My name is Victor, 26, Asian, live in Australia now. I came from a wealthy family, but was never happy, everything is just so wrong and not logical around me, and forcing me to adapt, so basically I separate myself from others except those ones I do find alike. 

Finally 2011 early July, a friend tole me this film called the secret that i have to watch and it will change my life, and indeed. I found out that law of attraction does work, all my worries fade away, and when i set up a clear goal, the road is build up for me straight up, all i need is to keep working, and i am now learning towards to become a music producer and everything is just on the right track. 

and ever since, i am looking for more spiritual growth kind of knowledge, and also learn alot from david willcock, his theory is very logical and seems supportive with science fact, where cultural history religion science link together, and finally i got to here. I hope this is where i seek my answers. 

First i need to know, how far i am from the truth

I now believe that god is not someone, its a conscious energy that creates everything, so basically nothing really exist in this world, this world is build to teach souls to learn their lesson of love. which also means that we humans are part of god since we are god's conscious and due to law of attractions, everything humans demand will come truth, n that's like power to create. 

The purpose of life is to live with any free will we demand, just don't infringe other's free will

Second, I want to know if its good to do drugs, and here i am talking about marijuana,  DMT. 

weed is something that i smoke from time to time, for creativity and for leisure 

DMT is where i found out recent, but a bit afraid to use it, i never experience anything close to this drug, it just bring your conscious to somewhere else (and i believe other dimensions, i been to place like 4D or 5D or in between where the world is like a bubble with many bubble inside its nothing u can ever imagine) with perfect detail and with feelings like death that you never experience but felt familiar, and all that happen in such a short time. 

I want to know taking psychoactive drug is good or bad thing? does it help or does it damage? (i am not addictive to any of the drugs)

and I really need the questions to be answer by the one that do knows, thank you~

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  • after reading all the reply, at first, i have no idea what to think or reply, its not like some very wise one come in n tell you what to do, its still gone back to the beginning of what i want myself, or my inner wants. After knowing the secret, i start to do anything that make me happy or things that make me feel that way, i believe that it is my higher conscious telling me enjoy more of the world, have no rules. but once i start to question myself is this me or its my higher self advice me to do it i get confused, i feel nothing wrong of the action of taking any drug, as long u understand what is it. some article says that different drug react as a key to unlock parts of the brain, some say its all about evil illusion that will make you lose yourself.

    Recently i also found myself as a indigo kid with ADD, which perfectly explains why i look at things very differently from others around me since i was a kid. the problem with this is that, i can't focus, i can't even meditate n count 30second in my head without thinking of some random stuff in my head. the lack of concentration really bothers me, currently i stable it by taking dexamphetamine, i prefer to do things naturally but i just can't do it in the normal way (or i just duno how). 

    oh, ya, and something i want to ask, sometimes when i close my eye before i fall asleep, i can see light, sometimes its bright, sometimes it kinda flashes, and turn into images of the nature, person, car, house etc, sometimes i can control what the vision is sometimes i can not, to enable the vision to appear clearly i must let go of my mind, if the picture gets clear and i focus on the image, its gone right away, or blurred. i treat it as a fun activity but is this have any good use?

    • There is so much to learn and to research it is super fun activity that is very satisfying.......lots of indigos are add or adhd and starseeds (some) have a chemical imbalance.....there is an add/ adhd diet that is used to help people who are add without the use of drugs....

       When the third eye opens it enables people to see across the globe, see colors, see in general, which is incredibly useful....I was even trying to see if I could remote view into heaven see beyond death....I like to think of the 'show' before bed the nighttime show...........Welcome aboard!!

  • Welcome! 

    It is important to ask like minded ppl if one is close to truth or not, but the most important thing is to know that all the answers you have inside you/ in your heart/ ask you higher self...not always easy to get these answers, i know...but you yourself and if this resonates with your heart and gives you a good loving feeling, it must be truth... 

    I personally would not use anything that would stimulate my consciousness externally like drugs because i think that  spirituality does not need a boost from outside (its artificial)...but thats only my own choice, doesnt have to apply for everyone.


  • Welcome :D !!!! 

    hope you enjoy it here :D !! 

    Love & Light

  • Hi,

    Firstly a warm welcome to you ...

    To your first answer ...

    Life is full of truth only we have to search for it .... and the Ultimate Truth is when you are one with Almighty ...

    till that time we are always far away from truth .... How close and how far is how you can define the deception of your mind .... else we are very near the Ultimate Truth ...

    Secondly ... Many of us agree that drugs are good for Spiritual awakening but frankly it is not Good ... even if you ae not hooked to it ... It has a slight effect on our brains that is not good ... the true ascension is only in absence of any drug of any kind ... it is mainly the mind that plays part and drugs ( of any kind ) always creates Disillusions and even if most recommend here I will always oppose to the fact that Spiritual progress can be attained by using drugs ...

    The main component in Spiritual progress is Virtues .... Develop completely as many Virtues you can in your lifetime and you yourself will know the difference .....

    Let Love, Light and Divinity Fill us All .........................

  • 8113664859?profile=originaldear victa,Welcome,blessings eve.

  • Get the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda-this is a fun site but you will get confused with the pseudo new age flying saucer philosophy-although I think the New Age is approach is liberating spiritually it's best to start with a Master to teach you the basics.  Good Luck

  • Welcome!!!

    when I started going through my shift I was reading BOOKS......

    some books I would recommend: Holographic Universe, Mysticism and the New physics and anything else that catches your eye and resinates with you....I started educating myself....I started researching aura colors and chakras and Jesus and moved from there....

    I was researching DMT......I was seeing if there where foods that where high in DMT, but for myself I would not take anything or smoke DMT....also yoga, martial arts, meditation....are great tools of the ages that have been used to cultivate higher states of consciousness....


    thank you, tentinyturtles


        "We have spoken here of God in terms Person, and we have used therefore the pronouns, He and His. Must it therefore be inferred that we are dealing with a stupendous Personality which we call God, and do we therefore belong to that school of thought which we call the anthropomorphic? The Buddhist teaching recognises no God or Person. Is it, therefore, wrong from our point of view and approach, or is it right? Only an understanding of man as a divine expression is time and space, can reveal this mystery.
         Both schools of thought are right, and in no way contradict each other. In their synthesis and in their blending, the truth as it really is can begin -- aye, dimly -- to appear. There is a God Transcendent Who "having pervaded the whole universe with a fragment of Himself" can still say : "I remain". There is a God Immanent, Whose Life is the source of the activity, intelligence, growth and attractiveness, of every form in all the kingdoms of nature. There is likewise in every human being a transcendent soul which, when the life cycle on earth has come and gone, and when the period of manifestation is over, becomes again the unmanifest and the formless, and which can also say: "I remain". In form, and when in manifestation, the only way in which the human mind and brain can express its recognition of the conditioning divine life, is to speak in terms of Person, of Individuality. Hence we speak of God as a Person, of His Will, His nature, and His form.
         Behind the manifested universe, however, stands the formless One, That which is not an individual, being free from the limitations of individualised existence. Therefore the Buddhist is right when he emphasises the non-individualised nature of Deity, and refuses to personalise Divinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Christian theology, embodying as they do the triplicities of all theologies, disappear also into the One, when the period of manifestation is over. They remain as One, with quality and life untouched and undifferentiated, as they are when in manifestation.
         An analogy to this appears when a man dies. Then his three aspects -- mind or will, emotion or love, and physical appearance -- vanish. There is then no person. Yet, if one accepts the fact of immortality, the conscious being remains! His quality, and purpose, and life are united with his undying soul. The outer form with its differentiations into manifested trinity, has gone -- never again to return in exactly the same form or expression, in time or space.
         The interplay of soul and mind, produces the manifested universe, with all that is therein. When that interplay is persisting, either in God or in man, we use (for how else can we speak with clarity?) terms of human origin, and therefore limiting, such is our present stage of enlightenment -- or should we say, unenlightenment? Thus the idea of individuality, of personality, and of form, is built up. When the interplay ceases, and manifestation ends, such terms are no longer suitable; they have no meaning. Yet the undying one, whether God or man, persists.
         Thus in human thought, preserved for us by the great Teacher of the East, the Buddha, we have the concept of the transcendent Deity, divorced from the triplicities, the dualities, and the multiplicity of manifestation. There is but life, formless, freed from the individuality, unknown. In the teaching of the West, preserved for us and formulated for us by the Christ, the concept of God Immanent is preserved, -- God in us and in all forms. In the synthesis of the Eastern and Western teachings, and in the merging of these two great schools of thought, something of the superlative Whole can be sensed -- sensed merely -- not known." (Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, p. 229/31)



    Here is a good reference to begin, my friend.  As for the marijuana, search the word here on the site and see the blogs and decide for yourself.  Good luck, and welcome :)

    The Esoteric Philosophy Homepage
    A comprehensive collection of articles on Esoteric Philosophy from various sources.
  • Welcome Victa

     Our spiritual Hierarchy or masters whatever you prefer suggests we keep our vessel clean. Free of drugs. I think they mean ALL drugs. This subject is a little controversial because everyone thinks a little differently about certain drugs like marijuana. Good luck with this one Victa. Namaste Brother


    Love and Light

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