John Smallman - 5th December 2010

Integrity and honesty achieve results that can never be attained through confrontation.

When you realize what it means — truly understand what it means — to know that you are the perfect, divine children of God, who are loved infinitely and unceasingly by Him, the ecstasy of that comprehension will totally bliss you out.  In the illusion, as humans, there is no way that you could imagine in any meaningful fashion what that means.  The severe limits your human form places on your abilities as divine children of God is stultifying. Nevertheless,deep within you the flame of God’s Love burns continuously, and although you have attempted to bury it under enormous amounts of detritus — the distractions of the illusion — you are unable to hide it completely.  Consequently, you cannot avoid occasional glimpses of that wondrous flame as the garbage under which you have tried to bury it shifts and slides as you seek further illusory distractions.  These brief glimpses are all that is necessary to prevent you from completely forgetting who you are.

You are divine beings, deeply asleep, attempting to awaken as your nightmares try to seduce you into believing that the illusion is real, created by a harsh judgmental god who placed you in it and watches, almost with contempt, your futile efforts either to placate him or to avoid being punished by him. What an insane belief that would be, and yet many of you have bought into it.  Fortunately, the divine flame within you is inextinguishable, and it will burn through all that detritus so that you will have no option except to acknowledge it, recognize it for what it is, and allow it to show you the way out of the illusion.

You can refuse to follow it; you have been doing so for eons.  But your disillusionment with the imaginary reality, which you built to play games in, is intensifying as the pain and suffering that you are experiencing there goes on and on.  And remember that because you are all one, you do, at a deep level, feel the pain of all humanity, even if you are not personally suffering.

No matter how many wise beings attempt to change the system within the illusion so that all are respected and honored, their attempts will always fail because you built the system to fail, by making compromise and secrecy, fear and mistrust essential pillars of the philosophy that supports it.  When you see these wise ones failing to achieve any meaningful changes, it is very disheartening for you, and you frequently blame them for not forcing through the changes that you believe are needed.  However, in your separated state there are many points of view, each insisting on different solutions to the many problems, and this seems to prevent or make it impossible for any hope of wisdom and cooperation among you to bring about the peace and harmony you are so desperately seeking.

Nevertheless, these efforts of the wise ones are intensifying your growing awareness of the need for great change in your attitudes and in the way you live your lives.  You see that they do manage to achieve some temporary improvements because of the honesty and integrity with which they strive, and it demonstrates that integrity and honesty achieve results that can never be attained through confrontation.  By their efforts they have shown that turning to the ways of the Light does work, for this is what they have done; and this encourages many more of you to follow their example, instead of surrendering to the belief that creating meaningful, permanent change is impossible.

You are awakening to the realization that moving towards the Light of divine Love within you, instead of trying to do the impossible and extinguish it, will lead you out of the illusion and into Reality, where all your dreams of peace, harmony, and joy will bear the most magnificent fruit for your eternal happiness.

Those wise ones are continually showing the way out of the illusion by following the light of honesty and integrity burning within them, and although, from the material viewpoint encouraged by the illusion, their achievements may seem meaningless, you can clearly see the peace and serenity in which they live, by being true to themselves as divine children of God.  More and more of you are following their example, for the tide has finally turned; wisdom and integrity are being increasingly demonstrated, and it is this that will dissolve the illusion, bathing all in the brilliance of God’s divine Light.

With so very much love, Saul.

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