Humanity's move into full consciousness will be a most glorious event. Ever since your apparent separation from God many eons ago, you have been seeking your way Home. At that moment, as you separated from Him, it seemed that you had moved infinitely far away, and this was a great shock. However, you thought it would be just as easy and instantaneous to return to Him should you wish to do so, and you continued to build and explore your illusory reality. As time passed there, you became increasingly confused and bewitched by what you had made, until almost all memory of your true divine state was forgotten — you were, it seemed, absorbed into the illusion as tiny, insignificant, powerless beings, and you became lost and terrified.
It was not a pleasant state of affairs and you used your imaginative capabilities to try to build some beauty, order, and sanity into a non-existent and insane nightmare. This enabled you for a time to deny and repress your terror, and to build temporary environments that seemed relatively welcoming and safe. But underneath that sense of safety your anxiety remained, and the more you attempted to suppress or ignore it, the more intense it became. Finally you began to invent gods whom you could blame for your pain and then attempt to appease, in the hope of release or escape from that grim reality.
However, when you apparently split from God, He could foresee the pain and suffering that you would experience, and He installed within you an inextinguishable flame to light your way Home when you finally recognized and admitted to the intolerability of your situation. This flame within each of you, which you refused to see or acknowledge for so many eons and instead attempted to hide or destroy, is once more apparent to you. As you search for a meaning in your lives — a loving god to embrace and accept you, and an escape from the unending succession of events that cause you so much pain and suffering — the brilliance and clarity of this divine flame intensifies, encouraging you to dig it out from the trash and debris under which you tried to hide it. It is divinely alluring, and quite irresistable. There is no way that you can refuse to acknowledge its presence within you or continue to ignore it because it is God's Will that you awaken and experience the unbounded joy of eternal life in the glorious beauty of His perfect Presence where nothing else exists. Life is infinite joy — always — and it is always His Will that this be your experience.
All that you have to do is release your resistance to His Love and open your hearts to receive It and then share It indiscriminately with all your sisters and brothers — all of humanity, without exception. You have all the talents, all the tools, and all the motivation you require to do this; you need only acknowledge that this is indeed your will, just as it is the divine Will. . . and it will be done!
So stop distracting yourselves by judging and blaming others for your apparently unsatisfactory and unhappy lives. Open your hearts to that abundance of Love. Forgive yourselves and all others for the suffering you appear to be experiencing, and allow that suffering and the resentment that accompanies it to dissolve back into the non-existence from whence it appeared to come. Then . . . ecstatic bliss will enfold you for evermore.
With so very much love, Saul.
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