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John Lennon was murdered on 12/08/80 in New York, NY at 10:49 PM. This was the time documented as the "drop off" of clients John Lennon and Yoko Ono at the Dakota, recorded by the limousine company.

I remember that portion of 1980 well. Ronald Reagan was just elected U.S. President in November of 1980, and was bringing in "a new broom" (remember that phrase from "A Clockwork Orange?") The new State Department would be run by Alexander Haig, a man who believed in "the domino theory" (i.e. if one foreign nation falls, then so will the others next to them). The early 1980's would feature some of the most brutal murders ever imagined taking place in Central America, especially in El Salvador. Singer Steve Miller wrote about these murders with a song called "Macho City."

According to Fenton Bresler, author of "Did The C.I.A. Murder John Lennon?", Lennon was about to make a major return to the music scene. This would be a problem with the new Reagan Administration, and this was largely due to the new U.S. stand on increased use of defense with foreign policy, especially in Central America. Catholic Archbishop Romero in El Salvador was murdered, and reportedly wrote to exiting U.S. President Jimmy Carter in 1977 with a warning regarding large sums of money being used to finance major riot prevention (i.e. death squads) in El Salvador at that time. El Salvador was the home of a major computer chip manufacturer employed by IBM, and protection money was repotedly being paid to murderers. The Central  Intelligence Agency was reportedly financing mercenaries in El Salvador and in Nicaragua; the Nicaraguan mercenaries were called "The Contras" (and President Reagan called them "the moral equivalent of our founding fathers"). The Contras reportedly raped Catholic nuns with church music playing, and El Salvadoran death squads murdered protesters in El Salvador and gave the murdered victims "a haircut and a manicure" (the haircut was decapitation, and the manicure was cutting off of their hands. The heads and hands of the murdered would then be publicly placed in one large pile. This was in contrast to placing the body parts in the four corners of the country, which was done with an executed William Wallace of Scotland (who reportedly had a problem with local brides being taken away from their grooms (i.e. kidnapping) and then being raped by close friends of the British crown before their honeymoon took place). Destabilization and brutal murders were taking place in the Central American region during the 1980's, just like it was with Chile during the Nixon administration in the early 1970's (and the main henchman, Pinochet, went to jail in the end. Moral of the story: never trust the people who stand to benefit the most from a crime against society!!!)

Lennon reportedly like Ronald Reagan. They actually talked with each other during a break of a Monday Night Football game (involving the Los Angeles Rams) and shared jokes about living in Los Angeles (Lennon was reportedly living in L.A. at this time). But John Lennon was John Lennon, and he was about to be popular again with a new generation. Lennon was awarded a U.S. green card some years earlier, and was thus allowed to exercise that annoying and horrible First Amendment right, which he was not allowed to exercise in his native Great Britain (just ask John Lydon ("Johnny Rotten") of the Sex Pistols about their British-based hit "God Save The Queen:" it's the only #1 selling single in Great Britain that got ZERO airplay. Talk about getting away with something that would make elitist control-freaks go crazy in a super-nova way, and thus require super increased doses of Xanax!)

I remember John Lennon and his wife Yoko being interviewed by Playboy magazine a few months before his murder, and sales of this magazine was reportedly good (and it was a rare time to watch men and women buy this magazine for this article, instead of looking at the pictures). Rolling Stone was going to do a front-cover spread on Lennon and his wife in the next few days after 12/08/80, along with a review of their new album "Double Fantasy." This album was reportedly doing well on the charts, along with his single "(Just Like) Starting All Over." Lennon was reportedly in a very, very good mood on 12/08/80. He was about to be part of the scene once again, and this probability of success was immediately eliminated by somebody with a history of being commited to a state hospital with federal government connections and affiliations.

Sean Lennon, son of John Lennon, believes there was government involvement with his father's murder. He stated his father was "a revolutionary" who believed in peace, and would not have approved of what would unfold in the years to come. Interestingly, his mother (Yoko Ono) stated in the Playboy interview that she believed the 1980's would be beautiful. John and Yoko were serious with a positive message for the 1980's; Lennon reportedly felt good about Reagan. I don't know if this was due to his Monday Night Football chat with Reagan, a genuine belief in pushing a positive message (which was really needed at that time), or the  result of awareness with the proposed changes in the tax code (in the early 1980's) that were a part of Reagan's "trickle down" economic policy (and which also would strongly favor John and Yoko's income bracket. Yoko was reportedly very good at analyzing U.S. tax policy per U.S. Tax Code statutes and U.S. Revenue Rulings, and she did triple John Lennon's net worth during their marriage).

I unfortunately remember the 1980's as the start of baby steps for increased government control over human behavior. Secretary of the Interior James Watt  introduced urine drug testing for all federal employees for the first time; the backlash to this was intense at that time (I remember people offering drug-free urine at that time, which you can't do today due to temperature considerations with testing). Interestingly, James Watt belonged to a church that believed (with Armegeddon coming) we had a right to pillage the earth for anything regardless of the consequences (isn't Sarah Palin a member of a similar church?) I also remembered the mainstream media fueling hysteria against gay people and IV drug users regarding the outbreak of AIDS in certain U.S. regions; these regions happen to have openly gay politicians who couldn't be blackmailed (unlike a closet-gay named J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover was reportedly blackmailed by the mafia in the 1950's and 1960's. Note that these were golden years for the mafia in Las Vegas and pre-Castro Cuba).

The 1980's that followed Lennon's murder featured huge financial incentives being pushed on U.S. business to participate in a financially-loose U.S. defense policy. This would lead to the first federal budget deficit to feature a whopping 11 zeros following the dollar sign ($) at that time, and people today still don't know how to write the number "one trillion!" There were scandals in the 1980's that involved serious financial waste with defense spending. This included $100 ashtrays for military transport vehicles, as well as a U.S. Army tank called "The Sergeant. York." This tank was reported by the mainstream media as a complete flop and a failure, and had a very huge price tag being pushed onto the Pentatgon for purchase at that time.

The Watergate scandal forced an early exit out of the Vietnam War, and this cut directly into the profits of military weapons manufacturers (and the international banks that financed their growth). Ronald Reagan was going to bring that level of defense spending back, along with a group of hangers-on's that consisted mainly of caucasion followers who never served a day of their lives in the U.S. military. But they reasoned to people (who had served in the military) that "someone had to be there to give lip service to others 'less worthy' in order to get things done," and this lip-service was done in more ways than one (based on rank and privilege).

I remember the followers of Reagan, and they included a greedy group of elitist money addicts (mainly in the banking community), whose recreational activities included picking wings off of flies and then watching them suffer before they were squashed. Also included was a middle-class crowd that was mainly white, and an upper class that actually included a few black people (especially if they played professional football for the NFL). Reagan's middle-class followers looked like insurance sales personnel: neat trimmed hair, non-dangling earrings (with none of the men wearing earrings), very light makeup (with none of the men wearing makeup, unless they were on television), and white collar shirts with pin-stripe suits (which was (interestingly) the required dress code for IBM executives at that time). Reagan's followers pushed a message of "peace through strength," and they pushed this message with the belief that if you can hurt people in the worst and the most mind-blowing ways one can imagine (especially when compared to methods used by Pol Pot, Hitler, Castro, Stalin, Mao, and Vlad the Impaler), then world peace would immediately break out and reign supreme. This would also favor the particular government state or the state powers allowed by the media (and the banks) to use these brutal methods to "force peace" on the world. 

Mark David Chapman is currently serving a twenty-to-life sentence for the murder of John Lennon. He has been described by the media as "a lone nut" (which is now a worn-out description for patsies, and is now starting to sound like "a joke told twice"), as well as someone who was mentally ill and unfortunately had a gun (which is currently a phrase being placed on most veterans returning to the United states who happen to like keeping a pistol near their bedside. These same veterans were also forced via military contract to serve three or more tours in Afghanistan, Pakistan, or similar regions in that part of the world who were having doubts about the stability of the dollar. 

Chapman tried to commit suicide in Hawaii in 1977, and this was the same year a U.S. Congressional hearing report was released (on August 3, 1977) regarding an inquiry into the C.I.A.'s MK-ULTRA  mind control experiments. Chapman was reportedly admitted to Kahoehe State Hospital in Oahu, HA, and according to Fritz Springmeier, this hospital was reportedly connected with a U.S. Naval base and with U.S. Naval Intelligence. Springmeir also claims that U.S. Naval Intelligence was involved with mind-control experiments in Hawaii, and yes, U.S. Naval Intelligence does work hand-in-hand with N.C.I.S.  (i.e. the same organization featured on a slick cable television series that features some glamorized and hip-looking actors/actresses portraying N.C.I.S. agents. This show (like Sean Hannity's Fox show) has very little television audience viewership, but for some reason has stayed on the air for many years!)

If Mark David Chapman was involved in any MK-ULTRA experiments in 1977 (as some conspiracy theorists claim him to be), Kahoehe State Hospital was a perfect location with its' connections to the U.S. Naval Intelligence community. It was isolated from the mainland, but unlike other hospitals in Hawaii, it actually recorded the names of the individuals checking in (and this could shut up the Obama-birthers, except there are still no records of Obama's mother ever checking into any of Hawaii's health care facilities. But Mark David Chapman's name sure showed up!) Also note that Oahu is also reportedly a key listening post for the NSA.

The Central Intelligence Agency liked Hawaii a lot in the 1950's and the 1960's. It was made up of several islands, had a huge military presence, was isolated from the U.S. mainland, and provided a paradise-like atmosphere for indoctrination of new intelligence agency employees at the University of Hawaii (and yes, President Obama's mother and Barrack Obama Sr. would meet in a Russian class there). It was a perfect place to have a laboratory for contained experiments in inhumane areas of human psychology (especially in mind-control areas applied onto human beings. There is a possibility that some segments of the mainstream U.S. public may not like such experiments. But Hawaii was very isolated, and what the mainstream public doesn't know won't hurt them (unless they're someone like John Lennon)). Hawaii was also outside the reporting area and scope of current events coverage for the U.S. mainstream media. And hey, you can't beat the weather and the scenery.


Interpretations are based upon three key natal placements ( the Sun placement and two midpoints (Mars/Hades and Hades/Kronos)) applied to 12/08/80, 10:49 PM, New York, NY.


John Lennon's Midpoints Applied to Interpretations For 12/08/80:


The Sun = "The entity or the person itself; the physical body."

Mars/Hades = "Assassination; homicide; atrocity. Secret actions; occult rituals."

Hades/Kronos = "Crime police; great brutality; mean actions; wide-spread poverty; poor government. A key formula for the high level criminal or government-sponsored murderer(s)." 

Sun = "Artistic work and social affairs would be silenced and meet vicious hidden thoughts while making connections with the public."


Mars/Hades = "An unusual death or sickness resulting from forces of nature or involvement of steel metal and/or its action present; along with a disharmony of groups of people present and/or con artists present."


Hades/Kronos = "great deception or deceiving government personnel involved with warfare or armaments, and involved in mean acts or murder based on compulsions and convictions of certain ideas."


8110488693?profile=originalMark Chapman's Midpoints Applied to Interpretations For 12/08/80:


The Sun = "The entity or the person itself; the physical body."

Mars/Hades = "Assassination; homicide; atrocity. Secret actions; occult rituals."

Hades/Kronos = "Crime police; great brutality; mean actions; wide-spread poverty; poor government. A key formula for the high level criminal or government-sponsored murderer(s)."


Sun = "Violent breakdown or murder as a result of defects in thinking, serious thinking, or thoughts of death with a great force of power from the pupil/teacher (or change in government)."

Mars/Hades = "A fortunate action for a military organization or artistic creation from the fall of a leader or ruler (or odd character) and involvement of television in a big way or having an impact on world ideas or beliefs."

Hades/Kronos = "The soldier or active man with ideas and/or thoughts and being driven by machines or being fueled/powered by the surroundings."








Central Intelligence Agency Midpoints Applied to Interpretations For 12/08/80:

The Sun = "The entity or the person itself; the physical body."

Mars/Hades = "Assassination; homicide; atrocity. Secret actions; occult rituals."

Hades/Kronos = "Crime police; great brutality; mean actions; wide-spread poverty; poor government. A key formula for the high level criminal or government-sponsored murderer(s)."


Sun = "Information affecting the world in someway regarding an energetic leader (or warfare area) involved in a conflict (or separated from friends in someway) and is part of or related to some type of great deception (or having deceptive government involved) and affecting education, mental depth, and culture."


Mars/Hades = "The teacher (or student) involved with transformation of the body or structure, with such changes not noticed (or are secretive) and involve a mean action with others, or association with very secretive or atrocious groups of people."

Hades/Kronos = "Warfare armaments or an energetic leader involved with a great deception or deceptive government personnel; an all involved with a mean act having an affect on creative mentality, traditions, compulsions, or convictions."













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  • Respectfully , has anyone ever seen John Lennon in person? My apologizes if my question sounds awkard.

  • You know, I actually stood at the spot where Lennon got shot, it was pretty eerie. It's also pretty eerie how one man can have such an impact on the world...I mean Lennon was just one guy, like any other guy walking down the just goes to show there's so much more to people than what meets the eye.

    I'm not ready to go down this road yet, the CIA assassination road. I've seen interviews with Chapman, he says he was infatuated with Lennon...he actually said Lennon was just one choice he had in mind, he thought about killing other people, like Johnny Carson, Elizabeth Taylor, and others...but he ended up going with Lennon because he'd be easy to find. He said he did it because it was Gods will xD So I don't know about this article, it's a bit far fetched for me...I'm not ready to go there yet. I'm not saying these things don't happen, clearly Sirhan Sirhan was under some type of mind control...but, not every high profile murder is CIA MK Ultra lol

    I think this happened, for the same reason you have people throw their kids off a bridge because they say God told them to do's really a demon manipulating them. I think...the dark side did plan this..and wanted Lennon gone...but I don't think it was Earthly, I think it was dimensional dark beings who wanted that. That happens alot, I think most serial killers are kind of influenced by David Berkowitz was the clearest example of that. They just like playing around with people and putting out fear and terror...and taking out great lights like Lennon.

    • There is undeniable proof that the Central Intelligence Agency was involved with mind control experiments in Hawaii in the 1970's, and also that Chapman lived there at that time. Declassified documents prove mind control experiments took place in Hawaii. Unlike David Berkowitz, there is no proof that Mark David Chapman ever associated with a satanic group or an occult group (but there is documented proof that Chapman checked into Kahoehe State Hospital, which was an asylum for the mentally ill in Oahu that received federal funds for work with the mentally ill. It also happened to be next door to a U.S. Naval base engaged in intelligence work). These are the facts, regardless of how you felt at the spot Lennon was murdered.

      Please also note that Mark David Chapman claimed in a prison interview that he heard voices in his head "pop up" and started telling him over and over to kill Lennon when he emerged from his limousine. I don't think this was "God's will" anymore than it was "God's will" with having Sharon Tate getting wacked for being in a Roman Polanski movie that featured vampires. Chapman may have had an unfortunate serious mental illness, but the problem with this is that Hinckley used a Smith and Wesson .38 that fired five shots (and there were more than five rounds reportedly found at the murder scene which would not be explained for. This was eerily similar to the excessive number of rounds found at Robert Kennedy's murder scene).

      There is a significant number of high profile murders reported by the mainstream media that feature "lone nuts" that reportedly do 100% of the dirty work (i.e. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, Timothy McVeigh, John Hinckley). These "lone nuts" seem to always have a government component in their dirty work that the mainstream media (and local law enforcement) laughs at, calls incidental, and labels people who bring up such components as "conspiracy theorists,"  "untrendy," and "drinking too many soft drinks." I do believe that God works in mysterious ways, but not when there is a government in place that tells Joe Q. Citizen that corporations are the equivalent of U.S. citizens (because the Supreme Court says so) and key financial supporters of elected officials in our government (i.e. Goldman Sachs Investments) tell Joe Q. Public "we are doing God's work."

      One needs to go beyond a few mainstream media productions and read outside the lines of a mainstream media that glamorizes these well-dressed sociophobes that are (s)elected to public office and/or run powerful government agencies, especially ones with documented  histories of abuse of human beings. This includes analyzing the fine points and unanswered questions of important events like Lennon's murder. It may be this reason the mainstream media is dwindling in viewership; alternative media sources are calling their bluff and revealing their own investigation talent (which is also being labeled by the mainstream media as "conspiracy theorists," but hey: at least the mainstream media is "trendy.") 

      Stay trendy, stay safe. Unfortunately this is not the way if one seeks the truth.

      • I can just feel you poking at me, and I don't know why you have to do that, if you can't have someone disagree with an article you post, without having to get like that...well that doesn't reflect too well on you. And believe me...I'm probably the least trendy person you can imagine lol I don't follow trends at all. I don't even like using the term lightworker because it's too trendy. You're just injecting your own things into the situation that don't need to be there.

        I stand by what I said. There's not enough evidence to say it was CIA mind control, odds are more likely he was just manipulated by some demonic force. Not every high profile murder is CIA, or Illuminati. You try to connect dots that very well might not be connected. And you can do that if you want...and it very well might be true, but I'm not ready to go there yet, there's not enough evidence. Odds are more likely it was some demonic being manipulating him to extinguish Lennon's light. Simple as that.

        • Thanks for standing by your beliefs. That is definitly your God-given right.

          • 8116318256?profile=original

            In the world of forensics  Ed Chiarini has created this composite. Ed has over 20 years of experience. Forensics is the science of biometrics and DNA.  Ed specializes in ear ID and photo and video analysis. Keep in mind Ed designed the medical illustrations for the book JFK, by Robert Groden when he was 15 years old. This is the book the movie JFK was based on.  Ed points out the EAR ID is better then a fingerprint. The only thing more accurate is an eye scan; a retina scan or DNA analysis.. The image plate proves beyond a reasonable doubt; that in the world of duality; high level criminals play multiple roles.  In this case Rush Limbaugh plays the role of Karl Rove and Mark David Chapman...  This proves John Lennon was in on the fix.

            • And your point is....

              • False profits

            • Highest level of treason in the USA... Waco Texas Branch Davidian's exposed.  The fruit does not fall far from the tree!  In this case Julian Lennon is in on the fix,   The image composite includes Julian Lennon collecting money from the Angel Safe Foundation.   The little girl posing is none other then Julian Lennon's mother Cynthia; posing as the missing girl scam.


              • And your point is...

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