Jupiter Ascending: Is This Movie Telling Us The Truth In Plain Sight?

Jupiter Ascending and the Harvesting of Humans During Ascension: Is This Movie Telling Us the Truth in Plain Sight?

via OmniThought

It has been known by many spiritual teachers that humanity is in the process of going through a dramatic shift in consciousness. This special event is often referred to as ascension. Ascension can be a confusing topic to talk about, because there are many different versions of ascension. This article will explore the ascension process beyond religion and the New Age and expose some shocking things about ascension and the movie Jupiter Ascending.

What is Ascension?

The word ascension comes from the Latin word ascensionem, which means “a rising.” It also comes from the noun of action from past participle stem of ascendere, which means “to mount, ascend, go up.” Based on these definitions, ascension means “to go up or riseThe

Ascension is not only a spiritual process but is also a scientific process that utilizes the Laws of Nature to assist spiritual beings to evolve back to the Prime Creator. This process allows all spiritual beings to eventually evolve and ascend out of time and space to re-emerge with their higher identities of pure consciousness.

The process of ascension involves raising the particle pulsation rhythm of the body, allowing the body to absorb higher frequency into its morphogenetic field and therefore increasing its frequency. The more accurate term for this process is frequency accretion. This process causes our bodies to become lighter and less dense. It also causes our consciousness to expand and therefore allowing us to ascend to higher levels of consciousness.

This version of ascension is often contradicting to what is taught in most religions. This is because most, if not all, religions are controlled by the Dark Forces, especially the major religions of the world.

Why You Should Be Wary of the Religious Versions of Ascension

Every religion throughout the world has its own version of ascension. For example, some religions teach that only the chosen people can ascend or that only the Prime Creator can make someone ascend. Other religions (i.e., the New Age) claim that extraterrestrials (ETs) are coming to save us and help us ascend.

In Christianity, it is taught that Jesus will one day come from the heavens and save his people and bring them back to the kingdom of God. With so many different versions of ascension, how do you know which one is correct?

From many years of studying esoteric knowledge and the ascension process, I have discovered that at the deepest level religion is nothing more than a tool created by the Dark Forces to enslave our minds and souls. The idea that a messiah or some alien race is coming to save us is a psychological operation (psyop) created by the Dark Forces to keep us living in a state of mental slavery.

If you want strong evidence that religion is a tool of enslavement, study the symbols of secret societies and you will eventually see these symbols in churches, religious temples, courtrooms, and government buildings. For example, the cross symbol is not really a symbol of Christianity. Instead, it is a masonic symbol used by the Knights Templar and the Jesuits.

Here is an excerpt from my seminar titled Ascension and the “Forbidden” Secrets of Religion about the origin of the cross symbol.

The cross was used as a religious symbol in ancient Egypt and Babylonia long before the existence of Christianity. In Babylonia, the cross was used as the symbol for the god Tammuz. Certain archaeologists believed that the cross originated from the cross of the zodiac.

The secret society that uses the cross as its main symbol is the Knights Templar. Today, you can find this same cross on the walls of churches or on the top of their roofs.


One thing you need to know about secret societies is that they operate like street gangs. When secret societies put their symbols on churches and government buildings, they are telling you that those buildings are their properties and territories, just like how street gangs mark their territories with gang signs.

Another thing you should know about secret societies is that they are made up of good and bad people; unfortunately, it is the bad people who are usually in charge. This still does not change the fact that secret societies are basically organized gangs. Unlike street gangs, secret societies are much more organized and powerful, which is why they control countries instead of city blocks.

Because nearly all religions were created and are still being controlled by secret societies, it is wise to question the teachings of every religion as much as possible. For more strong evidence that secret societies control nearly every religion of the world, read my empowering article titled The Symbolic Codes of Jesus and Christmas.

Are the Dark Forces Planning to Use the Ascension Process to Harvest Humans?

The idea that the Dark Forces (groups of demons) and their minions (the Controllers) have been planning to harvest humans to use them as a food source during the ascension process is not a new idea. For the last year or two, I have been searching for strong evidence to back up this claim. So far I have not found any irrefutable proof that humans have been harvested to be used as food. However, I have found some evidence that points toward that direction and I do know that we are being used as “batteries.”

The following content in block quotation is extracted from my fourth seminar titled Word Magic and the Power of Words. It explains in greater details as to why the Dark Forces may be planning to harvest humans during the ascension process, which is supposed to occur near the end of this age.

One of the things you need to know about the Dark Forces (groups of demons) and the Controllers is that they like to tell you what they are doing to you or are planning to do to you in movies and TV shows. In the movie Jupiter Ascending (2015), there is a scene where Titus shows Jupiter a room filled with thousands of vials that contain youth serums.

By drinking the youth serums, it allows Titus and his race to live for thousands of years. What was shocking about the serums was that they were made from harvesting hundreds of dead humans. Could this be the ichor or the “golden blood plasma” that the Greeks used to talk about?

The golden blood plasma, which is believed to have organic monoatomic gold in it, could be one of the main reasons why the Dark Forces and the Controllers have been promoting the idea that alien gods will come save us or that the Rapture event will take certain people back to God. Keep in mind that when a religion refers to God, it is not always talking about the Prime Creator. A lot of the time, it is referring to the alien gods of good or evil.

The word Rapture is connected to the Latin word raptus, which means “a carrying off, abduction, snatching away; rape.” Therefore, the deeper meaning of the word Rapture is snatching or abduction. Christians who believe that they will be raptured to heaven have been deceived by the Dark Forces.

If the evil alien gods are after our golden blood plasma, then the ascension process that we are currently going through would be the best time to trick us to agree to be harvested from the Garden of Eden/Eatin’. They need to trick us because they need our CONSENT. If they were to take us by force, they would violate the Law of Free Will.

To overcome the problem of violating our free will, the Dark Forces like to use spiritual contracts to trick us to give up some of our free will. If you had signed a spiritual contract or agreed to participate in a religious contract (i.e., baptism), you can void it by saying that the contract is now voided and the Prime Creator is your witness. Keep in mind that the birth certificate is also a spiritual contract.

If it is true that the human body can produce more organic monoatomic goldduring ascension cycles, then it would make sense that the evil alien gods would use the ascension process to trick human beings to agree to go with them. Maybe this is why ascension is sometimes called the harvest, as stated in the book titled The Ra Material.

A word that gives us a clue to back up the harvesting of humans is the word fetus. Phonetically, the word fetus sounds like the term feed us.

After the fetus/feed-us is born, he or she is called a baby. The word baby is phonetically “bay-bee.” The word bay is defined as “a body of water partially enclosed by land but with a wide mouth, affording access to the sea.” Because you are made of water, you are like the bay. As for the word bee, it is a name used to identify flying insects that are known for producing honey.

Based on the two definitions above, the word baby (bay-bee) means a body of water that produces honey. Combine water and honey and you get the “golden blood plasma” that the alien gods need for longevity. More babies mean more golden blood plasma or “honey” for the alien gods. Why do you think a couple in a relationship called each other honey or baby? Because every human or baby/fetus/feed-us has “golden blood plasma” or “honey” inside him or her.

Below is an excerpt of the movie script Jupiter Ascending. This part of the script talks about the youth serum or nectar that allows Titus and his people to live for thousands of years.

Titus: Come with me.

Jupiter: What is that?

Titus: It has many names. Regenx, recell, nectar. There are various levels of usefulness and quality, but this is the most pure and most valuable solution made by the house of Abrasax.

Jupiter: Kalique came out of a bath.

Titus: Naturally, my sister didn’t explain what it is or where it comes from. It comes from people. Each unit is refined from approximately a hundred human beings.

Jupiter: What?

Titus: Your planet is a farm, Jupiter. There are thousands of planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an ever increasing demand for more time.

Jupiter: Are you saying you killed a hundred people to make this?

Titus: Not me, but…yes, someone did. Not unlike butchering a herd of cattle.

Jupiter: Oh, my God.

Titus: It’s all right. It’s all right. My mother went through a profound change at the end of her life. She felt exactly as you do now. But when she tried to do something to stop this business, she was murdered. I believe the same thing is about to happen to me because I began to carry out the work she started. That is why I hired Mr. Wise to find you.

Here is a screenshot of the scene where Titus gives Jupiter one of the youth serums to look at and told her that it was made from harvesting nearly 100 humans.

Jupiter Ascending Youth Nectar

Screenshot: Jupiter Ascending (2015)

Screenshot: Jupiter Ascending (2015)

Here is one of the trailers for Jupiter Ascending.

Jupiter Ascending – “Reign of Jupiter” Extended Look Trailer

How the Dark Forces are Getting Away with Their Evil Acts

One of the main reasons why the Dark Forces and their minions tell us what they are doing to the human race or are planning to do to the human race is because they do not want to violate the Law of Free Will. If they violate the Law of Free Will beyond a certain point, the Universe will send its cosmic forces to teach them lessons, which could destroy their empire. Some people refer to these lessons as karmic lessons.

By telling us what they are doing to the human race in movies, TV shows, music, and video games, they are giving us a choice and a chance to say no. One of the main reasons why they like to use these mediums is because most people do not take the messages broadcasted from these mediums seriously.

When we ignore their messages and choose to do nothing, it means that we do not really care about what they are doing; therefore, the Dark Forces can use that as an excuse to go ahead with their diabolical plans. This is how they are getting away with all the evil things that they are doing to us.

Once you understand how the Law of Free Will works, you will know that whenever the Dark Forces want to harm people or wage wars on other countries, they need the people’s CONSENT. Be aware that the act of being silent is considered a form of consent. It is called implied consent.

To not give your consent to the Dark Forces, you need to be aware of what they are doing. Your awareness is one of your most powerful spiritual powers for stopping the Dark Forces. When you are aware of what they are doing, you can say NO. If enough of us say no, the Dark Forces will have to back off. If they refuse to back off and take actions to harm us, they will have to deal with the cosmic forces of the Universe. All thoughts, intentions, and actions are known by the Universe and there is no escaping its laws.

If what I wrote in this section is hard for you to believe, watch the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen and you will see that the show predicted the September 11 attacks nearly 6 months before it happened. Was it a coincidence? When it comes to this type of thing, it is almost never a coincidence.

As described at Wikipedia.org.

The Lone Gunmen, a spin-off of the popular series The X-Files, is a television show that aired on the Fox network, featuring the characters of the same name. The show first aired in March 2001 and, despite good reviews, was canceled due to a drop in ratings.[1] The last episode aired in June 2001.

The debut of the show in March 2001, began with Byers’ father faking his death to uncover a conspiracy to hijack an airliner. The Lone Gunmen try to get to the truth of his supposed death and uncover the conspiracy.

One retrospectively relevant aspect of this pilot episode is that the airliner has been hijacked (via remote control of the plane’s autopilot) and, by the end, both Byers and his father have boarded the plane to try to stop the hijacking. Through the aid of the other Gunmen, they are able to regain control of the plane and just miss crashing into the World Trade Center with the airliner. This, of course, was before the actual September 11 attacks against the World Trade Center later that year.

The Lone Gunman, Pilot Episode (Air Date: March 4, 2001)

For a more detailed explanation showing the connection between 9/11 and the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen, visit this website.

The Solutions for Stopping the Dark Forces and Their New World Order

One of the first things you need to do to stop the Dark Forces is to remove your consent. A great way to do this is to write a declaration of spiritual freedom. By doing this, the Dark Forces will think twice before doing anything to you for the reason that they do not want to be punished for infringing on your free will and natural rights.

Another thing you need to do is to stop relying on a savior or a messiah to save you. Also, stop relying on the government to save you. Most of the government is controlled by the leaders of the NWO, which is why the government is corrupt. The savior ideology is a psychological operation created by certain secret societies to enslave your mind and prevent you from taking personal responsibility for your future.

Stop relying on the systems of the NWO and start building better systems to replace them. The NWO’s fractional reserve banking, political, and carbon-based energy system are all designed to control you and steal your wealth through the use of deceptive means. These systems can not survive without the people’s support, so stop supporting them and start supporting alternative systems run by the people.

Do not participate in the current voting system. In the USA, when you vote, you are voting for a foreign candidate who has committed treason against the USA. These politicians are actually agents of the NWO. The right to vote in the USA is a fraud. If you want proof of this, read this empowering article titled Why the Right to Vote in the United States is a Fraud.

The following video does a great job of showing solutions for stopping the NWO. I have had mixed feelings about videos made by Anonymous, but this video contains a lot of information that I agree with. I highly advise that you watch it so that you know how to create a better society for humanity. If the title of this video bothers you, do not worry because this video is about peaceful solutions for freeing humanity.

For other effective solutions for stopping the NWO, download or view the full presentations (PDF files) of my seminars and study the information in them.

via OmniThought


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