so over the past 4-5 days i have been extremley tired. on my one day off i had to just lay in bed the whole day... along with that i have been feeling extremes in my emotions. strong feelings like i want to "go home" extremley happy in a part of my day and extreme lonleyness and sadness in another part of my day. hopefulness and frustration. my dreams have been just nuts latley when i can remember them.. and when i do or dont i feel like i havent slept. my dreams have always been very vivid and strong. but this time right now seems different???
i know i chose to come here and complete my mission and i feel im on the right path.. and im also usually very even keel kinda gal, but whats going on inside me is quite different. kinda like i feel "something" is going on if you all know what i mean.
anyone havig these feelings?
or hae an explination as to what is going on??
thanks all.
maybe, now that I think of it, global mass thought-forms, somehow, and its effecting all of us, or the most sensitive the most etc