
Channeler: Kim Michaels


Source: http://www.ascendedmasteranswers.com/

TOPICS: Why the Middle East is like a broken record

- the false path of fear

- schoolroom of earth seeks to help people confront their fears

- fear and conditional love

- both jews and Arabs on the path of fear

- children who are brought up to hate

So many children in the Middle East grow up in a culture dominated by fear, anger and hatred against their neighbors. I am not saying that all parents in the Middle East deliberately and willfully bring up their children to hate. For most people this is simply a subconscious programming that neither the parents nor the children recognize or understand.

So if there is to be a resolution to the conflict, a critical mass of people must decide to make a determined and fully conscious effort to overcome the culture of fear, anger and hatred. These people must decide to personally follow the path of love and then begin to build a culture based on unconditional love.

- hatred in the DNA?

However, if a family has lived in a fear-based culture for generations, the fear and hatred will have affected the genes in that family. Therefore, children born into that family will be genetically predisposed to respond to life with fear and hatred.

- hatred in the energy field

So if you allow yourself to feel anger and hatred, you will generate a portion of energy that vibrates at a certain frequency. This energy will not simply disappear even after you no longer feel angry

- vortexes of negative energy

- people are overpowered by anger and hatred

- people become robots who act out what is in the collective energy field

At that point, such people can literally become like robots who are unable to consciously choose their response to a given situation. Instead, they are pulled into a preprogrammed, or automatic, response by the energy vortexes in their subconscious minds.

- the influence of dark forces

If people decide to become electrodes for perfect love and send that energy into their surroundings, they can gradually consume the vortexes of fear, anger and hatred. This then would make it far easier to bring forth a true resolution to the conflict in the Middle East.

The consequence is that if a person accumulates a critical mass of negative energy in his or her energy field, the person can literally be cut off from the high-frequency energies of the spiritual realm. The person can no longer receive energy directly from the spiritual source. So to survive, the person must now feed off the energies of other people. The person must literally steal energies from other people because that person can no longer receive them directly from the source. The person then becomes an energy vampire.

- dark forces steal people’s energy by getting them to react with hatred

Therefore, the dark forces can continue to exist only by deceiving people into thinking negative thoughts and engaging in negative emotions, thereby generating energy of such low vibrations that they can be absorbed by dark forces.

- dark forces have no respect for free will

- they use deception to trick people into killing each other

- the serpentine lie that the ends justify the means

So the fact that people in the Middle East are willing to kill each other, and even feel that killing is justified by their religion, demonstrates clearly that these people have accepted the serpentine lie that the end can justify the means.

- demons consider the Middle East their primary feeding ground

We have all the power necessary to cancel out the forces of darkness in the Middle East and around the entire planet. Archangel Michael has already cast these dark forces out of a previous sphere and is perfectly capable of casting them out of the earth. Yet until human beings give him the authority to act in their world, we must respect people's free will. Until people authorize us to go into action, we can only stand by and watch as the dark forces continue to devour people’s energies.

- momentums of the past

- many Jews were Arabs in past lives and vice versa

So if you spend a lifetime persecuting or killing an outer enemy, it is likely that in your next lifetime you will re-embody as a member of that enemy. The reality of the situation in the Middle East is that you currently have many Jews who in their last life were embodied as Arabs and vice versa

If a lifestream will fully recognize this, it might begin to consider the following. If I am a Jew in this lifetime and hate the Arabs, it is likely that in my last lifetime I was an Arab hating the Jews. So perhaps the real problem is not the Arabs or the Jews. Perhaps the real problem is the hatred which imprisons my lifestream and prevents me from moving forward on my spiritual journey towards my home? So do I really want to spend the rest of this lifetime fighting the outer enemy, or will I instead fight the enemy within, conquer my hatred and embrace the path of love?

- some people so committed to hared that they are beyond reason

- some lifestreams must be judged and removed from earth

 So what is the solution to this condition? The solution is embodied in my saying, “For judgment I am come.” Many people hold the naive notion that I appeared in the Middle East because it is such a holy and spiritual place. In reality, I embodied in the Middle East precisely because it is one of the darkest places on earth. This darkness is, as explained above, caused by the fact that people in this region have been fighting for thousands of years and have built very intense vortexes of dark energies. It is also caused by the fact that there are many lifestreams embodied in the Middle East who have an absolute commitment to darkness.


 I came into embodiment partly to bring about the judgment of the lifestreams who for eons had refused to bend the knee and accept the path of love. I allowed some of these lifestreams to persecute and crucify me because in persecuting the living Christ, these lifestreams brought about their judgment. Indeed, an entire division of dark lifestreams was taken from the earth as a result of that one embodiment. If these lifestreams had not been taken 2,000 years ago, it is highly likely that humankind would already have used modern weapons to self-destruct.

- people can bring judgment and counteract dark lifestreams

- no human solutions; necessary to bring the power of God

Jesus: I am deliberately painting a very somber picture, because my purpose for this exposé is to bring people to experience a reality check. It is my hope that people will reach a very important conclusion, namely that there are no human solutions to the problems in the Middle East. The only possible solution to this situation is a divine solution. Only the power of God can change this situation for the better.


Simply look at the history books. The fighting, the warfare and the hatred in the Middle East has been going on throughout recorded history. I can tell you that it has actually been going on for much longer. When you realize that this has been going on for thousands of years, and that it is the same lifestreams who are promoting this hatred over and over again, you clearly see that there is no political solution.

- many people do not want peace

- you can authorize the masters to remove darkness

- using spiritual tools to change the situation

- exposing those who do not want peace 

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  • ........becouse long , long time ago , on some distant planet in some distant galaxy they wared/feud with each other and almost caused a great cataclism to their home planet . So, Galactic Consel decided to ship them to a different place, new home planet where they start again and learn to resolve their silly differences beggining with stick and stones. So far, after 1.000's of yrs , they are doing piss poor job.....................................

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