Just a compassionate Observation

As I come to understand more and more in this existence.. I realize that actions do not speak louder than the intent behind them.. for it is the intent that gives an action it's true meaning. This site is excellent for those of us that are trying to transcend and transmute our own lack of ever present benevolent intent. For it is through thoughts, where one's intent takes hold and once it is projected into action it manifests into that which we perceive as reality. Although perceptions of reality differ from being to being we must attempt to project our intentions through the light of unconditional love and absolve all fear ridden expressions from our thoughts. i notice that those that are reveling in the anger and invigorating themselves though projections of panic and disdain are so attached to the old conditionings that they find it difficult to transcend them. If one should use this site to project fear ridden information and fill their expressions with gloom and doom videos and the like then perhaps this site isn't serving as it should. The way to transmute the plaque of dirt in the soul is to always be in the joy of light in the joy of now in the joy of things your ego won't allow...opening the heart to higher expressions, transmitting to the world nothing but the highest of thoughts for the betterment of all. If one should choose to transmit banners of 'be afraid' expressions, then perhaps one should press stop and reflect about the true intentions of one's soul.. with all the disinformation on the net these days it is easy to see elements of such, infiltrate this site. I only send love and light to those that are still attached to the old paradigm. May we see the highest of manifestations. For We Are One! Just an observation.

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  • I would like to say something here.... especially since I have a son that is very much Autistic due to vaccinations.

    I think the overall intent this message portays is to be the wiser but not to let fear and anger into our hearts. It is one thing to post videos and posts on swine flu and chemtrails, etc... of course why not we want everyone to become aware... that is a very loving and respected thing to do for others. What we need to learn is to show our loved ones and all the people that surround us this information then guide them towards wiser decisions... or even action as Ann has stated. Nobody is intending for us to just lie down with peace in our hearts and love and light in our minds but rather to be informed... inform others... and stand together through love and light to prevail.
      • Of course ms. I think youve misunderstood my point. im not saying that one should ignore what is going on I am saying that one should intend what it is we desire. Things that are not in alignment with us disappear if one chooses not to participate. they disappear from our immediate perceptions. And the less we feed them the less affect they have on the collective consciousness. Just for the record i fear nothing or no one..I do not fear anything in this life. Not even the so called swine flu. And yes I am very aware of what they are trying to do with that whole matter. I would never accept such a vaccine nor any for that matter. And i would do the same as you to tell others about getting informed. What i'm really saying is that we have to as lightworkers be above the fray and educate others without spreading the fear they want us to spread. panic is the least of ways to transcend any of the lower vibrations. Quantum mechanics are at play and the universe pulses in an out of existence every four millionth of a sec. and it manifests through that which we project into the collective. So one has to learn to control the focus of our thoughts lest we manifest something we truly dont desire. as we have done for eons. But now it's the time to shift that focus and manifest the new era.
      • I agree with you on this Ann. Being and sharing everything that is love and light is nice, but I feel we as humans also have a responsibility to be aware of all that is going on around us even if it is less than lovely. An austrich with its head in the sand cannot clearly assess his options concerning his safety and is just a sitting duck. I am not saying we should fill this forum with doom and gloom, although I think it is also healthy to know the current world situation from all angles and perspectives to better know how to bring more light and love into any situation and share our ideas and options for co-creating a more love filled existance. I have learned the importance of transmuting fear into something useful and facing issues straight on. Just because something is unpleasant does not mean that it has no place being discussed here.
        • Well said..I am not saying that every perspective and bit of information available is not of value..of course it is..and one builds a better understanding on how to go about changing it by siffing through it all..Im not by any means saying that my perspective is the correct or incorrect one..all i'm saying is that the suffering is a part of it as well and one can be aware of the suffering and one can help those that are suffering and one can suffer if one chooses as well...but it is always best in my opinion of course..to choose otherwise..there are no victims..one chooses ones reality..so one can educate others and make people aware of things that are happening.. but ultimately it is their choice to accept that information or not..I am saying that it's best apporaching it as a "here's this piece of info you might find informative" as opposed to " run for the hills".
    • well said! and true!
    • Hey Ann..of course..one must become aware of all things that are going on..and act if it is called for especially if it is something that seems to be against your free will. And yes no fear just action or reaction.. but the reactions shouldn't come from being afraid but rather from not wanting to participate in that which is not in alignment with higherself. Sinister happenings have gone on since the dawn of time, but one mustn't fuel those intentions by becoming afraid. Its through the fear of survival that they control the masses. So as universal law decrees..one should intend what one desires and not focus on what one doesn't desire. law of attraction doesn't judge whether it's a malevolent or benevolent desire. It only manifests that which we focus on. So its best to be informed yet detached from that which we do not want to manifest within our circle of circumstances. Yes its best to be educated and take action but always remember the intention i would say. Meaning it is best to be pro-peace than anti-war or pro-health than anti-sickness that way one manifests through our creative powers that which one truly desires. Love and light!!
  • hey Ann I didn't mean to ruffle feathers or anyting the like..I realize whats going on..they are getting more aggressive so it's good to have your contingency plans as things unfold..and share the info with your peers etc..but ultimately they choose what they wanto experience.
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