02/07/2010 by John Smallman
Laughter, as I have said before, is excellent medicine. It has great powers of healing and rejuvenation. You have all seen it in children, when a child is crying unhappily, curled up in your lap, in a chair, or on the floor, and is suddenly distracted from his misery by something that amuses him. His mood and posture change instantly, and he is suddenly laughing out loud. The change in his energy field is instantaneous and remarkable, and it brightens the energy fields of those in his presence. Laughter is powerful and miraculous.
Open yourselves to it by relaxing, and taking life as it comes, and by letting go of intensity and seriousness. In almost every moment you can find something amusing, something to make you laugh. Nearly all of you receive jokes by e-mail. Obviously some are funnier than others, and some you will have seen before, but the point is to open up to humor and realize that your choice to believe in the illusory reality in which you appear to have your existence is really very funny!
You are eternally in the Presence of God and are One with Him, where there is always infinite joyful bliss, and yet you choose to remain asleep, dreaming nightmares in the illusion, where you experience pain and suffering in myriad forms. And because of your personal experiences — painful, heartbreaking, unfair — you blame others or God for your misery. If you were not undergoing such unbearable suffering, because of the insane choices and decisions you continue to make in that insane illusory reality, it truly would be very amusing.
It is time to wake up. You have suffered far too much! Why do you continue to embrace the catastrophically painful illusion where you spend your time judging, condemning, and punishing one another in endless attempts to relieve your own suffering? To awaken, you need to let go of self-righteousness. Every one of you has an ego, a sense of separate personal identity, which is forever judging others as wrong because they are different from you. Even those you claim to love dearly, you judge! “Our relationship would be perfect if only you would . . .” “. . . if only you would not . . .”
While each individual sees himself as mistreated and misunderstood — as most of you do to a greater or lesser extent — he will spend most of his time defending himself or attacking others. It seems to him to be the only way to protect his identity, which he assumes is firmly anchored in his personal beliefs, and without which he feels he would not exist (a very scary thought!). But this is not the case. What a person thinks of as himself, and indeed what he sees as the identity of others, is in fact an agglomeration of distracting attitudes and masks that hide, distort, and cloak the perfect and beautiful being that God created.
You are perfect. God created you, so that’s it! No other possibility exists. What better reason could you have than that, to laugh out loud? God created me perfect! Wow!
When you realize this and accept it — as you will and must because it is the divine Truth — how could you not burst out into relieved, unrestrained, and delighted laughter! You are infinitely loved, you are flawless, faultless, perfect. All your thoughts, your impressions, your perceptions, and your assumptions to the contrary are WRONG! The only hell is the illusory one that you yourselves made and tried to convince yourselves was where you belonged. How insane!
You are, always have been, and always will be the infinitely, divinely loved, perfect children of God, trying to find your way back to the home you have never left. Why? Because there is nowhere else…nowhere you could have gone. Stop rebuilding the painful illusory nightmare, listen to your Father calling you, and awaken with joyful laughter into His loving Presence.
With so very much love,
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