I have been apart of this site for many years. It was my first point of call regarding knowledge, conspiracies and especially spiritual knowledge, which I thank Ben for this. I "woke up" and I would call this my awakening... I realised there is more to life (including things happening n the world around us today). If it wasn't for this site to give me an open education (positive/negative) I still would not be here today.


I have read and listened a lot and all I can say is... go with your feeling, intuition, knowing (whatever is your ah ha moment). Whatever does not sit well ( an inner knowing) then 'let that go and do what makes you happy or whatever you know you can do while feeling happy".

I was  born into a into a religion and when I think back .. it always felt like it wasn't right however, I was young and at that time was brought up with conditionings and belief systems  forced upon me by my parents. I would like to define what a "belief system" is... it can be a person telling you or you taking into account whether it is, by hearing/thinking the same thing over and over again and before you know it you have created a "belief".

Please be aware- thoughts are " electric' and emotions are "magnetic". Ever heard of the saying "you are what you believe" well that's about it.

So we are not just skin and bone....we are a lot more powerful then you know. if you think about electricity and magnetics it makes sense  (like the law of attraction). What you think you reap. BUT, what if your not thinking this and your a positive person, however, you are still attracting problems or similar patterns.... Australian's would say- "Same shit different shovel". So there you have a different person but a similar pattern? Be aware of patterns...


I want to share what I have learnt  in the last 17 years of my, you could call it, "self discovery" , at least, if I can give you a lesser time to move on, move up, ascend then reflect,and learn from then you may realise the people you have around you. My question to all are you are giver or a taker?

 Givers" are you willing to receive  just keep giving until you sit there and say no more. Until you are willing to put the boundary out there , whether friend or family.. it's your choice. There is no harm for you to acknowledge your time so this is not Selfish just you giving time to your self. 


Have a look at the type of people  you have around you? Are they "givers" or do they just "take"? What do you want, to live a happy life? There is nothing wrong with takers as long as do not blame them.

Remember, it is YOUR choice on what you want to experience.. NO BLAME.


I am a dominant left brained person but I have been learning to relax my mind which can be very hard sometimes. For me to do this I have to keep listening to "what relaxes" me and commit. I have found that by doing this intentionally has helped me so much. So, don't be hard on yourself as you know we are living in a society of "distractions" BUT instead just keep doing it.


Lets look at "belief systems" these are attached to emotions, think about it.  A thought is "energy" then comes your emotion "magnetic".  Sometimes we need to go to someone to help us "shift" the "energetic imprint"  of whatever the situation/trauma past/present which can become your past/present experiences also. Go to someone who works not just with thoughts but also on an energetic level.


No one can MAKE you feel like crap unless you choose too! It is your choice what you want to experience.....


We all need some help in some form, whatever rocks your boat,so if your just  thinking positive with love-Good Luck!


 P.S- Just positive thoughts is like baby formula, we don't all have the same immune system sitting on a shelf. We are all different in other ways.. no two are the same... I hope this helps.


"Don't always think it is  ALL  just about your thought". There is more to it than meets the eye!





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  • Thank you, so true.

    • Hi Happy Person,

       This is as basic as it gets. I hope that people will check this out and not think they have to go to a messiah for the teachings... Sound vibrations......




      • And if I am correct then a lot of teachers should (or would) be saying the same thing... Not, I can tell you this.. well then that is great but what are the tools to help people not just hear it.. It's great to hear what you should do but where are the tools to help you work on it?





        • If people are to grow spiritually then the leaders need to show how in lamens terms...and not profit out of this unless they are researchers (as they would use a lot of personal time).. as it is about growing spiritually to change the world in an energetic ripple effect...




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