peace_love_justice_sticker-r95db6556b5e14962a9d8655720a0d430_v9waf_8byvr_512.jpgWritten by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness

Justice is important for a lot of reasons, and one of them is that it’ll enable our society to practice forgiveness in a very big way. The collective vibration needs to lighten, and we need to be willing to lighten it ourselves by expressing the qualities of a new paradigm – forgiveness being one.

The cabal has done a lot to keep the old world in motion, but all of humanity is responsible for our planet’s condition.

If our collective vibration wasn’t as dense as it is, the cabal wouldn’t be able to get away with anything. If complacency hadn’t replaced the drive to hold government accountable for everything they say and do, we wouldn’t be in this unfortunate mess in the first place.

If we were in a different collective state of mind, the awful things that are allowed to happen wouldn’t happen. I think we can and should raise the planetary vibration by forgiving the forces who’ve worked so hard to dominate the rest of humanity, and when we’re able to forgive them, things will start drastically changing on this planet.

It’s essential that the cabal’s brought to justice for their crimes, but it’s also essential that we don’t adopt an old paradigm mindset when they’re held accountable. What will we change by adopting the mob mentality and grabbing our torches and pitchforks? Absolutely nothing.

If we aren’t willing to forgive the cabal, we won’t be able to create the changes we want to see. If our collective vibration remains where it’s always been, any changes we make to the manner in which this planet functions will only be temporary.

We have to change within if we want to see external change, and if we go down a negative road when the cabal’s exposed, our vibration will still be low and we’ll run the risk of another secretive, ‘elitist’ force arising that definitely won’t have our best interests in mind.

In my eyes, justice is one of the greatest catalysts to the restoration of our planet. The people don’t deserve to continue living limited and unaware lives, and we have the right to know about the awful things the cabal has done in an ultimately fruitless attempt at world domination.

We need to know these things, and however comfortable some people are with the limited version of reality that’s put in front of them, too many people are dying and suffering because of the cabal (whose reign certainly hasn’t ended) and the rest of the world could use a reality check.

Justice will obviously end the cabal’s reign and provide the reality check we need, but even though it’s very important, it won’t solely change our planet.

The actions we take after we’ve become aware of the cabal’s tyranny and control will be more important than anything else, and I’m confident that humanity will take the right path. We certainly have a ways to go before we can all adopt the loving and forgiving qualities that’ll see us onward, and I think a restored spiritual perception will boost our ability to forgive.

If it weren’t for the monumental effects the rising energy is having on our minds and hearts, I’d worry about the mindset most people will take when the cabal’s exposed. This energy can only do so much, though, and when the cabal’s inevitably exposed and dethroned, those of us who recognize the importance of forgiveness will need to do what we can to awaken others.

A lot of people will probably want to hurt the cabal and their families, and while I don’t want to say their leaders need or deserve protection (their victims certainly weren’t shown any mercy) I firmly believe that the things we do are monumentally important to the future we want to create.

Our ability or inability to be peaceful in high-pressure situations like the ones we’ll experience when the cabal’s exposed will determine our future. Even though I’m part of the crowd of seekers who believe we’re evolving into the fifth dimension, I’m comfortable saying that if we can’t be examples by forgiving the cabal, we won’t enter the future we advocate.

If we can’t express the divine qualities, forgiveness being one, then we won’t be able to create the positive future we want to create.

Forgiving the evilest force on earth is the first step to rooting ourselves in a new way of life that’s based on peace, love, joy, respect, and abundance, but we have to be willing to take that first step, no matter how difficult or daunting it could seem.

Forgiving the cabal will be pretty difficult when we learn about everything they’ve done to keep us in poor states of health and miserable states of consciousness, but no matter how hard it’ll be, we’ll have to do it. I’m not saying we should forgive them for their sake, because again, they’ve done a lot of really awful and heart-wrenching things.

However, like others have said, the cabal’s a part of our collective consciousness and, ultimately, they’re a facet of the creator. When we look down on them, we look down on our own shadow selves. Would you seek forgiveness if the darkest and most self-serving things you’ve done in this life were suddenly exposed and known by everyone?

Most of us have at least one skeleton in our closet, and very few people on earth are squeaky clean karma-wise. The cabal represents our collective shadow self, and to hate them for the role they’re playing is to deny the darker parts of ourselves that we’re more comfortable ignoring or sweeping under the rug.

I think it’s essential, both to our creation of a new world and our evolution into the fifth dimension, that we learn to see everything and everyone as a reflection of ourselves. This includes the cabal and everything/everyone else we’re comfortable hating.

The lower, astral forces that guide the cabal thrive on our negative energy. Can you imagine the banquet they’d receive if we pulled out the guillotine when the cabal was exposed? They’d gobble our negativity up and then hunger for more, and the surface of the earth would reflect our collective vibrational dip.

Instead of dipping our vibration, let’s raise it to new heights with the healing power of forgiveness. Forgiveness definitely heals, and in this case, it’ll heal much of the deeply rooted negativity that clogs the collective consciousness and makes a higher vibration harder to attain.

Forgiveness will heal this planet, and justice will be the catalyst to this healing. Feel free to think about this the next time you find yourself sending negative energy to the cabal, and remember – exposing them is much more important than hating them.

Hating them (or anyone else) will lower our vibration, whereas lovingly exposing them will provide the catalyst we need to start changing things for the better.

Wes Annac – Advocating a new path over the old, vengeful one that’s kept us at the level we’re on.

I’m a 20 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Aquarius Paradigm daily news site.

The Aquarius Paradigm features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.

I can also be found at Conscious Oneness, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Aquarius Paradigm), and Twitter.

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