Ius talionis means the right of retaliation. As a common figure in human`s sense of justice, it has created a capitalist sense of trading in all possible life regards.
I`ll give you that, you give me this. I have done this to you, you will do that for me. Measure for measure, tooth for tooth, eye for an eye. This is the trading mind, the life figure behind ius talionis, and many people have no difficulties considering such life rule as normal.
The universe instead must smile about such nonsense. It has no rule of ius talionis. The universe is offering the opposite: abundance. The answer of the universe on ius talionis is abundance. There is always, really always more than ever is needed.
There is always abundance instead of measure by measure. There are thousands of seeds on every tree, but only a couple will grow. There is countless amounts of light, but only a tiny part of plants will use it. There is tons of water everywhere, but only a small part of all living beings live from it.
Abundance is the basic gift of the universe and the basic rule. It is the key to everything - generosity, bounty, letting go, containment, patience, smiling.
Like the universe smiling...