Greetings, beloved Lightworkers. I come before you today to speak of more assistance in your ascension process.
You are all progressing very nicely in your process. The last energy surge and influx was instrumental in bringing more and more of you on-line. Now you are processing what you have received. The influx continues but you are more prepared and ready to receive than before.
You all are unique in your process but all contain the seed of Divinity that is ever growing in strength as you progress.
Take a moment now to ponder and assess your Light Body. Are you feeling more aware of it? Are you feeling more energy surges throughout your body as we speak, a kind of pulsing and expansion that is ongoing? Excellent. Allow that, dear Ones.
As you pull your awareness away from your thoughts and more into your Heart, it is becoming more and more your World. It is self-sustaining and nurturing and nourishing. Let that become your complete focus from now on, what you build in your Heart, as you allow more Light and Love to infiltrate your Being, as you become engorged with it.
For all intents and purposes, you have changed your focus a great deal as you allow Love to be who you are. It rules your actions now more than ever. Things around you naturally fall in line and rhythm because of it.
The frequency of Love is building in all and is affecting all around you, including Mother Earth. Your body is transforming to house it in greater capacity, as you embark on this new path of your ascension which is becoming more streamlined and potent.
Let go of your pre-conceived ideas of what ascension is, and just experience it as your Heart fills up in greater capacity. You naturally let it flow out to the universes and everything is caught up in the raising of frequency.
Beloveds, it is not necessary for you to grasp everything on an intellectual level anymore. Allow the surge of Light to envelop you and transform you and rejoice in the wonderful feeling of Joy that is part and parcel of this transformation.
Be the Love in your Heart; allow it to influence everything you do and say. Accept the vibration of the Creator to the fullest every moment of your life. Let it overtake you, let it rule your thoughts, let it Be your thoughts, from now on into eternity, dear Ones.
Accept that you are not the same as you were yesterday. Accept that you are so much more than you ever dreamed – so full of Love, of Divinity, that you are becoming it once again, not just for a moment in the day or for the time you devote to meditation, but let it rule your World.
Create from that, dear Ones; create from that growing Love in your Heart and you will be surrounded by miracles in a constant flow. Now is the time to let that appear in your lives. Now is the time to surrender to the Creator’s essence that is you.
Now is the time to surrender to who you really are, not just the outer casing of you that was designed for experience, but the strong Light of Love and Divinity, which is your true Essence.
Roll up all those experiences and negative thoughts and fears into the Love you are allowing to build in you and release them like you would a butterfly from the tip of your finger. Shine the Light on the remaining limiting beliefs and issues that still inhabit your psyche and love them and release them. Now is the time to soar with the newfound Lightness you are gaining.
May you continue to experience peace through this process. You are encountering the last leg of your journey so do not let a moment go by without attending to it.
I stand ready to lend you assistance. I am Sananda, at your service.
As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
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