We are now approaching one of those powerful energy gateways of the year, the December solstice. In fact, given today is the 19th and the energies of these gateways are active for 3 days either side of the date, we are already under its influence.

If you track the sun’s activity at www.spaceweather.com, you may have noticed a powerful sunspot seemingly come out of nowhere and timed perfectly for its energies to begin to arrive around the 18th/19th.

Dec 18 weather with energies arriving for the solstice.jpg


A similar unfolding occurred for the July 7 eclipse earlier this year.

July 6th weather 1.jpg

This is made all the more striking since the sun has been unusually quiet throughout the year.

For this event, I have transcribed the entire messages from Jeshua and Mother Mary, given their importance. As you will see, Jeshua reminds us that this date represent exactly three years to the 2012 solstice and goes on to describe the significance of this. He speaks of the changes for humanity and for the planet, along with the consequences thereof that will unfold over these three years.

There is also some personal content relating to Carolyn and me. Jeshua speaks of our impending rejuvenation and reminds us that he and Mother Mary have already spoken of this step in the preparation for the end of 2012. Carolyn and I have known about this step for over a year and expected it to come forth some months ago. Indeed, those of you who have read or listened to the recording of the message from Father God re 2012 - http://tinyurl.com/koslh9, you will hear him chastise Carolyn for doubting that it would not come forth within the month. Well, she was right to be sceptical. In addition, the reason I did not post the messages I am holding regarding 11:11:11 and the previous new and full moons is they talk specifically about this and there was no evidence to support them.

On this matter, I would simply say at this point that there have been those within the cosmos who have been committed to preventing Ascension on planet Earth and they have been more committed to their path than those of the light have been to prevent them.

The reason I am bringing this forth now is that I now anticipate we are on the edge of this moving forward and because it is such an integral aspect of Jeshua’s message. Believe me, I have no desire to bring forth an element such as this without the tangible evidence given its controversial nature, but here we are.

So let me share these messages with you.


The solstice, as you know, is always a powerful gateway through which energies are sent to the planet by those who, you could say, steer the consciousness of humanity. It is not widely recognised upon your planet that, indeed, the unfolding of consciousness upon your planet is quite carefully husbanded by those who have responsibility for the evolution of consciousness upon your planet.  It is no random process. It has all been carefully orchestrated, carefully designed, and you could say, these observations provide a background, a context for all that has been unfolding upon your planet since 1987, when the energies of preparation for what awaits you at 2012 and beyond began in earnest and even more powerfully, the energies that have come forth over the last, inparticular, two years and especially this year, 2009.

In my last message; not just my message but also the message from Mother Mary in relation to December 12th, that Universal Solstice as it is known, we spoke about the power of the energies that have come forth throughout the year and indeed through that particular gateway. And so, we find ourselves as Carolyn said, almost at the end of the year and we have this powerful solstice gateway. So those of you that have been following these messages, these recordings would be by now anticipating that this gateway will be used for something important, and indeed that is so.

Many of you are aware that this year, 2009 is an “11” year, a year of mastery, 11 being a powerful master number and we have made reference to this throughout the year. So this solstice event really is no exception to that pattern.

What is coming forth on this day? Again, there are powerful energies which assist humanity with their preparation for 2012, but in particular you could say it is a completion, in a sense, of all that has unfolded throughout the year. Such powerful energies, such important events.

Energies of rejuvenation.

Energies of the ability to clear your karmic past.

Energies that enable you to create from the formless.

 What an extraordinary year!!

And so, beyond this point you will see much more public visibility of the preparation that is necessary prior to that event at 2012, which from this date is exactly three years hence. So some of you would know that the number three bears a relationship to that powerful shape, the triangle, and so we have what you could say is a triangle of years leading up to 2012.

Perhaps the way to look at the energies of this solstice is a completion of this year 2009, perhaps you could see it as a seal placed upon all that has unfolded throughout this year, and also the beginning point of these three remaining years. As Mother Mary said in her message for December 12th, there has been a ramping up throughout this year in particular in preparation for the energies which came forth on December 12th. And she also said there would be a similar process occurring beyond December 12th, leading through to that event at the end of 2012. So you can look at the energies that are coming forth through this solstice as being the energies which begin that next phase of preparation, that preparation in earnest that everyone needs to do to be ready for 2012. It is a marker of sorts; a completion of the energies for this year and the beginning of this next three year phase of preparation leading up to the end of 2012.

I want to take a moment to mention to you what will be unfolding upon your planet over the next three years and perhaps some of these words might be better placed at the beginning of 2010 for the beginning of that new year because much will unfold in that year. But I’m taking this opportunity to discuss some of this because it is the beginning of that triangle of years, if you like, leading up to the extraordinary alignment that will occur three years from now at the end of 2012.

What awaits you is massive change on many levels. The truth of what is unfolding will become very visible to all of humanity who have any willingness to observe it, from the beginning of 2010. Many have asked, “Why is it that so few people are aware of what’s happening if this is happening for real? It’s so close. How are people going to be clearing their karmic past? How are they going to get ready? Most people don’t know about it.”

Well, in very short order that will change, because there will be a basis upon which, for example, my two messengers here will step forth into the public eye with evidence of change that cannot be denied, and this will be a trigger of sorts for the preparation of humanity because some of the things that they will demonstrate to the world simply will not fit inside most people’s belief systems. They will not fit and so it will cause them to ask questions.

Secondly, they will, in working with others, demonstrate the truth that they speak. It will not be long before they step forth in rejuvenated physical bodies and soon thereafter, they will begin to work with others and to assist them using the tools that they have been given, to assist others also rejuvenate their physical bodies. And as that begins to happen, as they begin this work, humanity in general will be unable to deny the truth of what is happening. And so many will begin listen to the messages that these two have brought forth over the last year or so. They’ll begin to listen to them from a different perspective and begin to understand what they’ve been saying, because there is powerful truth in all that they have been bringing forth.

And they’ll begin to train others to use the tools that they have been given. There will be this flow that will begin in this preparation – the clearing of karmic past and rejuvenation. These two steps will begin in earnest in 2010.

In addition, you will see more evidence of the planet beginning to prepare.  The planet does need to prepare itself also; just as you need to prepare yourself. There will be more adjustments by way of earthquakes and volcanic action and so on. This will become more evident and it will continue throughout these coming three years. Much change will flow upon your planet, and I know some of you will choose to work with my two messengers here to minimise the degree of that activity, though much of it is inevitable.

 And some of that inevitability has been caused by the way the planetary lubricant, what you call crude oil has been taken from the planet. It was never intended that crude oil be used in the way that it has been used by humanity.  It was intended that the knowledge that was given to Tesla come forth some 100 years ago, so that humanity could progress using energy from the sun and power all that was required. But the forces of the dark had their way and his life was terminated early and his technology was buried; and many other attempts to bring such, what you term free energy technologies forth have been also been buried and indeed many individuals who sought to bring such technology forth were killed to protect the interests of those who make money from oil and other energy technologies.

But there is a price that humanity will now pay for that abuse, because the removal of those lubricants means that the planet will less gently adjust, you could say, as it prepares for its Ascension in early 2013. And so these events will begin to unfold.

So this is a forecast of sorts about what awaits you in 2010 and beyond; and some of you might listen to these words with some fear. But really, there is no need for fear. If you are listening to this message, then it’s likely that you are already in some way beginning to prepare and as Mother Mary and I have said on many occasions, there really are only three steps you need take:

  • Acknowledge your Creator,
  • Clear your karmic past, and
  • Rejuvenate your physical body

Really this is very easy now, if you choose to walk that path and if you choose to walk that path, then any adjustments, for example, that your beautiful planet might make to prepare itself will in no way interfere with you. That is the way things work. You think it is some kind of chance that you might be in a place where such an event occurs and you could be killed by it. Let me assure you, things do not work in that simple manner that you might see. If you are doing this preparation work, you will be protected and many who choose not to do this preparation work, for whatever reason, their souls will have them be in the place where these events occur and so they will leave the planet.

And many look at these events from a simplistic perspective, but there is a much bigger plan at work. The choices made by each individual’s soul will be expressing the choices made by the egoic self to participate in Ascension or not. So do not step forth in fear. There is no reason to do so. Simply take these steps and you will be where you need to be as you prepare for this beautiful unfolding that begins in three short years.

And so it is.

Mother Mary

My children, you know how much I love you, and if for some reason you do not understand this, then let me assure you. I call you my children, though in essence you really are not children. But I call you my children because I consider you as souls whereby I shower the love of the mother, so I consider you my children. I have played that role through many lifetimes and I play it now. I am your mother. I will always be your mother.

And I also hold the office of the priestess for your beautiful planet. The priestess of divine love, of divine caring, of the divine feminine and I stand here before you with my hands outstretched.

My son has told you all that he needs to say with regards to the energy for this year and the culmination of the month. His message is complete; but I wanted to be here, I wanted to tell you of my love. And if there is a moment along the way where you feel that you need comfort, I want you to know that you can come to me; you can call me and I will be there. I will hold you in the embrace of my love. I can’t be there with human arms, but I can be there with my essence. And so, as you hear my message, open up your heart to me and allow me to shower you with my love; allow me to shower you with my care. Know I am your mother on so many levels. I carry the mother energy and I am here, sharing it with you, my children. And that is all I have to say for this moment.

And that is, know that I love you and act accordingly.

And so it is.

I encourage you to listen to the recording of this at http://tinyurl.com/ko2nk9. As always, it contains much more than the words alone convey.

Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.

Richard Presser



Our websites include:

To understand what waits us in 2012, see http://www.the2012countdown.com/

For our healing work - http://www.AngelicMessenger.com

"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it" - http://www.thecominggoldenage.com

For all of our products and services, see http://www.theshop2012.com

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Check out what Steve Fossett is saying about our times and about Ascension at http://www.SteveFossettLives.com

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  • I´m sorry but I dont believe in the "magic" 2012 - this is all happening now - be prepared
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