values of limitations by which money is held in ourconsciousness.
The Insurance System
The concept of insurance is symbolic of the illusion ofsecurity. Insurance is the symbol for security plain and simple. TheInsurancegame represents the “what if” and the feared outcome. When one is infear ofbeing caught without insurance for health, life, auto or any other formofinsurance it simply means that the possibility exists within ones fieldofconsciousness for an associated experience. I am certainly not implyingthatanyone should get rid of their insurance I am simply bringing to thesurface thesubtle programs interwoven into ones reality. We are not always aware oftheseprograms because we are simply operating on the premise of “doing therightthing”. What is the right thing and based on what, where is that thoughtprocessor belief system stemming from.
The Mortgage System
This is another power-full game. People work all theirlives to own a mortgage and spend all of their life’s energy paying forit. Youare interwoven into your property. Your property is an extension of youjustlike everything else that you have possession of. Even when one loseshis/herproperty they remain tied into the property because they were unable toreleaseit. The system ensures that by keeping your name against the debt owed.You feeltrapped because you now believe that this is a mark against your nameblockingyou from obtaining another piece of property or other things. What isalsointeresting is that the bank does not loan you any money as many peopleare nowdiscovering. Anyone can type numbers on a piece of paper it’s all smokeandmirrors. The bank adds to its illusionary monetary resources only whenyou beginto pay the monthly mortgage will those illusionary numbers begins goingup inthe banking institution. Here is a definition of the word institution astakenfrom Wikipedia:
"Institutions are structures and mechanisms of socialorder and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of individuals.Institutions are identified with a social purpose and permanence,transcendingindividual human lives and intentions, and with the making and enforcingofrules governing cooperative human behavior. The term, institution, iscommonlyapplied to customs and behavior patterns important to a society, as wellas toparticular formal organizations of government and public service. Asstructuresand mechanisms of social order among humans, institutions are one of theprincipal objects of study in the social sciences, including sociology,political science and economics. Institutions are a central concern forlaw, theformal regime for political rule-making and enforcement. The creationandevolution of institutions is a primary topic for history."
Now apply the word institution along with its definitionto all organizations you interact with including your corporateinstitutions.
Buying on Credit
Again this is tied into the credit rating system. Anotheramazing tool in the game which provides immense experience inaccumulatingthings and going into debt in owning those things; buy now pay later…youpaywith your life force, you pay with stress as bill collectors are callingyou,you become worried about the drop in credit rating, how will you find ajob nowthat they are checking credit reports, what kind of person does thismake youand the collector reminds you of all of these things. This entireprocess keepsyou in the loop of survival…”how will I ever get out of this?”
Collection Agencies 
The collections agencies are just that they are agents youinvited in to attach to you as a power source. They assist in youremotionaldrain, they taunt you, they exert fear and with that each moment of yourangerwhether you pay them or not, they receive energy from you; you are angryandupset, you curse them, you hang up on them all of these emotions putsyou in adance with them. They are fulfilling their purpose as energy vampires inthegame especially from the angle of the monitory system. They continue toreaffirmthe value of the monetary system as collectively agreed on. They keepyoureminded of “the limitations” in your thought process of the valueplaced onmoney.
The Retirement System
If you could live your life through a flow of experienceswithout the security of repetition and pre packaged directions leadingup toyour death then you would not need to move into a thought process ofretirement.There would be no retiring…retiring from the pre-coded definition of thesystem/matrix is all about one’s life force winding down to thecountdown ofdeath. You spend your entire life’s energy, a huge investment of powerpreparingto die! Think about that!
All of the above require a relationship with manycharacters. While you may play out much of your reality in your head, inyourmind, this carries over into determining your energy exchange in alldegrees ofrelationships. The bottom line is that every change you make in yourconsciousness will shift the relationships you are in. It does notmatterwhether that relationship is with a lover, a friend, family or aphysicalpossession. Everything around you changes to adjust to any upgrade youmake inyour consciousness. It is for this reason that knowledge is so amazinglypower-full. There is usable POWER (electromagnetic) in knowledge thatcan andwill remove more and more of the limitations by which we have beenexperiencingour lives. It’s never about the people around you changing. It’s aboutyouevolving your hologram of reality in your consciousness.
You power up your reality every step of the way. You arecompletely involved in the entire process. There is no one to blamethere is noneed to blame anyone, including yourself. Choosing to evolve theholographicstructure of your reality will mean naked surrender for these individualrealities are the illusions which form the overall reality. You are in acosmicgame! It’s important to nail the concept that you are in a game; onewith nowinners or losers however strategies are required yet anything goes. Youare atthe center of the story line throughout the entire course of your ride. Ihaveoften expressed that it’s not about escaping from the matrix but it’saboutunderstanding that you control the entire outcome of your reality; alltheplayers are in position just the way you positioned them. The questionis, areyou ready to take it to the next level of whatever that may be inredeemingfreedom at greater levels.
Surveillance of society continues to increase. There arecameras everywhere and now digital boxes entering the homes. This can beviewedas symbolic with you as an individual setting up surveillance in yourprivatereality as you observe: what does each character represent in yourworld, howmany main characters are there, who is going and coming from yourreality, howlimited is your reality, what are the themes playing in your world, whatis yourbelief system based on, what kind of tools are you using to stimulate aninfinite supply of abundance to your reality or is it all based onprogramming.As I have stated before it is about freeing one’s self from the illusionofenslavement to the system. What you must do is to free yourself from theimprisonment of the limitations in ones consciousness. Now that you havereadthis article and perhaps have stirred a realization of you being thepower plantfor your own imprisonment, you must ask the question “what am I willingto giveup or to lose”. First it is important to again remember that it is allanillusion in the first place one which you strongly affixed to in yourvalidationof your own existence and in evaluating your status or progress in life.Yourmaterial possessions have become your scale of evaluation for yourlife’sjourney on the planet. All that you have done has been a beautifulaccomplishment whether you have been pushing a shopping cart andhomeless on thestreet or whether you live in a mansion or a matchbox, whether you havebeen ina mental institution or a professor at Harvard or a thief. It’s allpowerfulbecause in one way or another we have all been a little bit of all thesecharacters in our minds where nobody can see the depth of our thoughtprocess orthat which lies in the catacombs of the mind. It all requires tremendousPOWERto involve ourselves in any level of experience.
The trick however is in learning to dream and to createwithout the attachment…yes and I will say it again, it’s all aboutmovingfluidly, it’s not about losing power to our creations. When we lose ourpower towhat we have created, not only do we lose power but we lose memory ofwho we areas spiritual beings having a human experience and this is where webecomes theprisoners of our own creations. We can consciously support the structureof ourreality. When our power in locked into our creations then the fluidityofabundances is then no longer the center of power as we must now focus onsurvival and this of course has nothing to do with money. To be richwith anumerical worth is still a limitation as our ultimate goal should be  toreturn to drinking from an unlimited supply, feeding all areas of ourlives.Infinite abundance has no numerical value, it’s not possible…so what ismy networth, it is unlimited! Scientists like Professor Oyibo and Qunatumphysicistsare discovering how and why it is possible to consciously alter onesreality.You don’t need to wait for University trained scientists to tell youthat it ispossible as you are creating your reality in every moment. You simplyneed torecognize this for yourself by observing the foundation on which yourlife isbuilt along with an examination of your choices and beliefs.
You are an amazing power plant and perhaps the time hascome for you to create a new and different concept of your reality.Perhaps it’stime to exceed the typical, predictable programs by which collectiveconsciousness is run. Listen to signs of boredom and consider what itwould belike to do the things that bring excitement to mind, or what it would belike tolay down your burden of struggles if indeed there is a possibility thatyou dohave an unlimited source of power that you have perhaps minimally tappedintofrom time to time during extremely desperate moments. What if you didnot needto wait for desperate moments to utilize the science of the limitless.Many ofyou have heard me say that the manner in which I have accessed my jumpthroughthe various stages of my growth is to say to myself that “no matterwhat, I willlive!” That has always been the deal breaker for me! In the past inleavingcorporate America my son asked me “mom if they paid you a milliondollars tostay would you” and without hesitation I said “NO!”  You must come totheplace where you can honestly say that it’s not about the money, when youcanmake decisions based on what you feel in your gut, in your heart center,thenyou are ready to take that leap. It can be challenging but it hasallowed me togo deeper and deeper into a knowingness that continues to blow mymind!!
This is what I now share with you; the ability to dig deepand to own your right to know and to be limitlessly powerful! It is amagnificent goal which I continue to explore, what an adventure! Don’tbe afraidto own what you are feeling despite being unable to share these feelingswithyour partner or friends, remember that it is all about you. They areonly areflection of your field of consciousness.
For some years now I have not placed emphasis onproviding consultation. However I am now open for Consultation at thistime. Mymethod of Consultation is about the owning ones own ability and power .For moreinformation on my approach to consultation please click on this linkCONSULTATION and if after reviewing this brief description should theirstill bean interest then you may contact me at 818-673-7063 or 949-249-3825 oremail meat soniabarr@yahoo.com  Mayyou be courageous enough to explore the vastness of yourpotentials.    *

Sonia Barrett like many has been a seeker of moreexpansive knowledge since childhood. Her curiosity and persistence hasguidedher to a greater understanding of the veils behind which collectiveconscious isshrouded.   Sonia was born in Jamaica and at the age of 13 along withher parents she moved to the United States.  She later attendedRooseveltUniversity in Chicago and majored in voice, pursuing a career in theentertainment industry.  Her curiosities of the journey lead her tofurtherstudies of the science of the body and the process by which it isinterwoveninto the third dimensional matrix; a matrix spiraling out of an infinitenumberof other matrixes. Self empowerment is the foundation of all that sheshares.Dependency is not encouraged. Her layman understanding of QuantumPhysics widensher ability to intercept the simultaneous nature of timelines.
Sonia Barrett’s work is an embrace of science and spirituality as one in the same. She is the HostofSovereign Mind Radio program, www.sovereignmindradio.com  andfounder and publisher of Sovereign Mind Magazine, www.sovereignmindmagazine.com and author of The Holographic Canvas, The Fusing of Mind and Matter; shehaswritten many articles exploring time travel, immortality, ascension andthescience of past lives. She has been interviewed on a number of radioprograms.  Sonia currently presents workshop or what she has termed“MemoryLectures”. The principle of these Memory Lectures is to reawaken thememory ofthose attending. As noted on the back of her book “the answers are alltied intothe forgotten past and like the single cell of a plant our history isencoded inour cell, DNA and the air we breathe”. Sonia presents concepts and ideasthatstimulate thought and revives empowerment. Her objective overall is topresentclarity, insight and definition to a word now commonly used; the“matrix”. Sheaims to write and present material which cut right to the heart of thematter,presenting a realization that we have lived our lives as programmedbeings, frombirth to death, at least for many. She boldly questions the concept ofdeath;exploring the original design of the body supported by an elevation inconsciousness.   Her information is sought globally. email: soniabarr@yahoo.com   *   www.spiritinform.com/ *    

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