Sounds a little hoaxy but it's interesting
Jim Sparks allows the timely release of his filmed interview by Jake Gould and Neil Gould, Exopolitics Hong Kong, more than one year after it was filmed. Sparks describes his interactions with near future humans who still look very similar to us, as opposed to the far future humans who are almost unrecognizable as humans.
"You could be rubbing shoulders with one and never know it".
Traditionally, Sparks, abductees and researchers such as Dr David Jacobs speak about a hybridization program involving Greys [and other ET races] whereby alien sperm/DNA are matched with human ova/DNA to produce hybrid children. In time, some of these children are then subjected to the same procedure once again; if matched with 100% Alien sperm/DNA then the offspring are more Alien looking but if matched with 100% human sperm/DNA they become more human looking.
In this film Sparks injects a twist into the abduction lore, by revealing that landing parties of humans, who were not born, raised or nurtured on this planet are brought here to intermingle with "what they are". Jake Gould likens this to "animals in captivity being returned to the wild".
"These humans are the result of [Earth human] ova and semen being collected here and incubated somewhere else," explained Sparks.
Jim concedes that he is not sure of the agenda in this specific case but that the Greys have many agendas and perhaps in this one, they simply wish to bring us along as we are.
Jim insisted that this film was not to be released before 2012.
drunvalo melchizedek has said in an interview that the grey race is a dying race due to their lack of heart/emotions and that the reason for the hybridization program is so that their knowledge may continue in this race with their brains and our heart. he also said that bashar is one of these hybrids that has come back from 300 years in our future with the message to 'lighten up'. bashar is channeled by daryl anka and if you have not watched any bashar stuff look him up on youtube. highly recommended!!