Shock and awe (but of wonderment). . .
04/18/2010 by John Smallman
As you await the advent of humanity’s move into full consciousness, continue to align yourselves with the enthusiastic energy your foreknowledge of this momentous event provides. By so doing, you intensify it enormously, making it far easier for others, who are less attuned to it, to become aware of it and add their energy and enthusiasm, further assisting in bringing this divine moment to fruition.
It truly is going to happen very soon, and your astounded amazement and delight when it does so — even though you have been expecting it — will be a joy to behold. You truly have no idea what a superlatively magnificent event it is going to be — it will knock your socks off! Shock and awe (but of wonderment!) is a totally inadequate expression to describe how flabbergasted even the most expectant of you will be at the moment when this phenomenal event occurs.
God’s Love for all of you is way beyond your ability to imagine or comprehend. He wants you fully awake, fully conscious, and eternally in His Presence to experience the magnificent joy that He creates for you in every moment. He knows that you have chosen to hide in your nightmare of an illusion, which you have filled with pain and suffering, and that you believe — as a result of your choice to hide from Him in that illusion — that He requires you to suffer expiation for sins you have committed which you think have gravely offended Him.
You just do not understand the infinite warmth of His all-encompassing Love for you. You cannot offend Him! He is infinite unconditional Love. That state could not exist if there was even the slightest hint or suspicion of judgment or condemnation, let alone a desire for recompense or punishment. God’s Will is for your eternal happiness —that is why He created you. This frightening game of separation, abandonment, and guilt, and its concomitant judgment of you as ungrateful and worthless sinners, is just that — a game. It is one that you have made and which you believe to be the true state in which you have your existence, and that the only way out is by offering Him your sacrifices and obeisance. You believe that if you grovel and shame yourselves sufficiently, He will accept that grotesque behavior as payment for your crimes, forgive you at the time of your death and allow you to enter heaven, or, alternatively, allow you to enter heaven after a suitable period spent in suffering and sacrifice in purgatory —perhaps!
And so, when you are not fighting or punishing each other, you continue to grovel and beg for His mercy, sometimes even pointing to others you believe have offended Him far more than you have, as being more appropriate targets for His divine wrath!
How often do you have to be reminded that you were all created perfect, in His likeness, for all eternity, and that you are permanently one with Him in a state of harmonious perfection. Sin, suffering, sacrifice, judgment and condemnation are pure figments of your collective imagination that you have placed in the illusion with you because of your belief in your sinfulness and guilt at building this illusory environment of separation from Him — where nothing exists or could exist.
Be in joy! You are perfectly safe, divinely loved, and you will awaken from your appalling nightmare into the wonder and the glory that is your heavenly Father. With so very much love, Saul.
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