John Smallman - 10th Feb 2010

Thank your Father that it is only an illusion
02/10/2010 by John Smallman

As you wait expectantly to move into full consciousness,  be aware that you will not have to wait very much longer.  It is your Father’s Will and yours that you make this move back into His glorious Presence where you belong and where everlasting bliss awaits you.

The time you have spent in the illusion — although in truth it was but an instant — has indeed been long, at times seemingly endless as you suffered and wondered what its purpose was.  Slowly you have come to understand that the only purpose it served was the one you gave it.  From that it follows that when you remove its purpose it will be gone.  You have indeed used it as a hiding place from God, where you could play unpleasant, hurtful games, and consequently you have hurt yourselves and others, or so it seems.

You are eternally One with your heavenly Father, in His Presence at every moment of your existence.  What you have apparently been experiencing, during the briefest of instants when you thought you had separated yourselves from Him, is an existence of almost interminable length, filled with unanswerable questions and insoluble problems over which you have been arguing and fighting, or preparing to fight, in order to force unworkable solutions or insane beliefs on those with whom you disagreed.  And they have responded in a similar fashion.  It is totally insane because, apart from the fact that it is all an illusory, non-existent reality that you appear to be experiencing, what you all want to achieve is the same result – namely, safety, security, acceptance, and love.  Your disagreements are about how to achieve these ends, and because you not only refuse to cooperate harmoniously, as you easily could, but actively attempt to disrupt and destroy each other’s efforts, success is not an option.  Your only “success” is in observing or causing others to fail.

But as I have said, you are beginning, finally, to see the complete futility of continuing to behave in this fashion.  However, you are afraid to alter your behavior in case others take advantage of your peace-offerings and try to crush you.  Thank your Father that it is only an illusion, and turn towards His loving guidance so that you may awaken from your night terrors into the Light of His eternal Love.

It is only an illusion, but you have to intend to leave it, to awaken, because your free will means you can choose to remain in it indefinitely, suffering miserably and worrying anxiously about where it is leading you, and knowing that the situation will continue to deteriorate indefinitely. So, knowing this, as you most certainly do, please turn to the light, the flame of love that you carry deep within you, and follow it back to your heavenly home where your Father is waiting to welcome you.

As you turn towards the light you will become aware that what you imagined you could achieve by struggling determinedly in the illusion was never possible because it demanded anger, judgment, and condemnation of others, which they always returned. The only way home, as you are realizing, is to let go of that and embrace love and forgiveness.  As you do so, you will find yourselves increasingly at peace and without a need to attack others or to defend yourselves, and then you will find yourselves mostly in the company of others who behave in a similar fashion.  Those who wish to continue playing war games will drift away out of sight and out of your awareness, and you will suddenly realize that they too were illusions, because of course All That Exists is the Peace of God, which is where you are as you awaken in amazement into Heaven, which is the wonder and glory of your Father’s loving Presence.

With so very much love, Saul.

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