Job Positions available for all who wish to assist in the great enterprise...
Employer: Mother Earth
Hours: Whenever you can
Role: From the Heart
Remuneration: The unending treasures of all created existence.
Retirement Plan: Everlasting Love, Everlasting Peace and Everlasting Happiness.
Perks: Nothing to fear.
The creation of a civilization based on the principles of Love, Peace, Compassion, Kindness, Sharing and Caring and Equality .
Where the value and well being of human and animal life is placed before any kind of monetary, financial and economic system.
Where a great enterprise is undertaken to ensure that everyone in need has the necessities and comforts of life, where all the abundance of this wonderful planet is shared by all her peoples.
Where we are ever vigilant to make ensure that Justice and Peace fills the Earth. That the great tyranny and crimes committed by the human race against the consciousness of this planet never ever happens again.
Where the Consciousness of the Great Mother Earth is recognised and appreciated. Where there is no more plundering, raping and abusing of her body. In gratitude and thanks the human race act as custodians of her treasures, guardians of her creatures and gives back to her in equal amount to what it takes. Through love for this wonderful planet and each other, may we live in harmony with her and thus with the greater universe.
The transformation of the current civilization, where the darkened eyes of humanity may be opened to what is directly in front of them and to which most are almost completely blind, being under the boot of tyrants. That we are surrounded by sea of love through which flow gorgeous planetary energies of such breathtaking splendour and beauty and exist in a universe that is on fire with infinite wonder and joy. Which exists and was created out of the void as a divine expression and celebration of Love.
Transmit your application by making a heart connection to Mother Earth.
i have spent my whole life in this work and shall contuine to due so Love and Light Kitty
Lovely...from the depths of my heart ........gratitude
It is in gratitude do I apply.