John Smallman - 28th November 2010

The awakening is a done deal

Dear John, as you sit writing, our messages become more meaningful for you because you are increasingly allowing your heart to open to accept and receive God’s Love, as are all those who read these messages .  This helps you all to release the blocks or barriers to divine Truth with which you have fenced yourself in because of the fear that the game you are playing has instilled in you.  This fear is based on the illusory belief that you are a sinner who is completely unworthy of love, especially the divine Love of God.  God, as I keep telling you, created you in Love as a perfect being and as an essential part of Himself for all eternity.  Nothing can change what God creates, and everything He creates is perfect. That is the divine Truth and nothing else is possible.

Your fears are therefore groundless; you are perfect because God is your Origin.  The games you chose to play in your illusory and nightmarish environment are completely at odds with and in opposition to Reality, where you have your eternal existence.  The insanity of the way you live and experience life as you play these unpleasant games is not hidden from you.  You do see people living lives of love, contentment, and cooperation who are peaceful, happy, and uplifting to hang out with, but because of your belief in your games of loss and suffering you find it almost impossible to imagine that you could live like that.  You believe that the world is far too dangerous a place in which to live in such a manner because it involves being vulnerable and defenseless which you consider a most irresponsible way to live.  And yet you admire and envy those who have the courage to do so!

However, living as a loving presence, without judgment and with acceptance of life as it presents itself to you, requires no defenses, and your vulnerability is in fact an openness to the field of divine Love in which you are eternally immersed and of which you are an essential and irreplaceable part.  And so is everyone else, without exception.  It is only your fear and judgment, your belief in separation and the illusion, which seems to divide you into warring factions, whether within families or between nations.  When you fear one another you are tempted to attack before you are attacked, and in an environment like that fear flourishes and intensifies, leading to hasty, inadequately considered actions that make mutual trust inconceivable.  This is demonstrated to you constantly as your media spends its time seeking and finding the evidence of attack and betrayal it needs, worldwide, to confirm all your worst fears.  What you seek you find!

So be the peace and the Love that you truly are.  By so doing you demonstrate the incredible power that you are and that flows through you into the divine energy field that envelops and influences everyone. The more time you spend being what you are, the more peaceful and satisfying your life will become, because you will be moving positively and inexorably towards awakening into full consciousness.  Many of you are doing this already, and as your numbers increase across the planet, the effect that you are having grows exponentially.

The awakening is a done deal.  It is going to happen and you are all essential participators in the awakening process, even though you may be completely unaware of it as you live your daily unawakened lives.  Deep within everyone knows this, because it is divine Knowledge placed there by your Father to ensure that you could not forget Him and be unaware of Him permanently.  And very many who seem to be living unaware lives are sensing that something of great importance is about to happen.  So if you have friends or loved ones who appear to be unaware and are unwilling to be informed, know that this is not an issue that you need to deal with by trying to persuade them or convert them; all are divinely taken care of.  Just be yourselves by demonstrating peace, acceptance, and love in your daily lives, and leave the details to God in His infinite Love and Wisdom.

With so very much love, Saul.

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  • Be glad that you can read Sauls messages and feel as if they offer you nothing. That is an indicator that you are already a very advanced being. There are those who these messages would have a profound effect on. There is no need for criticism of something as untruth just because you see no value in it. It may indeed be the very thing someone else needs to hear.

    Celebrate the wisom in waiting for the others to catch up to your mighty high states of understanding. You may know someone on FB for example where a message like this would be the perfect thing to say.

    Peace and Mangoes! CC
  • Saul's messages are nice but it seems that I already know the content of his messages even before I read them. They are all the same and nothing is new.
    • Yeah same here..
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